Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (1 Viewer)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Being clairaudient as well as clairvoyant, I will relate 2 things I have recently heard (in my own head, clairaudiently).

One is "Remdesivir". Obviously, that is in the news, but about 6 months ago it kept popping into my mind, loudly, at random times, and often. I have since found out it is the intravenous protocol supported by Anthony Fauci for hospitalizations of COVID. The drug is manufactured by Gilead Sciences, and was approved for emergency use during the COVID outbreaks. It can have severe side effects (from memory, they can be the cytokine storm - inflammation; severe facial swelling or allergic reactions, kidney or liver injuries).

The second one is more of a question mark, as to why I would hear that. "Catamites". After I looked up the meaning, I remember seeing the word only once in a novel about ancient Rome by Colleen McCullough. It actually means the pubescent boys who are kept for homosexual practices. In the ancient Greek, the word was Ganymede. In ancient Rome, it became Catamite. I have insistently heard this in the past couple of weeks.

My take on it is that the storm is about to break for Barack Hussein Obama.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I have insistently heard this in the past couple of weeks.
also ties into the "in your face" grooming activities of Disney and others, which has been in the news lately.

that drug also has been front and center in the alternative news with the questionable video from Stew Peters and Bryan Ardis.

so, I'd say your messages are on track
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - April 18, 2022

Morning Dream
A group of people that I know (family and friends) figured out we could make something of great use. We located an unused room and set about in outfitting it for our needs. It was going well, but I sensed an unseen person bringing on doubts in my mind. Then I noticed other people having difficulties, and knowing some very well, I figured out that they were struggling with an issue. Everyone still got along just fine, but I could see people were succumbing to doubts, as was I. So, I said a prayer of protection and support, put a dome of light over us, and we began to feel better. Then I awoke.

My Take
I think there was some kind of outside amplification that affected us because it took a lot of energy to remove it. The most interesting part of this dream is looking at it through the lens of the hawk visits and energy visions. We were a group of capable and inventive people who could do all kinds of things. Yet, there was a subtle influence that affected us all. I knew all the people (in my backyard), and it took a lot of energy on my part to remove the exterior influence. I'd been asking for guidance regarding the previous events, as I felt they were significant, and I believe I got it.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
presents eventually the last tries to block our potential before they can no longer do whatever whenever, technolgie for the good of humanity can be less an less suppressed


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - April 20, 2022

Waking Dream
As I was waking up I heard and read the following message. I don't recall the number cited, so I'm writing "XX".

By the time you finish this message, XX terabytes of data will have been scooped up into the dark web for their dark purposes.

My Take
This dream took the form of a public service announcement. I think we all know that information about us (phone, computer, etc) is being used by others. It is no secret that entities such as FB and Twit scrape everything we write, as well as other data stored on our devices. The first question I have is why am I getting this message now, and I wonder if it has to do with the previous dream about people experiencing interference with their well-being. The second question is what are we supposed to do about it.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Wednesday - April 20, 2022

Waking Dream
As I was waking up I heard and read the following message. I don't recall the number cited, so I'm writing "XX".

By the time you finish this message, XX terabytes of data will have been scooped up into the dark web for their dark purposes.

My Take
This dream took the form of a public service announcement. I think we all know that information about us (phone, computer, etc) is being used by others. It is no secret that entities such as FB and Twit scrape everything we write, as well as other data stored on our devices. The first question I have is why am I getting this message now, and I wonder if it has to do with the previous dream about people experiencing interference with their well-being. The second question is what are we supposed to do about it.
I think you are spot on with folk experiencing interference, on two separate occasions I was given something about eastern Europe, the second time I was given a date in the nineteen twenties, I looked it up, talked about it and generally spent time on something that didn’t make sense, I had a feeling I was being messed about.
A day or so later I felt jittery and couldn’t settle, particularly at night, most unusual for me, I started to put up the protection I’ve used for many years and found my mind skipped off on mundane things,, then i felt I was being pulled into sleep over and over and over. I fought to keep my mind imaging the protection, it was successful eventually but I felt something was interfering I never have any trouble, always works like a dream.
Ive felt a bit like this before but since my shiver gauge hit the roof, sharing the experience and talking at length over the phone
. it has felt stronger, which tells me that what I received was spot on.

My take on it is, all this interference suggests we are on the brink of something huge, something certain ones don’t want to happen and certainly don’t want us knowing about, it’s also a timely reminder to keep strengthening our protection.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June, I think we are having another one of our tandem experiences.

So, I say to all readers - pay attention to your environment - both outer and inner.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
When I queried the Sabian Symbols about this upcoming event we all seem to be sensing, this is what I got:


This Symbol implies the ability of being able to take aim at something and achieving a bull’s eye – straight at the target. You need to be sure of what you want; that your aim is true, arm yourself and go after what you want. Your situation is one that requires skill, focus and knowledge of local conditions. There is no need to just rush forward hoping for the best, as this will only leave you feeling inadequate when you do find something. Compose yourself for a moment and realize that you have the ammunition and the sure marksmanship before taking aim and committing yourself.
Make a strategy. Hit the target. Being armed and ready. Getting to the point. Accuracy and strength. Sending a message true and clear. Skills and confidence. Warriors.

Going into battle unprepared. Overconfidence in a mission. Coming from a position of attack. Being trigger-happy. The thug. Being cocky, pushy and threatening.

Sounds like we are ready, folks. Know what you want. Take aim. hit the bulls' eye :-D


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June posted a podcast that goes into some interesting ideas about man-made and natural problems that may be part of big changes.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - April 21, 2022

Morning Dream
I was in the UK - perhaps London - because I knew there were a few people that needed to get out of the royal entanglements. One was the sister of an old friend. A big celebration was being planned, and I went to the main event location to find these people. Part of it had been fitted out for a big party, but I wandered around to the rest of the venue. It was in horrible condition, and true nature of the building was being covered over so no one would know. I was discovered by some very powerful and sinister men but just smiled, and they went on. They were the kind of people that I do not want to be near - just reeking of vileness. The people did not choose to come with me, but I did plant a seed of awareness - it was all that I could do. I knew my time there was growing short. If I remained, I would be discovered, so I made my way to an exit. Then I woke up.

My Take
I was confused about the big event because I thought the Queen's Jubilee was in February, but then I found this - dang.

To celebrate this unprecedented anniversary, events and initiatives will take place throughout the year, culminating in a four day UK bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June.

All kinds of things can happen on bank holidays - especially a four-day one. The state of the venue is obvious - covering up the dark underside with some kind of pretty wrapping. No one would know unless they saw it before. The men were dressed like gangsters, and they were running the show from the shadows. Again, would not know it, unless you saw them before.

The seeds of awareness came with a slender line of energy. Perhaps it serves as a way of communication or maybe a light showing the way out. I've not given up on the people - they still have a window of opportunity - although I sense it will not be open much longer.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Wednesday - April 20, 2022

Waking Dream
As I was waking up I heard and read the following message. I don't recall the number cited, so I'm writing "XX".

By the time you finish this message, XX terabytes of data will have been scooped up into the dark web for their dark purposes.

My Take
This dream took the form of a public service announcement. I think we all know that information about us (phone, computer, etc) is being used by others. It is no secret that entities such as FB and Twit scrape everything we write, as well as other data stored on our devices. The first question I have is why am I getting this message now, and I wonder if it has to do with the previous dream about people experiencing interference with their well-being. The second question is what are we supposed to do about it.
there is a good variety of tools to limit the stealth of informations, however it is nearly impossible to use most of the pages, i had once a discussion with someone in an online game yes you heard right about exactly this subject, i am not a very handsame person in that matter so here is a hint of searching

it can also be on a larger sheme so to say not only pysical reality but the side aspects also


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I think you are spot on with folk experiencing interference, on two separate occasions I was given something about eastern Europe, the second time I was given a date in the nineteen twenties, I looked it up, talked about it and generally spent time on something that didn’t make sense, I had a feeling I was being messed about.
A day or so later I felt jittery and couldn’t settle, particularly at night, most unusual for me, I started to put up the protection I’ve used for many years and found my mind skipped off on mundane things,, then i felt I was being pulled into sleep over and over and over. I fought to keep my mind imaging the protection, it was successful eventually but I felt something was interfering I never have any trouble, always works like a dream.
Ive felt a bit like this before but since my shiver gauge hit the roof, sharing the experience and talking at length over the phone
. it has felt stronger, which tells me that what I received was spot on.

My take on it is, all this interference suggests we are on the brink of something huge, something certain ones don’t want to happen and certainly don’t want us knowing about, it’s also a timely reminder to keep strengthening our protection.

i got pulled a bit of track lately as i tend to forget this kind of beautiful protection june and others use but that aside, i was outside mowing which i don t like too much due to my allergy and after that i felt like more free, here and there things that came to mind where i wonder why the heck and it was all parts of films or games i once had, so yes interference is very present


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - April 23, 2022

Morning Dream
I, along with many others, was about to graduate, but the head of the school said we needed one more class. I was not happy about the goal posts being moved and spoke up. The man said there was an option to write a term paper right then and there about current times. A few of us decided to do that. I printed off my first draft and was beginning to proof it, when the man came by and picked it up, saying that he'd grade mine first. I started to protest but stopped because I was confident about my paper, even with a bunch of typos. I wrote a comparison of a historical time and now, showing how we are doing the same thing with likely the same result (not good). I saw him marking it up mercilessly, but then I saw him write an "A" on the front. When I got it back, he'd written a note saying he had been there, and I'm probably right. Then I saw the name, Asket.

My Take
Schools and graduation often represent moving on to another level. In this dream, the people had fulfilled all the requirements, but someone in charge thought they were not quite ready. In this case, my protest may have been something of a test - was I ready or not, and I thought I was. On another level, it does represent feelings I have of wanting to "get on with it".

The topic of my paper was how another cycle is similar to the situation we are in now. While I was thinking about this dream, I was perusing posts in telegram, and the first one was from Mr. Pool, showing a film of Paris right before the Great Depression. I was struck with the obvious wealth of the people, as well as their party-like attitudes because I knew so many people were struggling to survive at the time. The ones pictured in the film appeared to be oblivious and had no idea what was coming. Oh yeah, there certainly is a parallel to now.

Another component of the dream was the paper itself. When I write, I get the ideas down as quickly as they flow, and then go back to fix typos and grammar. I did the same in the dream and was confident enough that the ideas would stand on their own. Again, it was much how I sense these times - get the info out as it comes because circumstances around us are changing at a lightening pace.

The startling ending was the note and signature. In our chronological time, the man who graded the paper could not have been present then and a middle-aged person now, and I thought - oh, must be someone from "elsewhere". The name cinched the deal - Asket. I'm familiar with the name from the League of Light information shared by Maryann. However, in her transmissions, Asket is female, so I'll have to ask her about that.

In a nutshell - yes, we are ready, so stand up and say so.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
asket had a good number on years if it relates to the one with maryann on earth

history also repeated itself more than once and this will be the last of the cycle to restart a new purer cycle


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - April 23, 2022

Just walked out back when a hawk glided low and slow across the yard - I mean very low, and of course right over the place where one (or maybe this one) landed on those two days. First, it was a big bird and startling to see so close. Second, I got to see it in flight from above, which I've not seen before.

My Take
I sense there is something coming together, and the hawk did a fly by to remind me to put all the pieces together. I've pulled back from the news and actions in the current world and am more interested in what can be - what we can create in our new world - placing our energies in what we want to be.

Given much disruption is on the way, we can look at it locally - what if our mayors and council people no longer were in charge - how would we work together - I will write more about this, but in the mean time, I found a photo of a red shoulder hawk from above. You can see why it was so thrilling to see this take place maybe 15 feet from me.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - April 24, 2022

Hawk made the same maneuver today and was observed by another, who had the same reaction - dang, it sure is flying low.

My Take
This is a repeat of the earlier hawk action of landing in the yard two days in a row and being seen by another on the second day. I no longer believe in coincidences. So, keeping my eyes open.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Today while talking to a friend my shiver gauge told me that the month of June is important in some way, not because it’s my birthday and not because of the Jubilee which seemed to fade to nothing .
There certainly seems to be something going on in June which made us smile, so whatever it is can’t be bad.
This ties in with the RGH this week where Linda said ‘ Look to June ‘

The energy around my friend and me was very strong, we both felt it weighing quite heavy on us, this is when I feel someone is with me, guiding me and it’s wonderful that it happened to her too because she isn’t used to it, its as if she’s getting a crash course which is probably needed as the time draws nearer for the human race to wake up to the truth.

Looks as if Linda and me are again in tandem which is good as it helps to make things clearer.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Today while talking to a friend my shiver gauge told me that the month of June is important in some way, not because it’s my birthday and not because of the Jubilee which seemed to fade to nothing .
There certainly seems to be something going on in June which made us smile, so whatever it is can’t be bad.
This ties in with the RGH this week where Linda said ‘ Look to June ‘

The energy around my friend and me was very strong, we both felt it weighing quite heavy on us, this is when I feel someone is with me, guiding me and it’s wonderful that it happened to her too because she isn’t used to it, its as if she’s getting a crash course which is probably needed as the time draws nearer for the human race to wake up to the truth.

Looks as if Linda and me are again in tandem which is good as it helps to make things clearer.
Well June is only a hop, skip and a May away.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - April 27, 2022

Waking Dream
Going around the house straightening and dusting to be ready for something. Then I was dressed nicely in a pretty dress, heels, make-up, hair done and walked into a large gathering room (somewhere else) and saw people at one end yelling at each other and people at the other end sitting quietly. I knew if I went to the yelling group, I could help calm them, but did not feel called to do so. I sat with the quiet people and noticed many in military fatigues. I thought it was odd but felt comfortable with them. Then a door opened, and we got up to pass through. The yelling people were unaware of the open door. As I walked through the door, I saw it was something like a bridging place or puzzle piece. I stepped into the area to pass through to ????, and that is when I awoke.

My Take
Getting the house ready often is an indication of ourselves and our lives - so, I was busy at that. Going to the gathering place dressed nicely shows I placed great value on it, as well as beautiful attitudes of love and generosity. Not helping out the angry people shows that although I have compassion for them, I'm ready to leave that behind. Presence of the military seems like a reference to what I believe regarding the military working behind the scenes in this country (and probably others) - and/or - an indication of my own warrior side. They were not there to fight but to guard the passage way.

Feels as though this is related to another post I made today.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - April 27, 2022

It is late evening here and cool enough to have the windows open. A great horned owl has dropped by for a visit. It is in the trees just beyond the back fence. I went outside and sat on the deck so I could be closer.

My Take
Birds have been important messengers in my life and more so in recent times. In the 15 years we've lived here, I've heard it two or three times. They are very large birds (5-foot wingspan) and have a loud call. I found several meanings of a visit, but the last one in this list seems most appropriate.

Intuition, ability to see what others do not see
The presence of the owl announces change
Capacity to see beyond deceit and masks
The traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic like a life transition, change


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - April 28, 2022

Morning Dream
I was puttering around in the backyard (yes, where the hawks landed), and in my mind I could hear a lot of frantic chatter. So, I placed myself in place to observe and saw people that appeared to have lost their minds - searching for a savior and listening to nutcases talking about all kinds of ways to find peace. There was a a tall, slender man, who people saw as some kind of prophet, and they were trying to touch him, but I could see he was hollow on the inside.

As I watched from a distance (and somewhat stunned) an old friend, who showed up in another dream like this, appeared beside me, and we watched together (Pucksterguy). A powerful energetic wind blew through, and everything went dark and silent. Then a few lights popped up - much like I see in the RGH sessions. I began waking up and heard the song "Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel.

My Take
If you've been reading the dreams and events over the past weeks, you may have the same sense, as do I - ramping up. I don't know what else I can say other than look after yourselves and family - spend time with whatever is grounding to you - forget those outside voices and listen to the inner ones of peace and love and share with those around you. We will be Ok.



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It is indeed.Melt, lets hope whatever it is is pretty damn wonderful but don’t hold your breath you know how these things work, never quite what we expect.
I let my intuition do the talking, so I moved on an urge I had to book annual leave for the days 7-10th June (this will be Tues-Friday of that week). The Monday I need to work as it is a public holiday in my state, but not so in other states , so I am required to attend to be able to answer calls from other states, and get paid double-time for that day!

Therefore, my intuition is saying look out for the week Monday 6th to Friday 10th June.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I let my intuition do the talking, so I moved on an urge I had to book annual leave for the days 7-10th June (this will be Tues-Friday of that week). The Monday I need to work as it is a public holiday in my state, but no so in other states , so I am required to attend to be able to answer calls from other states, and get paid double-time for that day!

Therefore, my intuition is saying look out for the week Monday 6th to Friday 10th June.

The whole month appears to be special in some way going by the intuition of us and others , will be interesting to see what turns up
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