Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (4 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - November 18

Waking Dream
I was shown several scenes in different locations. Although there were some physical differences, the main things were the same. A small group of people whose jobs were support, clerical, non-fighting roles for big companies / governments. My sense was that the employers had nefarious intentions, and the people just carried out their roles - seemingly small but necessary for the overall job. It was becoming more difficult for the people to do their work - normal supply chains were slow or broken - discontent was rising in the population. The workers were feeling abandoned and worried, as well as questioning their purpose and jobs. In a few places, people downloaded as much of their employer's data as possible and hid it away on memory sticks.

My Take
Looking a current situations, as well as those from history, it is the same story over and over. Conquerors solidify power in one place and expand it through tentacles that range far and wide. People who resist the overreach of the power base form their own groups. In the past, they were physically distant, but in this electronic age, we can be physically near but still in contact with our groups that have other beliefs. The power base faces limitations and erosion, first at the ends of the tentacles, which then spreads farther up the chain.

Last night I asked for happy and pleasant dreams - lol - and this is what I got. I know I am tired and have heard the same from others, so I believe this dream shows the withering of corporate / government power that may not be obvious from the outside. To quote Princess Leia - The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers. Cue the Ewoks.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Reading your descriptionl, this one of your dreams feels closer in time to me than the others (as in closer to now whereas your others are maybe further into the future?). Not sure if this is true of how it felt to you?

It's the support people who choose who they support at any given moment who tip the balance in any situation, so what you describe could be like everyone choosing to move to the starboard side of a boat at the same time, making the entire boat list to starboard no matter what the crew and captain do...

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It's the support people who choose who they support at any given moment who tip the balance in any situation, so what you describe could be like everyone choosing to move to the starboard side of a boat at the same time, making the entire boat list to starboard no matter what the crew and captain do...
STAR BOARD!!!! Lila what a perfect description. I love it. I think you are spot on in your assessment too.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - November 22

Two Morning Dreams
1 - People who have important and damning information that they have not shared are now under even more pressure to share. There are many, many people who have hidden and sensitive info pertaining to the vaxxes who are facing a "Come to Jesus Meeting". They've been living in fear and self-imposed isolation - probably out of concern for "accidents". Something happens to tip them over the edge and to come clean with what they know. It is an avalanche of info.

2 - The info hits the public view and chaos erupts. I saw legal documents spewing out and all around. I could tell they were legal papers because of the distinctive formatting; however, some were in other languages.

My Take
Lila called it in her comment on the previous dream - feels much closer and at a tipping point. Also, it seems as though these dreams follow the previous one. The pressure on the people who had the data was immense - I felt sorry for them because they had homes with families and pets, just as many of us do. Yet, they chose and stayed with those jobs and now they have to make a choice - no where else to go. In case "come to Jesus meeting" does not translate - it means a person who has been troublesome or wayward is called into a meeting where a boss / supervisor explains in very clear terms how things are going to be from now on and that the person gets on board or leaves.

The earlier parts of the second dream drifted away when I awoke; however, the ending sums it up quite well. Legal papers flowing all around leads me to think that somehow they make worldwide news. I recognize English, Spanish, French, German and Italian, but there were other languages, and for some reason Portuguese keeps popping into my head.

As I sat outside in the morning sun contemplating these dreams, it was the legal papers that came to the forefront. I imagined our local community and what would happen if we saw contracts that placed so many in harm's way signed by our mayor, hospital administrators, and so on. They would not be able to leave their homes, and operations at all levels would grind to a halt until people joined together to figure out how to go forward. (Yeah, this part has come up in so many dreams.) Also, as I sat in my rocking chair, I had a visit from a honey bee - just buzzing all around.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Portuguese keeps popping into my head.
Portugal or Brazil? Smaller former colonies of Portugal?

I can instantly visualize the tumult of legal papers.
It must be the upcoming holidays, as I see it as a rush of papers coming pouring out of a cornucopia as fast as they can clear the exit end of its spiral. They come out fast and furious, like a ball machine going crazy-fast. It's chaotic and creates a true cascade + abundance of information.

Didn't 'tipping point' come up in another post recently?
I remember commenting that I'd like to see Malcolm Gladwell (author of "The Tipping Point") give his take on the post I was commenting on.

STAR BOARD!!!! Lila what a perfect description. I love it. I think you are spot on in your assessment too.
Appreciate the confirmation. Thank you. It's kind of incredible what we do here together <3
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Scuttlebutt says central and South American countries were poorly treated by the drug companies - some demanding percentage ownership in infrastructure. Also, this part of the world is very rich in natural resources. So Brazil is a good guess.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I hope the Ocean Cleanup Project can also pick up the nurdles. Nurdles are lentil-sized plastic pellets - many were spilled from a ship in 2017. They say 2.25 billion nurdles were released into the ocean in that one mishap.
Not at this point, the nurdles (what a profoundly cute name!) are too small. Holes in the Ocean Cleanup Project nets appear to be an estimated 3-4 inches wide to me.

The problem is some plastic floats, some sinks to the bottom, some hangs in the middle of the water column. If you drag a net on the bottom you will net all kinds of animal and coral life with the plastic and destroy habitat at a massive rate also. The Ocean Cleanup Project only gets the plastic floating on top. It's a decent start anyway.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - November 24

Woke up with the title for a post - Who Are the Architects of These Times (We Are)

Went to the grocery store, and while doing my spreading love thing, I noticed several people. One was a family (mom, dad, 2 teenaged sons) happily making their selections. The thing that struck me about them was that they stood tall and strong as a family. Other people had bright eyes and smiles, and some had hooded eyes and a dull appearance. The ones I recall individually are the family and ones with bright eyes. The others were not memorable.

Came home and checked emails and content from my favorite sites and found this one from Schrodinger's Other Cat that is about making this the season of LOVE.

My Take
Seems like many of us are on the same page.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The workers were feeling abandoned and worried, as well as questioning their purpose and jobs. In a few places, people downloaded as much of their employer's data as possible and hid it away on memory sticks.
Pfizer claims that a "soon-to-be-former employee" uploaded more than 12,000 files - including "scores" with confidential information - to her personal Google Drive account and other personal devices, a lawsuit from the company claims.
The company has accused Chun Xiao Li ("Li") and five potential co-defendants of corporate espionage, saying Li "decided to leave Pfizer for a competitor believed to be Xenocor, Inc."

Someone stole data to take to another company. They downloaded many files that I imagine are full of interesting info. I'm guessing with big headline about it, the theft is public knowledge and will lose its value to the second company, but I wonder if it will make its way into the public domain. What might drip out.....

I did find this description about a company named Xencor, Inc.

Xencor is expanding the therapeutic boundaries of monoclonal antibody and cytokine drugs. Powered by its XmAb® protein engineering platform, Xencor is developing a broad pipeline of drug candidates that are optimized to treat patients with cancer and autoimmune disorders. 22 programs are in clinical testing, and many more are in preclinical development.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
You are magical Lady Linda. You, Clif High and Janne are the lamps on the highway of my life at the moment.

Truck stops are UK Column and Laron's group on Telegram!

Here in Scotland they have ordered an inquiry into the sudden rise in newborn baby deaths......after the Scottish Health Minister in August, advised all pregnant women to get double jabbed.

Now there are calls for an inquiry into athletes and footballers collapsing.

Getting there slowly but the babies? The babies make me weep!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - November 27

Went out early in the foggy drizzle to check on our ant invasion. As I gazed next door, I was aghast at the missing tree swing. A thief in the night stole the kids' swing. Walking closer along our sloping yard to check on my car, I saw the swing still was there. (It is one of those flat circular platform swings.) Whew! Then I realized that with the slope in our yards, my eyes were in line with the edge of the swing. With the fog and drizzle, the swing disappeared from my line of sight.

My Take
There is a point in any endeavor when the objective may become obscured or invisible to our five senses. It was only when I literally changed my point of view that I could see the thing I valued still was there.

I also found it interesting that I thought "thief in the night" because the phrase also is used in verses from the Bible that I've often considered. This is one of the reasons I'm no fan of people who give dates for this and that. In my core, I know whatever is to happen will come in its own time, and it will be startling to everyone on Earth. Yet, like most of you, I grow weary and sometimes doubt myself. This was a nice reminder of our paths through these times.

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day. I Thessalonians 5:1-28

tree swing 2.jpeg
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Dear Lady Linda, as usual you pick the moments that happen in your day-to-day, and imbue them with the sprituality and meaning that is there to be discovered, given sensitivity and a few moments to ponder. Thank you for this talent and this gift of yours, that you give so liberally.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I’ve come up with a theory that we live in a 26, 000 year timeloop. This came about through something I received in bed one morning.
I was thinking about history when the words ‘ There is no history ‘ came into my head. Which set me questioning , what about all the artefacts discovered, some supposedly millions of years old and it came to me that they they are made up, created for this 3D world.
The Mayan calendar of years popped into this mix really getting the juices flowing, we’ve got the bible talking about The End Times. About, unless the people have The Mark of the Beast they will not be able to buy or sell. This could apply to what is going on in the world today in many countries
It speaks of no flesh surviving unless those days are cut short, but because of The Faithful those days will be cut short. It also speaks of Satan/Dark forces , being released after 1,000 years for a short while. Ive written this in my own words rather look up all the scriptures.

Ive read somewhere that there was once a Golden Age and that we would enter another one. So I’m asking myself, why would the dark forces be released after 1,000 years, is it to start the whole process all over again.
I’m probably using the bible out of context but bear with me , I’m just throwing my thoughts out there, I’m sure there are many holes but I feel my further thoughts bear weight to my theory .

I believe and have also read, I think it was in ‘Conversations With God ‘. That God/Source/Love , whatever you want to call it, is an ocean of consciousness that is pure Love, We, each of us is part of that , we are little drops of consciousness that left the main ocean to have experiences so that Source could experience itself.
An experience many souls seem to long for is the opposite of love which is fear, and where better to experience that than Earth.
There might be other places of course who knows.

My thoughts are flowing along the lines of if, when we come out of this situation on Earth, which we will, it will come to an end, will we go into another Golden Age and will that be the start of the next 26, 000 year cycle.
Will Satan/Dark Forces be released after a thousand years of peace, love and prosperity, drip by tiny drip until 25, 000 years later mankind is facing the same scenario again.

Perhaps 26,000 year cycles are necessary here to accommodate all the souls who wish to experience the opposite of love which is fear and all that goes with it…. We can’t appreciate anything unless we’ve experienced it. If Earth became a world of constant love and peace there would be nowhere to have the experience.
Could be souls are queuing up for the experience , and it appears many of us keep coming back for more.

Thats how my theory of living in a 26, 000 year time loop was born.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Love what you write above, June.
I'll let it marinate for a while (like kabobs, lol) and see what bubbles up :)), if anything.
Certainly those 26,000 year timelines come up all over the place!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June, as I've thought about your post today, I've considered where I live and my family heritage. It is place where seven different groups/countries have claimed their authority. Then there is my family line, which has been here for a long time. It feels as though souls were born in different circumstances and for different experiences but were part of a trajectory to this time. So, thinking about your ideas, I could see where a group of souls would choose to come together for a larger purpose. In a way, it is like making a cosmic soup - start with a base, add certain ingredients at particular times, and simmer. I do have the same question about why go through all that we have on this planet.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I also found it interesting that I thought "thief in the night" because the phrase also is used in verses from the Bible that I've often considered. This is one of the reasons I'm no fan of people who give dates for this and that. In my core, I know whatever is to happen will come in its own time, and it will be startling to everyone on Earth. Yet, like most of you, I grow weary and sometimes doubt myself. This was a nice reminder of our paths through these times.
I sent this missive to a friend, who then sent it along to another friend, and that friend said she had come across that particular verse recently, as well as receiving it from another friend.

Can you see the flowing streams of love and hope moving amongst us?
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - November 29

I was walking in this and different worlds. Sometimes I was wearing a space suit but mostly was not. I was having a difficult time walking and even breathing because the density and gravity were so heavy. It took everything I had to move even a little.

My Take
This was an after breakfast dream - you know, one of those most sleep now times. I'd gotten up to a bright and sunny day, put on my t-shirt with the sashiko repair, and made a cup of tea. Donovan and I were peaceful and happy. Opened my computer to emails, telegram, and news - some happy and funny things, as well as some that felt like a drag on me.

Yep, hard to miss this one. Also, I thought about one of the funny dreams I had awhile back about the song and dance commercial for cloud city - Cloud City - before you go oh, oh, oh - make sure you know - oh, oh, oh .... Did not get the pertinent line of that "commercial" but thinking now it has to do with letting the heavy stuff drop away. I have no idea what is to come in the next minute, day, month, or year, but what I can do is write and create and speak in ways that help at least one person or dog smile. That will be enough.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Sometimes I was wearing a space suit but mostly was not. I was having a difficult time walking and even breathing because the density and gravity were so heavy.

This is what it is like for in the minus realms or the densities below 3rd dimension. Like walking through treacle. But we must all access these realms to return the low frequency energies we have picked up through this life. At the same time we grow roots deep into the Earth.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - December 3

Event yesterday
Looking out the back door in the morning, I saw two doe resting along the back fence, which always fills me with joy because they feel secure about being so close to us, and I can enjoy their elegant movements. All of a sudden, they got up and quickly walked away. In a couple of seconds I knew why - two bucks came up to the fence. Earlier this year, I wrote about the bachelors' club (group of young bucks) hanging out in the woods. When fall arrives, the club breaks up because they are in competition for "love". One of them was larger and growing an impressive set of antlers. I've seen him from time to time moving around the neighborhood, and it is quite breathtaking to see him walking through the front yard. However, two of them together just does not happen because of competition. I stood there dumbfounded.

My Take
I've wondered how a more peaceful world would play into the wild life. I've had the privilege of watching them grow from childhood into strong adults (8 and 6 point antlers now). Bucks are considered kings of the forest. Has something changed in our little woods?


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Animals are very sensitive and must pick up the energies of our world, the more love energy they feel could well help them be at peace with each other and those two bucks were probably sensing the love that emanates from your little oasis Linda, so they were at peace .

I think that’s wonderful…..the magic of. Linda Land.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
There have been several videos lately of animals acting in a friendly manner, causing some to speculate it is a spiritual evolving in the animal world!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
There have been several videos lately of animals acting in a friendly manner, causing some to speculate it is a spiritual evolving in the animal world!
Wondering how this will work out among the carnivores. We have fox, coyote, hawks, and owls.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - December 8

I generally recalled my morning dreams about moving people along but nothing specific enough to write. (Someone woke me up wanting to have breakfast and go outside - nothing like a good morning snort in your face. lol)

As I sat outside trying to sort out the dreams, a memory popped into my head. I was at a fabric store and in a long line to check out. The checker was not particularly fast and the line was growing. She answered the phone (stopped checking out) and was trying to give directions to the caller, but she was not successful, yet she continued to talk. I got out of the line, walked around the counter, and asked the checker to give me the phone because I lived around here and knew the streets.

When I got the phone, the caller was jabbering on about being lost, and I could hear a distressed child in the background. She would not listen, and I had to speak loudly and a bit sternly to get her attention. Then I told her to pull into the first parking lot and tell me what she saw. From the stores she named, I knew where she was and gave her directions, using stores as markers. Finally, she was calm enough to proceed on her own. Also, I did not want her driving and trying to talk on the phone. When I turned around to walk back to the line, every person was staring at me, some with mouths open, as if I'd done something no one else could do. I shrugged and said - I live around here and know the streets.

My Take
Kinda obvious, right? For me, it was a simple thing. I'm good with directions because I pay attention to my surroundings. I'm also good at making directions simple for people who need it. Maybe it was because I went around the counter and crossed the sacred barrier of customer and checker, or that I was willing to help out people I did not know - have no idea, but the people in line were shocked. As I write this, I can hear my Grandmother saying - "Oh, for Heaven's sake" and then doing something that needed to be done.

Last night I realized something about the latest Clif High videos - he's been starting them off with info about history or physical phenomena. He's doing that to share ideas about how to recognize and handle events that are coming along the road.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I am like you Linda...not shy about stepping up when something needs done.

A few years ago a group of us gardeners visited Haworth where the Bronte sisters grew up.

We were on a bus to the hostel for the night. The bus driver, a young Asian man turned the bus down a street with parked cars each side. A white van was coming towards us and stopped, refusing to reverse and give away. We sat like that with the two drivers gesturing angrily to each other.

I went to the front of the bus to see more clearly and when I saw the van driver lighting a cigarette and pouring tea from a thermos I knew I had to step in. "Why don't you reverse?" I asked the bus driver. "It is against the law for a bus to reverse unless it is in the bus station" he said. Stalemate!

He opened the doors and let me out and I went to talk to the van driver. He was furious because it was his right of way and he did not like the way in which the bus driver bullied him. He would have sat there all day. Really.

Back to the bus driver who agreed it was the vans driver's right of way. "Are you willing to apologise?" I asked and he mouthed "Sorry" to the van driver. Back to the van driver to explain that the bus drover could not legally reverse and would he pleeeeeeeease?

Of course he did but like you Linda, when I got back on the bus all the other passengers just stared at me. I looked at them and said by way of explanation "I haven't got enough food to sit it out" and we laughed as the tension broke.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
when I got back on the bus all the other passengers just stared at me. I looked at them and said by way of explanation "I haven't got enough food to sit it out" and we laughed as the tension broke.
As read this, I see a barrier that is like a tiny stream that easily is crossed. Yet, for others it must feel like a big river. Maybe we are in a time and place where some of us are showing there really is not a barrier to a different way of thinking and doing.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Maybe we are in a time and place where some of us are showing there really is not a barrier to a different way of thinking and doing.
It is about inner authority and I feel that most people have either no sense of it or have given up on it. They do not even have authority in their own lives!

Here is Clif. One of his best I think !



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
inner authority
I believe that's the ticket. What does inner authority mean? Are we born with it, taught it, or a combination of the two? What is the difference between inner authority and a bully? With true inner authority, do you naturally recognize the same in other people? Does recognition of your inner authority affect your health? Oh, so many questions spring to mind!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
What does inner authority mean
With inner authority comes self responsibility! Inner authority also comes from having an instinctive sense of what is right and fair.

Inner authority is not handed to you by another.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Inner Authority

The inner intelligence that enables us to know whether a decision is correct for us or not is called Inner Authority. It is as though each of our bodies possesses an inner compass or device that reveals whether something is a healthy and fulfilling use of our energy, or not. Our Inner Authority is a body-based knowing that precedes the cognition of the mind, and thus accessing it requires us to become more embodied and to listen better to our bodies.

How do you discern? What can you trust? The wisdom of your own body is the only thing that you can trust in this life. We cannot allow ourselves to give authority to our teachers, our lovers, our mamas, our business partners, our gurus, our children, our dogs. We can not. Your authority is always inside of you, never outside. Only you can know what is correct for you. No one else does. No one. Do not let anyone dictate to you what to do.

Inner Authority in Human Design
Where inside of us do we find our authority and truth? That differs from person to person. But what we all have in common is that, contrary to what we have been taught from the day we came into the world, we cannot trust our mind in deciding what to do, and especially we cannot trust our fears. Inner authority and the correct decision does not come from your mind. The mind is very good for thinking and communicating. But it is never good for making decisions. Decisions are not made, decisions are found and met. The right decisions will arise from your body, you will just know it, regardless if they make sense or not. The body knows. It is the body that lives, that suffers, that enjoys, and that encounters resistance. It is the body that knows.
Everyone has a different way of finding decisions in their body.

And from another site

Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Or is it fake certainty? Is it even something that can be taught? Activated?

In this article I’ll give you a few ways Inner Authority can work, and Inner Authority could change your life… if you had it.


You have it… but it is like a superpower that you don’t even know you have, because no one has taught you how to use it.

Inner Authority is, overall, an experience, an experience of what you feel without it being made foggy or false by words.

It is wordless.

But all you have been experiencing is the words… so you, currently have no access to the superpower.

To get access to this superpower you already have, you need to learn to feel before you speak, feel before you jump the gun so you get the guidance instead of the good idea you learned from other people who also had no access to their Inner Authority.

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