Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (3 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I was doing something with a white substance, which was like pancake flour, but perfectly white
Sounds like baking bread or making some kind of food - sharing sustenance. Then your daughter was dramatically affected but not injured - the sustenance reached her. Being in-between, I see you as moderating how much reached her - enough to be noticed and experienced but not so much as to overwhelm. I agree with June.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
In my sleep-time on the same night as Linda's dream, I had a dream that woke me up gasping and trembling. I thought it was personal because it only involved me and my daughter, but maybe it had a higher message. There was a single gas stove jet on the bench, which was lit. I was doing something with a white substance, which was like pancake flour, but perfectly white. Looked like a whole heap of baking soda or something. I needed to pour just a little out. Being on the clumsy side, when I poured it all fell out on the bench, and some of it came in contact with the gas flame. There was a high contact flash, but I felt no heat. It lighted up the room briefly. I turned around, and about 3-4 metres away my daughter was standing there, obviously the flash had reached her and she was hugging herself, her clothes were electrical/static-y. The clothes were sticking to her. She was fully covered, in a long sleeved jumpsuit, but you could see that the flash had gone onto her.

I immediately woke up, while I was still thinking about how I could help her.

I didn't realize in the dream that I was standing between her and the bench, but I wasn't affected, and had no heat effect or burn. My immediate reaction was that I had been responsible for hurting my daughter. Probably due to events that I know have happened in her life.

Any ideas?
I'd associate your daughter's flash and electrical/static-y effect with her lighting up... whatever that means to you. My own associations with this are very positive though it's really yours which matter here. I haven't seen anything in what you write that suggests that your daughter was hurt in any way which I believe is significant.

It's easy for us parents to jump to what we'd done to hurt our child inadvertently and that isn't necessarily the case from a higher perspective, even if it relates to something that initially involves pain (which I don't see written above). I say this thinking about my own recent days and find that the timing of your having such a dream just now is fascinating as I just went through an adventure with my children that could have ended up with somebody hurt. It didn't. I felt we learned a lot and came out the better for the experience, individually and as a group. I even had the opportunity to throw a couple of ideas their way about understanding and taking ownership of their energetic fields so that they can make them work for themselves rather than being passive or dismissive of such ideas. This came about as a way to get us through a tough situation and was surprisingly easy to say in a way I liked once I decided to do so:-D When you mention 'electricity, staticy-y' I think of this for sureO.o:D Alternatively, I could have easily cast blame on myself for any part I had in creating the scenario that many would have regarded as dangerous. We could have, as a group of people cast into a 'situation' come out of it blaming each other. We did have some of that and though didn't stick and that wasn't what we were left with<3 I just didn't see it that way and from what's been said we didn't as a group either. Seeing it this way seems so much healthier for all of us and an opportunity for my children to parent with less guilt themselves when their time comes; just some thoughts based on the 'coincidence' of timing.

As always, I hope it's grist for your mill.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thanks for all the ideas. I very much appreciate that. There was pain which I didn't mention - because she has piercings, and I think the metal heated up, so she was hugging those. If she hadn't had the piercings, I don't think she would have felt any pain. (Isn't it incredible what comes through in a dream?)

Thanks, Lila, the world is experiential, so blame/guilt is not really a factor, although I am certainly sad she has been through the things in her earlier life. But I do understand that is the crafting of the steel sword - how it is put to the fire. I think I do feel some inner guilt still about a horrible situation, but on the other hand, I realize it was my karmic learning, and hers in a different way.

I am happy your recent learning experience turned out all A-OK, with lessons learned. Love is the best glue, and young people's perspectives do change over time (as I know from how I view my own mother, bless her soul).

I seem to have known about a coming flash forever - or at least 4 decades - so it is probably something that has settled into my subconscious as it lives there and surfaces every now and then. But the rising pitch of waiting is now coming into a very dramatic and urgent moment.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - May 25, 2022

Morning Dream
Walking around a place that felt Mediterranean and saw a very old amphora on a low branch of a tree. It was dusty with vines around it and looked as though it had been there a very long time. I saw that it was teetering and about to fall. Then I noticed several red threads attached to it and followed them to other amphora of the same design, in the same condition, and with the same red threads. I could see that the first one was about to fall, which would take the others in a domino effect. I was not attracted to the amphora or the place and wanted to leave. I had the sense that when the first one fell, I would not want to be there.

My Take
This dream is full of symbolism. Clearly ancient amphora would not be sitting in a tree or on the ground. I see them as containers of ancient information. The sense that I was in a Mediterranean area also points to a place of ancient history. (I've been to that part of the world and know the atmosphere.)

The red strings were woven and knotted much like kaballah bracelets that became so popular with celebrities. While they have spiritual meaning in the jewish faith, they've become commercialized. Obviously red threads would have faded and disintegrated, so I see them as a symbol that the ancient information is linked to spiritual/religious teachings that have been hidden for a long time.

I enjoy history and have been to several places here and in Europe. However, there have been a few from which I literally backed away because I could sense that something awful had happened there. I had the same feelings in the dream - a sense of discomfort in the place and anxiety about what was going to happen. I could not see how far the amphora spread, but it was some distance.

In a nutshell - ancient history is about to spill, and it will be terribly shocking to many.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Walking around a place that felt Mediterranean and saw a very old amphora on a low branch of a tree. It was dusty with vines around it and looked as though it had been there a very long time. I saw that it was teetering and about to fall.
Janne suggested that this may be the tree of life.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - May 30, 2022

Came up with a creative solution to a storage/display situation at home. I needed two things to complete it but could not find them anywhere. I forgot about it until a couple of days ago, when I saw part of the solution in the stack of cedar branches and later at the hardware store where I strolled by the last thing I needed. All done today, and it looks marvelous.

Sitting outside watching the clouds and a memory popped in. It was the summer before I started high school, and I was out in my Dad's car (giant Pontiac Star Chief). Stopped at a light and two guys I knew pulled up behind me. They jumped out of their car, ran to the front of mine, popped the hood, took off the air filter, left it on the fender, and drove off. First I was stunned, then I got out, replaced the air filter, closed the hood, and got back in the car. A man pulled up laughing and asked if I was Ok and if I knew those boys. I said yes, I know them and I'm fine.

My Take
The time was right and what I needed appeared for my project. Thanks to my Dad's car care course that I had to pass before I took out their cars by myself, I knew how to replace the air filter. His tips have served me well and for my daughter, too. There is level of confidence when you know how to do things.

I have concerns about events in the world, as well as my part in this time of change. Sometimes I feel as though I'm spinning my wheels - am I doing all that I can? These two events reinforced that if I'm relaxed and open (as opposed to worried and tense) that I will figure out what to do. Also, we can have confidence in our life experiences to come through when needed. I believe that sharing my dreams and adventures is enough for now, and that I will know what to do when called upon.

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Monday - May 30, 2022

Came up with a creative solution to a storage/display situation at home. I needed two things to complete it but could not find them anywhere. I forgot about it until a couple of days ago, when I saw part of the solution in the stack of cedar branches and later at the hardware store where I strolled by the last thing I needed. All done today, and it looks marvelous.

Sitting outside watching the clouds and a memory popped in. It was the summer before I started high school, and I was out in my Dad's car (giant Pontiac Star Chief). Stopped at a light and two guys I knew pulled up behind me. They jumped out of their car, ran to the front of mine, popped the hood, took off the air filter, left it on the fender, and drove off. First I was stunned, then I got out, replaced the air filter, closed the hood, and got back in the car. A man pulled up laughing and asked if I was Ok and if I knew those boys. I said yes, I know them and I'm fine.

My Take
The time was right and what I needed appeared for my project. Thanks to my Dad's car care course that I had to pass before I took out their cars by myself, I knew how to replace the air filter. His tips have served me well and for my daughter, too. There is level of confidence when you know how to do things.

I have concerns about events in the world, as well as my part in this time of change. Sometimes I feel as though I'm spinning my wheels - am I doing all that I can? These two events reinforced that if I'm relaxed and open (as opposed to worried and tense) that I will figure out what to do. Also, we can have confidence in our life experiences to come through when needed. I believe that sharing my dreams and adventures is enough for now, and that I will know what to do when called upon.

View attachment 13496
Duh, is the air filter that big round black thing?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
pontiac copy.jpeg
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - June 3, 2022

Events and Revisited Dream
A couple of days ago, I was feeling out-of-sorts but could not put my finger on it. I watched my dog pacing up and down the deck, lifting his head up to sniff, snort, and glare towards the woods. Whatever he sensed was unwelcomed but too far away to see. That pretty well summed it up for me. Cannot see what I'm sensing, but I don't like it.

Then I heard - Now is time for the Angelica. I knew that voice because it came from a dream I had some time ago. In the dream, the Resident was trying to force me to say what he wanted, and I refused. The level of force was growing, so I left in my car, driving up a mountain. I was astonished when I reached the top because there was nothing. I thought it was going to be a special place, but it was just nothing. Going down was not an option, so I decided to go off the edge into a valley below. I knew I could float my car down. I got out, looked around a beautiful valley, and a lovely woman approached. She looked at me and said - Oh, so we've come to this point. She handed me a cup of tea, saying Drink this. You are going to need it. I asked what it was, and she said Angelica.

My Take
I'll look at the main points. The mountain top was not what I thought it was going to be, but the valley was. Fortunately, I had a way to transport myself there. The woman may have been myself, a guide, or Mother Earth herself. The interesting parts were that she was aware of this situation and had some assistance for me. Angelica is known for protection and courage, as well as a good tonic for the body. So, I'm back to drinking a cup of Angelica tea daily and ready for the valley.

With all that is unfolding at breakneck speeds about our vile and dreadful leaders, we may be tempted to believe that all will Ok once they are gone. However, in "during the event" dreams, there has been a energetic sweep of the earth, and in the "afterwards" dreams the world is a much different place, unlike this one. So, I think that something more is afoot.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
With all that is unfolding at breakneck speeds about our vile and dreadful leaders, we may be tempted to believe that all will Ok once they are gone. However, in "during the event" dreams, there has been a energetic sweep of the earth, and in the "afterwards" dreams the world is a much different place, unlike this one. So, I think that something more is afoot.
Yes, politicians are just like scabs - they drop off. However, during their reign or their rule, healing was taking place underneath all along. So guess what - they're not needed any more.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Vaccine mandates for jobs and being employed are being dropped on June 10.
Be cautious Melt.

Listening to UK Column yesterday, it seems that in the USA whilst the mandates are being dropped, people in organisations are refusing to work alongside unjabbed people. So there is a "vaccine apartheid" growing. Companies want to be able to employ the best people and if that means guaranteeing a workplace that is fully jabbed then so be it.

Of course, the fully jabbed will be dropping like flies in another six months anyway.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I’ve been trying to get some insights on what it might be like after The Event, all I could think was that it’s not going to go from chaos and fear to perfect days of dancing and singing overnight, although I’m pretty sure we will be doing quite a bit of that.

Linda talking about the top of the mountain was the trigger I needed, my thoughts flew to the Von Trapp family in ‘ The Sound of Music ‘. The last scene with them escaping over the mountains, there wasn’t going to be anything on the top but they had escaped their oppressor and were free, now to negotiate their decent into the lush valley below, there was still a long way to go as I’m sure there will be for the human race, but it will be so different because it will be truly free.

After the Event it has to be a bit chaotic with much confusion, especially for those who were not prepared for it.
There will be nothing left of the world we’ve always known, in as much as all that has made up the system will be gone, the body of the church, banks, big pharma, and the governments with all the little Hitlers who run around giving out orders that enslave mankind while they play.

So they will be gone leaving the whole fabric of society in tatters, this has to happen because everything bad in society, especially pedophilia which taints everything runs through it.
I imagine a piece of white linen with a black thread weaving in and out, round and round, back and forth, twisting round in strangle holds. One thread impossible to pull out without destroying the whole fabric, so a new fabric has to be made, a new society based on love instead of fear, this is when I think love will be set in motion.

The human race will rise from the ashes, so to speak. There will be much to do, many people to help understand what has happened.
I imagine there will be a lot of clearing up to do, but truly nobody really knows we can only guess at the moment, the only thing to be sure of is that fear will be no more, it will be gone along with the dark forces that have held sway for far too long., leaving us to work towards a new Golden Age.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I remember your vision of the white fabric with so many black threads running through it that it was impossible to pull them all free so the whole fabric was destroyed.

Just recently I saw a post for an advert from the NHS advertising a deputy director for their Covid Pass programme. I just laughed. 19.5 million people in the UK refused any jabs. You think they are going to go for the pass?

Desperate, frightened idiots!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Then I heard - Now is time for the Angelica. I knew that voice because it came from a dream I had some time ago
I looked up Angelica to see if we can grow it here in Scotland. It is actually called
Angelica archangelica so I emailed one of our main gardeners and this is what she wrote back:

Hi Pod,
Yes, I think this would be good to grow at Castledykes Park. Angelica likes to be near water so the small border on the left of the steps, next to the bamboo should be ideal for it. I will see if I can source some plants as I would like a couple for my own garden.

With heavenly associations, the leaves are used for flavouring stewed fruits and in the preparation of a herbal tea, and the stems candied. Slow germination. Robust perennial plant
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
good to grow at Castledykes Park
There is lore that the plant was brought to the attention of humans by an angel. The idea of growing it in a special place is exciting. Perhaps it is good for protection of many special places.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I’ve been trying to get some insights on what it might be like after The Event, all I could think was that it’s not going to go from chaos and fear to perfect days of dancing and singing overnight, although I’m pretty sure we will be doing quite a bit of that.

Linda talking about the top of the mountain was the trigger I needed, my thoughts flew to the Von Trapp family in ‘ The Sound of Music ‘. The last scene with them escaping over the mountains, there wasn’t going to be anything on the top but they had escaped their oppressor and were free, now to negotiate their decent into the lush valley below, there was still a long way to go as I’m sure there will be for the human race, but it will be so different because it will be truly free.

After the Event it has to be a bit chaotic with much confusion, especially for those who were not prepared for it.
There will be nothing left of the world we’ve always known, in as much as all that has made up the system will be gone, the body of the church, banks, big pharma, and the governments with all the little Hitlers who run around giving out orders that enslave mankind while they play.

So they will be gone leaving the whole fabric of society in tatters, this has to happen because everything bad in society, especially pedophilia which taints everything runs through it.
I imagine a piece of white linen with a black thread weaving in and out, round and round, back and forth, twisting round in strangle holds. One thread impossible to pull out without destroying the whole fabric, so a new fabric has to be made, a new society based on love instead of fear, this is when I think love will be set in motion.

The human race will rise from the ashes, so to speak. There will be much to do, many people to help understand what has happened.
I imagine there will be a lot of clearing up to do, but truly nobody really knows we can only guess at the moment, the only thing to be sure of is that fear will be no more, it will be gone along with the dark forces that have held sway for far too long., leaving us to work towards a new Golden Age.
Thank you for your insight, once again, June. I don't know if I've shared before that my adult life has been tainted by marriage with a pedophile. Of course, you don't go into marriage with someone expecting that outcome. It has deepened my journey into who and what I am - and the basis is a spiritual being having experiences in this modality in earthly life. It leads me to understand the black threads you refer to are corruption, the white is the purity of heart. To grow beyond it, you can only do it by not living in fear and guilt.

Therefore, as we weave the new fabric of our earthly experience (because our spiritual selves are basically untainted, no matter what) we must focus on elevating above fear and guilt. This is called transcendence. For instance, I have diabetes. Do I see this as who I am? No. It is an overlay. Something to deal with, but not the intrinsic me. But what is coming, is not just a few individuals working for transcendence consciously, but each and everyone, by default, must do so, or not survive this transition in the earthly realm.

And we can help each other with transcendence above fear and guilt. We can help by being genuinely loving, and also forgiving, of the corrupting stains that have worked their way into people's lives, due to immature or unknowing levels of thinking, driving them to unknowing levels of action.

By living at that higher frequency by having a genuine love and belief in our own self individually, and by genuinely knowing that all can reach that point, if they stream their love inwardly towards themselves, and within and around them, that they can transcend - ascend - from the point where they lived a corrupted life. That their ultimate spirit, which is one with the godhead, is not ultimately affected by the experiential layers they accepted when they brought challenge into their life.

We have the individual strength and spiritual agility to do this. We have the human collective consciousness to do this. We have the support of all the energies from within Gaia herself. Gaia herself is making her shift, with or without us. We only need to step up a few stair-steps, to go with the flow, and transform ourselves too.

So the new fabric you talk about, is actually brand new transformative light, but also age-old, because it always was and always will be.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Perhaps it is good for protection of many special places.

Castledykes Park is a most beautiful space that the Peoples Project here in Dumfries "took over" In it's heyday, 4 gardeners worked full time in it. Now some volunteers do what they can and the council gardeners mow the grass.

It is historically valuable and I think that that the protection of Angelica energy would be apt.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
There is lore that the plant was brought to the attention of humans by an angel. The idea of growing it in a special place is exciting. Perhaps it is good for protection of many special places.
I have ordered some organic seeds as now is the time to sow them! They are coming from California!!!



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Castledykes Park is a most beautiful space that the Peoples Project here in Dumfries "took over" In it's heyday, 4 gardeners worked full time in it. Now some volunteers do what they can and the council gardeners mow the grass.

It is historically valuable and I think that that the protection of Angelica energy would be apt.

I'm really sorry to hear that the Park you have helped to beautify has been defaced (time and again). If those youngsters were gainfully employed, they wouldn't do that.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I'm really sorry to hear that the Park you have helped to beautify has been defaced
Two years ago Melt, a group of children, still in their school uniforms, ripped out plants from the planters in Market Square. This is another Peoples Project, just beautiful where we laid a seating area with planters, trees and picnic table.

Unfortunately for the children, a woman living in the flats opposite photographed the whole thing. She then messaged me on Ootn Aboot and I went, with a heavy heart to clear up the debris.

When she told me about the evidence she had collected I asked her to email me all the photos and, after checking with police, I posted them on Ootn Aboot.

There was outrage and uproar! Parents assumed that it was illegal to post such photos but I pointed out that the children were in a public space and I was well within my rights to publish. I also told them that the police had informed me that I could, if I wished, pass the photos on to the newpapers!

Many children and underage youngsters had always thought that no one could put photos of them online. In a seperate instance of vandalism, a woman was told by a youngster that if she tried to photograph him, he would report her to police as a paedophile!

So it was a great wake up call for parents and youngsters alike.

Within 24 hours, Facebook took down the post, citing "bullying" or some such excuse I forget now. But the message had been sent out, loud and clear!

All the perpetrators were identified and brought before a disciplinary body. As they were in school uniform, Dumfries Academy also became involved. It was a shock wave through the schools too.

Since then, we have not had a single case of vandalism!

Market Square.jpg


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Two years ago Melt, a group of children, still in their school uniforms, ripped out plants from the planters in Market Square. This is another Peoples Project, just beautiful where we laid a seating area with planters, trees and picnic table.

Unfortunately for the children, a woman living in the flats opposite photographed the whole thing. She then messaged me on Ootn Aboot and I went, with a heavy heart to clear up the debris.

When she told me about the evidence she had collected I asked her to email me all the photos and, after checking with police, I posted them on Ootn Aboot.

There was outrage and uproar! Parents assumed that it was illegal to post such photos but I pointed out that the children were in a public space and I was well within my rights to publish. I also told them that the police had informed me that I could, if I wished, pass the photos on to the newpapers!

Many children and underage youngsters had always thought that no one could put photos of them online. In a seperate instance of vandalism, a woman was told by a youngster that if she tried to photograph him, he would report her to police as a paedophile!

So it was a great wake up call for parents and youngsters alike.

Within 24 hours, Facebook took down the post, citing "bullying" or some such excuse I forget now. But the message had been sent out, loud and clear!

All the perpetrators were identified and brought before a disciplinary body. As they were in school uniform, Dumfries Academy also became involved. It was a shock wave through the schools too.

Since then, we have not had a single case of vandalism!

View attachment 13509
Purple, white and green - great colour combo!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - June 8, 2022

Dream in a Dream -
Physically large people, who are known to the population but have not engaged as leaders before, are delivering messages of "follow us, we know what to do". Much of the population is going along.

I awake from that dream and think it is crazy. Why would anyone listen to these people - why would anyone listen to people who've been silent through all the trials and tribulations - why would anyone listen to people who suddenly pop up on the "stage"?

Then I really wake up and am dumbfounded that I slept in so long - that my dog let me sleep so long - that the construction next door or the trash trucks did not wake me. Why a dream in a dream - to be sure I got the message.

My Take
The world is complicated with people vying for a public stage to deliver messages of "listen and follow me". And, yes, I'm there, too (albeit in a small way), but my intention is to say "pay attention, be aware, make your own decisions". I hope that comes across.

I believe this message is in line with the one about the mountain top and beautiful valley. In that dream, I was fleeing the Resident and went to the mountain because it was supposed to be "the place". Instead it was barren and a trap, although I had a way to escape. There are many speakers delivering messages of being saved by this rule, that intervention, or to just sit back and wait. They all lead to the barren mountain.

Why was that mountain barren - because I played no role in its creation. There is an old adage - if you can see a path clearly, it belongs to another. If the words of a speaker bring on a welling up of emotions, then take a step back and think for yourself. If you feel that you can sit back and wait for this or that to happen, please do not. We are meant to be active creators in our lives.

While some are called to illuminate lies and misconceptions, others of us work more quietly. Even if it as simple as smiling to someone in the grocery store, please know our sincerity and love does wonders. What does YOUR heart say?
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
My heart says: I am rowing this small boat of mine (this curricle) and if I am going around in circles, that is because I am trending too much to one side. Evenness, unflappability, and a strong surging desire to move forward keep the boat afloat. I see others in boats, and together we are a flotilla.

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