Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (2 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Good conversation between you two. Thanks for your insights.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I heard yesterday on UK Column that in the case of Arthur, a young boy murdered by his step mother in a most brutal fashion, his Uncle tried to visit the boy because he was so worried about him. The step mother refused him access to the home.

In desperation, the Uncle then went to West Midlands Police and asked them to intervene, showing the police a photograph of Arthur's back with a bruise the shape of a hand on it. What did the police do? Nothing. They told the Uncle that if he tried to visit the boy in the house again they would arrest him for breaking Covid regulations.

There you have power but no authority!

Young people going woke, terrified of their feeling, cannot access their inner authority. Interesting isn't it?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
With inner authority comes self responsibility! Inner authority also comes from having an instinctive sense of what is right and fair.

Inner authority is not handed to you by another.
With inner authority comes self responsibility! Inner authority also comes from having an instinctive sense of what is right and fair.

Inner authority is not handed to you by another.
It's like an inner BS-0-meter, super sized :))
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Wednesday - December 8

I generally recalled my morning dreams about moving people along but nothing specific enough to write. (Someone woke me up wanting to have breakfast and go outside - nothing like a good morning snort in your face. lol)

As I sat outside trying to sort out the dreams, a memory popped into my head. I was at a fabric store and in a long line to check out. The checker was not particularly fast and the line was growing. She answered the phone (stopped checking out) and was trying to give directions to the caller, but she was not successful, yet she continued to talk. I got out of the line, walked around the counter, and asked the checker to give me the phone because I lived around here and knew the streets.

When I got the phone, the caller was jabbering on about being lost, and I could hear a distressed child in the background. She would not listen, and I had to speak loudly and a bit sternly to get her attention. Then I told her to pull into the first parking lot and tell me what she saw. From the stores she named, I knew where she was and gave her directions, using stores as markers. Finally, she was calm enough to proceed on her own. Also, I did not want her driving and trying to talk on the phone. When I turned around to walk back to the line, every person was staring at me, some with mouths open, as if I'd done something no one else could do. I shrugged and said - I live around here and know the streets.

My Take
Kinda obvious, right? For me, it was a simple thing. I'm good with directions because I pay attention to my surroundings. I'm also good at making directions simple for people who need it. Maybe it was because I went around the counter and crossed the sacred barrier of customer and checker, or that I was willing to help out people I did not know - have no idea, but the people in line were shocked. As I write this, I can hear my Grandmother saying - "Oh, for Heaven's sake" and then doing something that needed to be done.

Last night I realized something about the latest Clif High videos - he's been starting them off with info about history or physical phenomena. He's doing that to share ideas about how to recognize and handle events that are coming along the road.

What came to mind as soon as I saw this was that you'd stepped out of your role (as customer) and, as you say, over that invisible barrier between you and the checker (gasp!). One cannot do that when one does not perceive a barrier to exist at all. Acknowledgement comes first.

Not only that but you did it in public (gasp! gasp!) successfully and, knowing you, with grace an aplomb, making it look easy (gasp! gasp! gasp!).

These are things that many folks don't play with, I've found. They always look seem to shocked when it's done in plain view. And the best friends are found amongst the people who roll with those moments<3


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I've come to think that such moments are one of our biggest 'awareness tools' in our toolbox as there is no conflict and the upside, as you've shown here, can be considerable and really easy to see.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Good conversation between you two. Thanks for your insights.
It is an interesting subject - I do some of the smaller repair jobs around the house. When asked how I came up with a few of the solutions, I said that I considered my skill-set and crafted a repair to my abilities.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It is an interesting subject - I do some of the smaller repair jobs around the house. When asked how I came up with a few of the solutions, I said that I considered my skill-set and crafted a repair to my abilities.
Well, I need you over here Lady Linda, my daughter has bought me 3 x sets of doorknobs (internal doors) for Xmas so I can replace the old, scratched and scarred brass ones. But I need someone to put them in the doors for me!!!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Well, I need you over here Lady Linda, my daughter has bought me 3 x sets of doorknobs (internal doors) for Xmas so I can replace the old, scratched and scarred brass ones. But I need someone to put them in the doors for me!!!
No you do not. Go on to Youtube and watch a video on how to replace door knobs!

I learned to service my Dyson vacuum cleaner on Youtube from an Australian woman. Anything is possible!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Well, I need you over here Lady Linda, my daughter has bought me 3 x sets of doorknobs (internal doors) for Xmas so I can replace the old, scratched and scarred brass ones. But I need someone to put them in the doors for me!!!
Of course I would help out. Internal doorknobs are not so hard to manage. You just need a screwdriver - either flat-edge or Phillips (4 edges). I looked around at a few videos and found one that I liked best. Good luck and happy repairs!

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - December 10

Went out to run a few errands - it is a grey and cloudy day. In general, the energies felt dense and chaotic, and I just wanted to get back home. However, I did smile and offer some happy words to the people I met - kind of a default setting for me. Got home and sat out on the back deck to decompress and lo and behold, I saw something that made me laugh out loud. The clouds were rolling by and there was hole where the sun shone through. It illuminated the clouds below, which looked like a big hand holding the light. I just loved that.

My Take
We carry the light with us wherever we go - even if it looks and feels grey and heavy around us. I can go with that!

light and clouds.jpg


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I love it when that happens! It always stops me in my tracks. Feels like the Divine just reminding us of it;s presence. A sacred moment!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I love it when that happens! It always stops me in my tracks. Feels like the Divine just reminding us of it;s presence. A sacred moment!

Or the sound of geese flying by out of season in the middle of the night.
Or an eagle swooping down right in front of the car in mid-rant (rant was instantly and gratefully forgotten).
Or those things that leaves and branches sometimes do, looking like they're waving at you, sometimes slowly and decorously, other times fast and furious like an excited kid.
Or any of the amazing things the sky and clouds throw into the mix; just gotta look up!

These are some of my favorite things. Thanks for the lovely reminder!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - December 13

Driving along neighborhood parkway and see a little fluff dog run out from a side street. I stop, as does a mom and son coming in the opposite direction. The three of us work together to corral and grab not one but two dogs running loose. Call the number on the tag, tell her where we are standing, and that we have her dogs. She says she's on her way. She arrives, leashes up her dogs, and all is well. Mom, son, and I are very happy because the little dogs would have been hit on the parkway.

My Take
Here are two things that stood out to me. The three of us worked seamlessly to catch the dogs that just wanted to run. (Good thing they had short legs.) None of us was particularly in charge - it just happened. The parkway is a busy street, as is that intersection. Cars coming along both streets, slowed down because they could see that something was happening. They may have guessed but only could see that three people were moving around. I've been in this situation on a busy street several times (mostly dogs, but there was one with a toddler and another with horses), and drivers are so wrapped up in their own thoughts that they often don't see the larger picture playing out in front of them. In those minutes, something else was happening that affected everyone.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Recently while resting in bed feeling a bit up tight, a wonderful calmness overtook me, then I felt/saw a space and, rather than hearing words, I felt ‘ be ready, ‘ While wondering what it was all about chaos came into my my mind.

I took all this to mean I should be ready to go into my calm space when everything gets chaotic, as if it isn’t chaotic already.
Might be a good idea for everyone to be ready to dive into whatever space keeps them sane, calms and comforts.

I’m not sure what this might mean, this morning I received the words, ‘ The wave breaks at midnight. ‘. I don’t think it should be taken too seriously but it’s a teaser isn’t it. What day, It’s midnight in different places. It’s near new year. Definitely a teaser for me and might end up being nothing but I thought I should share.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I listen to your wise words Junie Old Fruit ! Thank you for sharing.

The energy of the Gemini full moon is almost upon us too!

Here in Scotland our leader talks of a "tsunami" of Covid infections, Boris the English leader talks of a tidal wave so waves are all around us!

I hope it is Source Wave,
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - December 16

Waking Dream
Awakened from a pleasant dream of traveling around the world and seeing people with very specific abilities to transmute energies. Many of them were associated with colors - violet, pink, orange, blue, white, and other combinations. They were regular people with one thing in common - youthful outlook. Although the people were different ages, sexes, and ethnicities, they had such beautiful, smiling faces. In most cases, there were other people around them, but I did not get the sense that they were aware of what was happening. That is, until the last scene, where there was a military officer of high rank (USA) who did know what was going on. However, he just observed, and I did not detect anything nefarious in his presence.

My Take
Seems like this dream fits in with June's experience - creating a space of calm and peace in the midst of chaos - transmuting chaos. The presence of a military person interested me. As I watch the world chaos unfold and observe what some call devolution in the US government, I wonder if it all is timed to work with the larger, cosmic shift in energies. I believe the presence of the officer suggests this may be true.

While I did not get a time in my dream, June did receive a message about midnight. For me, midnight is the marker between the old (previous) day and the new one.

So, if you take our messages together, I'd say it is important to keep up with our meditations - even something as simple as a walking or sitting on the porch meditation.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - December 21

Not mine, but a close friend. She got a nudge to go to a convenience store on the way home and was in line behind a sweet older woman (older than I am, as the story goes - lol). The lady was trying to buy scratch-off lotto cards for her grandkids. She took a long time selecting them and wanted to pay by check, which you cannot do for the lotto. The cashier said credit card or cash, but she did not have a credit card. My daughter said she would pay for them. The lady politely refused and pulled a tiny wallet from her purse and proceeded to pull out carefully folded $1 bills but did not have enough. She said she would come again tomorrow. However, my daughter was concerned about her making the trip to the store and said - "It's Christmas, let me help". At the same time, a big, burly, biker guy put down a few dollars, and my daughter put down the rest. The little lady was grateful.

My Take
I told my friend that she was meant to be there to complete a circle of giving and receiving. It was just as important that the biker guy contribute and for the little lady to receive. Oh yeah, as the biker guy was leaving, he turned to my friend and said "Classy". Soooo - follow your instincts because you never know how you might complete a circle of love.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
AsI woke up this morning remembering a dream, which is unusual, I rarely recall them.

I was walking in the street and found I was carrying my handbag upside down, it was a flat crochet one with a closing flap.
The flap was open and the bag empty, I looked behind me to see my phone lying on the pavement some way back, as I was walking to it it disappeared, there was no sign of my purse containing cash and card and other private stuff. There was no sign of anything that had been in my bag.

i carried on walking and met a very large group of people I recognised as a congregation of some new church in town i think, I wasn’t sure about them, had only heard of them, all of them were dressed in black from head to toe and their faces were completely covered in what look,like black cloth.
They seemed completely oblivious to me, almost to the point of rudeness, only way to explain it.
There wasn’t much else to the dream other than, a lot of traffic and other bits I’ve forgotten but I know was a bit chaotic.

My interpretation…….Loss of identity. A woman’s hand bag carries so much, her cash, cards, other important info. It carries her life in a way.
The black clad people with their faces completely obscured by black cloth ignoring me we’re trying to hide their identity, and appeared to be leaving their church en mass.
I’m seeing this as the fall of the dark ones, running, hiding their faces, while those of the light lose all that has identified them as slaves of the cabal.

I would love to hear any interpretation from anyone else has.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I would love to hear any interpretation from anyone else has.
Got the same interpretation as you. All the tech, money, identity cards are symbols of the cabal, and they are slipping away.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I'm intrigued, June.
Lots of smoke + mirrors symbology there, as you both say.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
the point that you were ignored intrigues me. I think it signifies that we get to a point that we are out of reach of these "hidden people". Where they can no longer hide to you but they don't see you anymore.

the rest of the interpretation sound good to me. just curious how a loss of identity in this world and transformation to ??? can be achieved without too mich turmoil. but that is my 3D brain working.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I would love to hear any interpretation from anyone else has.
Interesting June. First focus on the handbag. It is woven, not a usual handbag style is it? They say "the tapestry of life" You are right, it does hold everything a woman needs and then some! So you drop the lot as it is no longer relevant to who you are.

Phones are about communication and are one of the greatest tools of control the cabal hold. The dream clearly wants you to know about phones, there are no other contents in the road. Hmmm must consider old fruit that phone lines might go down.

Faceless people dressed in black (what were you wearing? Any idea? )

Mourning of course and have lost their identities. Or perhaps they are hiding!

Were the group of people going in the same direction as you?

You seem to have a handle on the dream. Agree with all your perceptions.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The detail of the bag being crocheted gave me the image/picture of 60/70's hippies. Not saying you were one, but I think it is an identity you once held. I am glad the digital tech fell to the wayside. I take it the dream is on a personal level, meaning you have totally moved away from the path where that might have held importance for you. In the world of telepathic communication, no phone devices will be needed. When something becomes not needed, it simply disappears off the scene. I think that is also how a lot of the unpleasant/uncomfortable stuff/objects/ideas from our current held-down society will leave our consciousness - just dissolve into nothing. This is a dignified way to evolve - just let the not needed drop away. About the religious - it was a new church so maybe not the cabal - but then again, it could be new in the sense of having recently surfaced (from something very old and faceless that had an underground habitat).
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Got the same interpretation as you. All the tech, money, identity cards are symbols of the cabal, and they are slipping away.
is a bit funny this thing, i seem to be partly connnected and disconnected from that system, at a strange moment of time my workplace no more, and my trys to build the new i want to do stocking a bit in its tracks, i think it is one thing to use those things and another to getting too attached to it
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I phoned Junie and she told me that the people dressed in black were walking on a road that intersected the road she on, so they were going in a completely different direction! This road is where the chaos was, there was traffic on that road too. The people were walking away from their church.

There is an interesting correlation here with very recent events in the UK.

The Head of the Anglican church, Justin Welby aka Archbishop of Canterbury, has publicly stated that "Jesus would get a vaccine . "The Archbishop, asked in the interview whether vaccination was a moral issue, agreed. “It’s not about me and my rights to choose. It’s about how I love my neighbour.” he said!

Justin Welby is also a member of the World Economic Forum I wonder how Jesus would feel about that?

The church in the UK has done NOTHING to support the people. The people will be walking away and as a large majority of their congregations are elderly, they will dying off.
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