Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (1 Viewer)

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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Interesting that your message came in the tv news scroll format. I've had some of those and heard Praying Medic mention the same. All three of us have come to understand this format as conveying important information.

There long have been rumors of FEMA (US Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps around the nation. While I've not seen one, I can imagine that it is possible. The stated reason is to house and feed people displaced by some event. Also, it is important to note that FEMA is part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which has broad police powers in this country. The State of New York has been trying to pass a law allowing people to be detained in "facilities" for some reason the State deems necessary. However, the proposed bill does not appear to be moving forward. So, from a physical and legal perspective, the events in your dream are quite possible.

However, the virus did not go as planned. Also, over the last two years, many in this country have come to the understanding that the "trusted people" were knowingly pushing lies. In the news, we are seeing items that were reported as conspiracies now being true. The latest example is our voting process being compromised by the Chinese government. Conspiracy one day and an arrest the next.

Then we have our Resident, who displays more and more signs of dementia and cannot be trusted to behave rationally. Some of his comments seem to invite war. Also, I'm starting to see comparisons of current times (Russia and the Ukraine) to the Cuban Missile Crises, which I recall from my childhood. As soon as I begin to see common threads in the lame stream news, I know something is up. The only thing left is radiation from a nuclear blast. Some states in the northeast of this country have pushed "what to do in case of radiation exposure". Also, it has been reported that the government has purchased massive amounts of radiation drugs.

Having gone the long-way around the barn twice now (lol), I'd put my money on the absence of a nuclear event. So glad either this or another disaster come out as "were going to happen".

Great message!
i think 3 nuclear events is enough for 1 million years or more, so i refer to hiroshima, the radiation cloud that traversed my country while outside vom tschernobyl or in that direction how written and the strange incicent in japan, + the push to close old centrals, i think we are near to learn from those things and let it go, now how to arrive at clean and safe energy that is not one day declared out of law
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - October 10, 2022

Through an interesting turn of events, I was led to memories of a difficult in time in my life. There have been a few, but this one is in the top queue. A circus was playing in my head, and although I knew better than go down the could-fave/should-have path, I was standing at the gate.

I asked the Sabian Oracle what these memories had to teach me, and got a wonderful answer.

This Symbol shows the rising of a new place, a place to be, a new country or somewhere to strive for a new life. It implies that you can find that extra spark to create a brand new, original opportunity. This pictures the beginning of something that holds enormous potential for the future. There is much work to be done developing this into something fertile and productive. A whole new field of activity is coming to light. What you have done in the past has led you to this, but these new beginnings need to be met with a fresh sense of purpose and possibility.
Enormous potentiality emerging. Sudden eruptions of talent or fields of endeavor. New trends and ways of being. Atlantis and ancient underwater cities. Foreign nations.
One of the big differences between now and then is that I have friends with similar beliefs and ideas now. I know we each are facing physical, emotional, and spiritual strains. World events are playing out in all of our countries in troubling ways. While we occupy our lighthouses far and wide, we feel and support each other, and join together in moving forward.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
This Symbol shows the rising of a new place, a place to be, a new country or somewhere to strive for a new life.
Would love to hear how this goes...
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - October 14, 2022

Morning Dream
Somehow I became aware of a loophole that would allow a new group to build homes on remaining lots in a subdivision. The catch was that the bid had to be submitted in a short time frame. Whoever had claim to the homesites had forgotten that their ownership was limited and open to anyone who was paying attention.

I got a group of people together to acquire the lots - did not know them personally but knew this particular group could do it. It was difficult to find enough people with clout, and who were not beholden to the developer. When I awoke, I remembered two of them - Kash Patel and Seth Keshel. (Each man is respected for their work in exposing the dark side of our government.) It was difficult to get everyone interested on this project because they were focused on their narrow field of expertise. Somehow it was coming together, and I awoke - a bit frazzled from making the deadline.

My Take
The homesites represent the hearts and minds of families - groups of people seeking a good life for themselves and their children. The fact that they were available showed how sloppy the developer was - maybe arrogance in assuming no one else would take that to which they laid claim.

The group that came together on this project are people who in this life are working to expose the dark side of how our world is operating now and share this knowledge with the regular people. Two things stood out - there was a short timeframe, and people with specific knowledge were figuring out how to work together to reach the regular people.

In my own world, I'm like a news aggregator for some and the nice, crazy, (and often right) lady to others. Like many of you, I've been figuring out so many things about how our world works over the course of several years. Today, the volume of info coming from different sources on specific subjects is too much for unaware people to grasp, so they go about their lives and try not to think about any of it. While the dream may not literally indicate these people people coming together, it may show how we can carefully package all the info. I believe this dream showed there still is a possibility to reach others.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
This dream has a particular place in my heart all on its own as I love the way people gather together within it to empower and beautify their own lives and community. And...

It has a feeling just like I had yesterday while speaking with someone whose recently become a friend and who was describing how some things I and a few others had talked about resonated within his own life and those of a few people he is close to. Then, how he is talking to other people about it and spreading the ideas of what works and is doable. He was describing how the information filtered in as we talked then dribbled into his awareness bit by bit, got filtered, analyzed, tested against known parameters and came at times in chunks at a time, gradually transforming things toward a far healthier balance for him and his loved ones.

He talks about he now has clear markers which let him know if he's out of balance and a clear sense of what to do about it, how it's a process and he's grateful to have the tools and markers. I was amazed to find out what effect our talks had had and how the news is spreading out from him; in some cases it sticks, in others it doesn't. Mostly I was amazed at how this person in front of me had transformed important parts of his perspective and life to find healthier balance in a way that is really impacting him and his circle but also, even more amazing, he has found a way to do this type of work for himself, test it and run with what works best. He's launched! ... toward something I can't quite name; I know it's something fabulous.

Yes, our discussions, sharing and efforts, even the by-the-way comments which come from a place of knowing, they really all do make a difference, whether we realize it or not. It's such a joy to get feedback where our efforts have landed and flourished!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
This dream has a particular place in my heart all on its own as I love the way people gather together within it to empower and beautify their own lives and community. And...

It has a feeling just like I had yesterday while speaking with someone whose recently become a friend and who was describing how some things I and a few others had talked about resonated within his own life and those of a few people he is close to. Then, how he is talking to other people about it and spreading the ideas of what works and is doable. He was describing how the information filtered in as we talked then dribbled into his awareness bit by bit, got filtered, analyzed, tested against known parameters and came at times in chunks at a time, gradually transforming things toward a far healthier balance for him and his loved ones.

He talks about he now has clear markers which let him know if he's out of balance and a clear sense of what to do about it, how it's a process and he's grateful to have the tools and markers. I was amazed to find out what effect our talks had had and how the news is spreading out from him; in some cases it sticks, in others it doesn't. Mostly I was amazed at how this person in front of me had transformed important parts of his perspective and life to find healthier balance in a way that is really impacting him and his circle but also, even more amazing, he has found a way to do this type of work for himself, test it and run with what works best. He's launched! ... toward something I can't quite name; I know it's something fabulous.

Yes, our discussions, sharing and efforts, even the by-the-way comments which come from a place of knowing, they really all do make a difference, whether we realize it or not. It's such a joy to get feedback where our efforts have landed and flourished!

Ive had something similar with someone I met couple years ago, I would tell her stuff which she admitted sounded crazy but she listened and told her daughter, much later she told me she would see or hear something and remark to her daughter that I had said that.
Since then she’s come along in leaps and bounds seeing things so clearly and discovered she is really intuitive and through the bits dribbled by her mum daughter is growing too.

Also a woman who works in the building where I live, although still doing everything to the book, i can see the change in her, shes listening and thinking.

Shows how dropping seeds bear fruit.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Waking dream today, I heard a strange name that I can’t remember other than the second name sounded like ‘ Tonuk ‘ it wasn’t that just similar.
Then I saw a girl or young woman and at the same time heard ‘ Alaska ‘
The woman was dressed in the type of warm clothing they wear out that way.
She had straight black hair parted in the middle, a round face and very black eyes, also round. I was particularly drawn to her eyes and kept repeating to myself ‘ alien alien ‘

I thought the dream had finished then noticed what looked like a child’s picture book looking UFO in the sky, it was the usual saucer with light pouring down from underneath.

Later in the day while musing this over i had the thought that she was of mixed race, part alien and part Inuit and that she was able to enter and leave the ship at will, possibly beaming up and down, sounds way out I know but that’s what came to me. and I m not surprised. by anything now days.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Later in the day while musing this over i had the thought that she was of mixed race, part alien and part Inuit and that she was able to enter and leave the ship at will, possibly beaming up and down,
As I read through your account, I felt this part before I read it. Other beings can come and go more easily among people who live with the land.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - October 20, 2022

I prepaid for items to be shipped from a friend to me. All arranged from my end, but everything went haywire on her side. She tried to sort it out to no avail. Then I tried to manage it with the same dismal results. So, I went to the local shipping store (where I first arranged the shipping) and talked to them. At first the clerk said he could refund the costs, but I said surely there is something that can be done to make this work because she receives packages, so we know the company goes to her house. Another clerk overheard it and agreed it was crazy that I was having this problem. So he used the super secret internal phone number to make the arrangements, and like magic, the package was picked up in a couple of hours.

My Take
We already are experiencing breakdowns in services - either not enough people to work or computer systems not functioning and no one available to fix them. I believe these situations will continue to escalate, as the mega-business systems fall apart. However, the good news in this experience is that two people could talk to each other and find a way through - on a person to person level.

I've written this message several times - It will be Ok if we stick together.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thursday - October 20, 2022

I prepaid for items to be shipped from a friend to me. All arranged from my end, but everything went haywire on her side. She tried to sort it out to no avail. Then I tried to manage it with the same dismal results. So, I went to the local shipping store (where I first arranged the shipping) and talked to them. At first the clerk said he could refund the costs, but I said surely there is something that can be done to make this work because she receives packages, so we know the company goes to her house. Another clerk overheard it and agreed it was crazy that I was having this problem. So he used the super secret internal phone number to make the arrangements, and like magic, the package was picked up in a couple of hours.

My Take
We already are experiencing breakdowns in services - either not enough people to work or computer systems not functioning and no one available to fix them. I believe these situations will continue to escalate, as the mega-business systems fall apart. However, the good news in this experience is that two people could talk to each other and find a way through - on a person to person level.

I've written this message several times - It will be Ok if we stick together.
To give another perspective: I got sent home after 1.5 hours at work today, due to not enough people calling in on the phone lines. My employment status is permanent part-time, so i am not a casual e'ee. I had them book it to annual leave so that I did not lose in the pay packet. This has not happened to me with this company ever before. Over the last 12 months, this company has also downsized its personnel from approx 1000 to approx 580, and have let go of a whole floor of the building. Whilst the signs are not good, I do believe if I was a company owner right now I would be trimming away the fat in terms of what costs the company, and I would be tightening the belt by a couple of notches. It only makes sense to prepare that way (for when the crunch comes, and it is coming). Businesses which have not paid attention to these drivers will be the first to go under fully. Of course, you still need enough personnel to meet demand, so that is a high wire balancing act. You may think me foolish (perhaps) but I am going to still be loyal to this company as I believe they will pull through, though none of us will really know until things really crack and crumble.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - October 20, 2022

Afternoon Dream
My dog and I were sitting the garage, and I was reading.

(Our garage is more of a tool shop, and sometimes we do sit out there with door open to rest after yard work. In this context, a garage can represent the outer fringes of one's consciousness.)

Two young people walked in, and I said - wow, have not seen you all in a long time. They smiled and nodded and started looking around at equipment and machines that I did not know were there. The were amazed at how old and dusty everything was. I reminded them that this was an old house and asked them to fix what they could. They got busy, and I was surprised at how much work they did.

My Take
The young people could be aspects of myself, but I also think they could be my brothers and sisters that I left when I came back this time. They may have been surprised at how much our physical bodies age in this density.

I shared this dream with my oldest friend of these times, and she had some interesting insights. She noted that there are more chakras than we think and that they are to be activated very soon. The people also could have been amazed that I've been running on fewer cylinders than what was available to me, and were there to help me "tune up".


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
true linda they find regularyl new ones, we talked about 7 then it was 12, and this or last year i learned of number 13 the atlantean chakra which i think only those have that had an incarnation back then

so to go a bit further what would they find once more strands of dna are fully activated, so much still to learn on the human body that is unknown or partly known


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Several weeks ago I had an image of Big Ben under water, looked to me to be in the Thames .it was so quick I didn’t take too much notice at the time.
Then a couple days ago I had another image of Big Ben and the buildings around it, shaking and collapsing and water surging over the debris.
Wondering how this might possibly happen I’m thinking, earthquake and possibly water surging along the river Thames, overcoming the. barriers.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
image of Big Ben under water,
could be literal because the Thames is a tidal river - or - could be metaphorical, as in the PTW are sinking under the weight of their actions - or - could be like the cleansing energies washing the old away

regardless - looks like the end is near for the old ways
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Several weeks ago I had an image of Big Ben under water, looked to me to be in the Thames .it was so quick I didn’t take too much notice at the time.
Then a couple days ago I had another image of Big Ben and the buildings around it, shaking and collapsing and water surging over the debris.
Wondering how this might possibly happen I’m thinking, earthquake and possibly water surging along the river Thames, overcoming the. barriers.
The political shakery in the UK is undeniable. Big Ben is symbolic of? what? time? but also the entrenched way of doing things. The Victorians are having to loosen their hold.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Several weeks ago I had an image of Big Ben under water, looked to me to be in the Thames .it was so quick I didn’t take too much notice at the time.
Then a couple days ago I had another image of Big Ben and the buildings around it, shaking and collapsing and water surging over the debris.
Wondering how this might possibly happen I’m thinking, earthquake and possibly water surging along the river Thames, overcoming the. barriers.
as it is not in a place of strong earthquakes at least to my knowing i would take it as metephorical as the fall down of the old washed away and then what rests like in lords of the rings when a fortress of the bad was taken down

however far away unlucky earthquakes can have far range as we know from the one near fukushima

i d say history to take an eye on and rest open minded
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
All the suggestions are possible.
When Big Ben was turned off in 2017 I felt very strongly that something was off and that feeling hasn‘t lessened, the time for reopening has been pushed ever further away, now it seems it will be open to the public in spring 2023, as for chiming out the time, it’s difficult to discover.
Whatever it means, it does look like the end is near for the old ways, as Linda said.
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 15, 2021
Hi, Linda. Sorry to be late with this. I think your 'garage' dream on 10/20 might actually represent YOU (not that you're an old garage!). Houses or dwellings in dreams and visions often are about you and your body; new house, new body/abilities; comfy 'open garage'. And when your young visitors (Guides/ETs?) pointed out machinery you hadn't noticed, these sound like DNA upgrades, or strands you weren't aware of/using... yet. My two cents.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
This came to me yesterday, its about the time when the muck hits the fan and folks make the choice to either move on to 5d or stay behind., make of it what you will, lighthearted or serious..

Time To Get Out Of Dodge .

I sit and wait with bated breath
I know the time is now
Yet that time seems long drawn out
To patience I must bow

I feel it deep inside my soul
The rumbles from within
Trumpets blare and symbols clash
The cacophony begins

The time has come for me to leave
My bag is at the ready
While the world around me rock and rolls
I will keep my senses steady

Many souls crowd the port
Await their promised craft
Where is it they cry out
Oh…it’s not so very far

A deserted port bags left behind
Not a ripple of a sound
Souls transported in a blink
Onwards,..homeward bound.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
November 9, 2022

It has been awhile since I've posted here. In the past few weeks, I've been involved in community and home improvement projects. Each time I've been working with people who were strangers to me. Also, the projects had some glitches cause by others, but through our efforts, we produced a great success.

In many cases, I felt moved to say that when people work together, they can accomplish most anything. The important thing is to remember to stick together.

Don't know what the future holds, but it may be influenced by our staying together.

holding hands.jpg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - November 11, 2022

I was in an office when a machine started making a funny sound. I said that sounds like those guys who make all the sounds with their mouths - kind of like rap. The young woman slowly turned and said - you mean beatbox? I replied - yes, that's it. She looked at me in amusement and said - I never ever would have expected to hear that from you (the white hair is a giveaway of my age). I smiled and said my kids often say the same, and we laughed.

A bit later in the day, another stranger bringing me a requested item just blurted out something that had shaped her life in a negative way. We exchanged a few thoughts about it, and she went on her way.

These are just two more examples of interactions with strangers, and I sense there is a sharing of loving energy going on. Something is going on - not sure what - but something is ramping up. Perhaps many of us are acting as angels unaware. My Grandmother's interpretation of this saying always has been with me - that people have opportunities briefly to act as angels to provide something that another needs.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had a customer on the phone lines the other day, who said something weird to me (I do get some weird customers...) "How are your stubs doing?" I said, "Pardon?????" He said, "Well, you are an angel."

Corny, I know. This same customer said "I would buy you a house". I thanked him and let him know I already have a house.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
i had a message come through to me this morning In bed, it said concerning world events. ‘ There will be a roaring of nations. ‘. and carried on saying it’s starting with a murmur.
I believe it means people of every nation are going to make themselves be heard, they have had enough, already there are murmurs like in Brazil and Europe.
I was reminded of a while back when I repeatedly saw a tsunami wave rising and cresting and it was people not water.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - November 15, 2022

Morning dream
I was walking around in a large, open commercial space. People were spilling papers everywhere. One person spilled black-color, folded paper, which looked like the mail-in voting ballots. It was chaotic in that space.

My Take
This one is easy - it is about the mess of our voting system being unraveled. I cannot imagine that many people could actually believe everything was on the up and up.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Are the American people going to accept it? Even Katie Hobbs?
Don't know in which state or city that building was. Sadly, there are many options.

If the investigation comes from a third party, such as the Texas Rangers, there is a possibility it will be reported in at least a neutral light, but that is just speculation at this point.

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