Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (20 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - August 25, 2022

Woke up feeling uneasy, which moved into irritability. So, I sat with my feelings and sensed first my physical reactions and then the surrounding energies. Having done that, I knew there was an undercurrent of some kind of disturbance that seems to swirl beyond me. A friend, who lives far away, confirmed the same in her area. So I spent some time outside doing chores and immediately felt much better. Also, I had a conversation with a friend in which we shared near identical interactions with people out in public - quite a bit of anger. My friend and I are pleasant people and are accustomed to having positive interactions with people, so we each were thrown for a loop.

My Take
I can sum up my personal experiences as reaction and understanding. The key to maintaining some kind of equilibrium is taking the time to understand how I am feeling. Many times the source of my feelings comes from beyond me, as I discovered this morning.

While these ideas are nothing new to most of us, I think they bear repeating because the undercurrent of disturbance is growing. We can see evidence in our own countries, and I think it will grow as more info about C-19 comes to light. For me, I can feel compassion for people acting out - to a point. However, I do keep a watchful eye out when on the road because there are weird drivers out there.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - August 25, 2022

Watched a program about moving a historic lighthouse and learned a few things. Each lighthouse is unique so sailors know where they are. The exterior design, colors of the lights, sequence of flashes are noted in nautical charts so mariners can chart their passage.

Many of us have felt that we are like the single lighthouse on a point. So, the idea that our unique colors and frequencies are visible to travelers is a comforting idea. I like this plan for guideposts around the world.



Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Thursday - August 25, 2022

Watched a program about moving a historic lighthouse and learned a few things. Each lighthouse is unique so sailors know where they are. The exterior design, colors of the lights, sequence of flashes are noted in nautical charts so mariners can chart their passage.

Many of us have felt that we are like the single lighthouse on a point. So, the idea that our unique colors and frequencies are visible to travelers is a comforting idea. I like this plan for guideposts around the world.

View attachment 13661
I like the idea that we can be a light in the darkness , our unique exterior design and light frequency drawing like minded people, and helping to guide them through the stormy waters of greed and deceit.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Thursday - August 25, 2022

Woke up feeling uneasy, which moved into irritability. So, I sat with my feelings and sensed first my physical reactions and then the surrounding energies. Having done that, I knew there was an undercurrent of some kind of disturbance that seems to swirl beyond me. A friend, who lives far away, confirmed the same in her area. So I spent some time outside doing chores and immediately felt much better. Also, I had a conversation with a friend in which we shared near identical interactions with people out in public - quite a bit of anger. My friend and I are pleasant people and are accustomed to having positive interactions with people, so we each were thrown for a loop.

My Take
I can sum up my personal experiences as reaction and understanding. The key to maintaining some kind of equilibrium is taking the time to understand how I am feeling. Many times the source of my feelings comes from beyond me, as I discovered this morning.

While these ideas are nothing new to most of us, I think they bear repeating because the undercurrent of disturbance is growing. We can see evidence in our own countries, and I think it will grow as more info about C-19 comes to light. For me, I can feel compassion for people acting out - to a point. However, I do keep a watchful eye out when on the road because there are weird drivers out there.
I like your way of describing it, ‘ an undercurrent of disturbance, ‘ it’s here In a different part of the world to you and yes it is getting stronger folk are worried , just the other day someone asked me if everything would turn out okay.?
I’m also seeing changes in some folk I’ve known a long time, it’s subtle but getting stronger.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thursday - August 25, 2022

Watched a program about moving a historic lighthouse and learned a few things. Each lighthouse is unique so sailors know where they are. The exterior design, colors of the lights, sequence of flashes are noted in nautical charts so mariners can chart their passage.

Many of us have felt that we are like the single lighthouse on a point. So, the idea that our unique colors and frequencies are visible to travelers is a comforting idea. I like this plan for guideposts around the world.

View attachment 13661
Back in 2012, when my then 12 year old daughter was excluded from my care for 2 years due to a court order putting liability on me to stop any interaction between her and my then husband, I used this exact motive (with the light doing an arc across the skies) to visualize how I could reach her with this light. I did this on my long train journey home at nights, every night of the working week. It was an intense visualization (which at least helped me!) I was able to meet her and take her out each Saturday over that time, but I felt the psychic visualization was just as needed.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - August 28, 2022

I am being shown what happens when I vote - when I sign in, a hidden program tags me and pulls out 3 or more votes to counter mine. It was very creepy, as if some one was playing a secret organ that pulls in other chords.

Outside with cup of tea at sunrise and see the sunlight coming through the trees. The branches and leaves make a perfect triangle with 3 lights at the bottom, 2 in the middle, and a top light that is shining most brightly. It was an obvious pattern - not a "sort of kind of" thing.
I did find this image that shows the pattern I saw.


My Take
I believe the dream was showing me that the voting system is not fixable and that paper ballots are the only way for honest elections. It may be showing why there will not be an election this November or why the election will be invalidated. In either case, there will be much turmoil.

Seeing the lighted triangle was quite lovely - the shape formed by branches and the lights glittering through, especially the top light. I did check on some numerology ideas (I know little on this topic) and found that the number one represents force, two represents opening, and three, the awakening of wisdom.

Thinking of the dream, I know that some kind of force will be necessary to awaken the rest of the population to the truth about our voting systems. With the single light shining the most brightly, perhaps we are at that point.

I would not have paid much attention to the sunlight shining through the trees if it had not been in that pattern. Triangles are associated the idea of the trinity, which covers many aspects of our lives. It also represents change in Greek, which we see in mathematic symbols. For the American Indians, it was the symbol for home. Many possibilities from which to choose. In my case, the numerological meanings of force, opening, and wisdom were packaged in a triangle. Will need to mull over this aspect a bit longer.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Sunday - August 28, 2022

I am being shown what happens when I vote - when I sign in, a hidden program tags me and pulls out 3 or more votes to counter mine. It was very creepy, as if some one was playing a secret organ that pulls in other chords.

Outside with cup of tea at sunrise and see the sunlight coming through the trees. The branches and leaves make a perfect triangle with 3 lights at the bottom, 2 in the middle, and a top light that is shining most brightly. It was an obvious pattern - not a "sort of kind of" thing.
I did find this image that shows the pattern I saw.

View attachment 13667

My Take
I believe the dream was showing me that the voting system is not fixable and that paper ballots are the only way for honest elections. It may be showing why there will not be an election this November or why the election will be invalidated. In either case, there will be much turmoil.

Seeing the lighted triangle was quite lovely - the shape formed by branches and the lights glittering through, especially the top light. I did check on some numerology ideas (I know little on this topic) and found that the number one represents force, two represents opening, and three, the awakening of wisdom.

Thinking of the dream, I know that some kind of force will be necessary to awaken the rest of the population to the truth about our voting systems. With the single light shining the most brightly, perhaps we are at that point.

I would not have paid much attention to the sunlight shining through the trees if it had not been in that pattern. Triangles are associated the idea of the trinity, which covers many aspects of our lives. It also represents change in Greek, which we see in mathematic symbols. For the American Indians, it was the symbol for home. Many possibilities from which to choose. In my case, the numerological meanings of force, opening, and wisdom were packaged in a triangle. Will need to mull over this aspect a bit longer.
That’s some dream isn’t it, showing that there will never be a fair and honest vote while the system remains the same, let’s hope that something does come along to wake folk up, maybe that bright light you saw is a hopeful sign, it certainly sounds it.
Incredible dream.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I would not have paid much attention to the sunlight shining through the trees if it had not been in that pattern. Triangles are associated the idea of the trinity, which covers many aspects of our lives.

Great dream Lady Linda !

When I saw the triangle I thought of pool balls being set up at the start of a game!

pool balls.jpg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - August 29, 2022

Woke up this morning and knew I was going to have something important to do. Did not know what - only that it was important.

I needed something repaired and took it to a neighborhood place. The clerk thought it was one thing and the manager, who looked as though he was about to pull his hair out, took a look and found the problem was a snapped E clip that was jamming the works.

I felt called to speak to the manager and tell him that while times are difficult for most of us, if we stick together, we will be Ok. He smiled, and I had a sense that he would remember my words in a more difficult situation. Then I said again - We will be Ok - smiled and left.

My Take
I'm the nice lady who smiles and makes nice and/or funny comments with strangers. I like the idea of trailing love lights wherever I go. Today was something different. I can see now that we all have a specific message to share - stay together and we will be Ok. I doubt the man with whom I spoke today has an understanding of what is coming in terms of everything breaking apart in this country and around the world, but it is my belief that he felt the underlying message of love and unity.

walking home.jpg


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Today I took a call on the phone lines, and I helped him professionally, and then at the close of the call he suddenly asked me: "What music do you like?" We normally keep things pretty tightly reigned in, but I thought "What the heck?" and said "Opera". And it turned out he was an opera buff, and told me of one singer in particular that he thought amazing. So, between the two of us, who know nothing of each other and will never meet, there was a connection. And it was his intuition this time, not mine! And that's exactly how we are going to get to the New Earth - by using our Higher Mind, where we are all interconnected at some level, and allowing our intuition to bud and take a risk with coming out with what we are thinking. He was the most unlikely person - and I could have chosen to say anything, just to close the call - but I decided to say "Opera" because it gives me joy.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - August 31, 2022

Waking Dream (when I'm awake but have not yet opened my eyes)
I see the driveway to our house, and a perfectly formed tree is growing in the middle. I had no concerns about the physical effect and was more interested in what the symbols meant. Then I opened my eyes and the image faded away.

My Take
In dream lingo, this is a positive image. The driveway can represent the path home, security, or time to rest before starting out again. A healthy tree may indicate the tree of knowledge, spiritual life, vitality, or your family ties. Putting the two together, as well as what has been going on lately, I'd say it shows that we are in a good spiritual state now and that some family activities are coming in the future.

While some of my dreams have a personal message, I believe that they apply to many of us. I just happen to be the one putting the ideas and observations into words.

Dream info from Dreams by Wilda Tanner - my go-to source for many years.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - September 6, 2022

In a waiting room waiting on a friend and overheard a woman on the phone. She was in the midst of a tumultuous time, and I wished that there was something I could do to help. So, I closed my eyes and asked for assistance for her. I figured I would feel it in my heart, but what I felt was my third eye tingling and saw in my mind's eye a ray of white light passing through a prism (me) and shining rainbow lights on her. Then I got the words Grace, Healing, Resources. I just went with it until she got up and left the room.

My Take
Well, I guess new ways to help abound, and we just need to ask.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had a small glimpse again into the way our world really works (fractally, holographically, timeliness - as in how does the synchronicity fit into the time frame?). A passing thought went through my mind while I was driving on the freeway - about my beloved cat, who had died at only 11 years old in approx 2004. His life was impacted by limitation (the type of limitation I experienced in my first marriage), and so my passing thought was I wonder if my cat made it into the etheric connected world of consciousness, where all their cat consciousness is pooled, singularly - in other words, a type of cat heaven. Immediately, a car overtook me, and had a personalised number plate on a glowing blue panel: PET. I took that for a Yes!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
A passing thought went through my mind while I was driving on the freeway
Wonderful Melt. I love the way a questioning thought can suddenly bring profound insights.

I recall watching a pile of shoe boxes burning and idly asking "Why would anyone hoard empty shoe boxes?" to be answered with a whole download of information starting with "It all depends on the energies you bring into your life when you incarnate"

I think I was slightly hypnotised by the flames and driving can also send us into a slightly altered state of consciousness where the synchronicities can manifest. That Magic of LIfe energy!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - September 8, 2022

Morning Dream
I was driving a deep blue color truck along a highway access road and coming to an intersection. Although the light was green, the autos in front of me stopped. I was braking as best I could but still was going to crash, so I swerved onto the shoulder. However, I still was moving fast and by the time I reached the intersection, the light had changed. I was faced with lots of cross traffic and managed to turn and merge with the other vehicles. However, I was now on a street in a commercial area that I did not like.

My Take
I travel this particular intersection often. However, since I was in a truck and not my car, I take it as a symbolic dream rather than a direct warning. Trucks are work vehicles and dark blue is a color associated with spiritual life. The access road is where people exit and enter a highway. The cross street with lots of businesses and offices leads to a big development that I abhor.

I think that many of us are in a quandary of what to do now. I'm continuing along, but in the last few days, I have become irritated with the lack of change I see around me. People are plodding along in their lives as if nothing is wrong. Sometimes I want to shout - Wake Up - but I don't. I know my place is helping the in-between people, but they have not figured that is where they are yet. In other words, I'm moving too fast for the traffic around me.

To me this dream illustrates my feelings and frustrations in a way I can understand. Pushing through in my spiritual work truck is not really helping anyone, especially me. So, I'm looking for a bit more balance in my life - any meaningful change happens when all parties are ready. Yep, been feeling like a ball player who's yelling - Put me in, coach". However, if I stop for a second, I can see that I'm already "in".


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
but in the last few days, I have become irritated with the lack of change I see around me. People are plodding along in their lives as if nothing is wrong
I feel this too Linda.

I was at a local meeting earlier this week and I tried to point out that the steel smelters in Germany are closing down and once the foundaries cool, they collapse i on themselves and do not start again. Without steel the construction industry will falter.

It just went right over peoples' heads.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I feel this too Linda.

I was at a local meeting earlier this week and I tried to point out that the steel smelters in Germany are closing down and once the foundaries cool, they collapse i on themselves and do not start again. Without steel the construction industry will falter.

It just went right over peoples' heads.

All the heavy industries shut down and these are the foundations of all the other industry. (bottom layer of the house of cards)
this is a clear road to collapse of the current industrial system.

As you said it can restart but you will have a pauze of months to a year of production so we will have to sing it out someway but there will be big shortages.
but the end is only a beginning so curious what will rise from the ashes,...


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
As you said it can restart but you will have a pauze of months to a year of production
Many of the foundaries will never re-open. It costs millions to get them up and running again !
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Many of the foundaries will never re-open. It costs millions to get them up and running again !
If it is like here - once shut down, any building, etc. will no longer be grandfathered and must now meet new building and operating guidelines.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
It just went right over peoples' heads.
I've seen this look before and was flummoxed - how in the world can anyone not get it


critical thinking, or lack thereof

you have to able to hold conflicting info in your head and ask questions - we now are finding out how few are capable of thinking
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I've seen this look before and was flummoxed - how in the world can anyone not get it


critical thinking, or lack thereof

you have to able to hold conflicting info in your head and ask questions - we now are finding out how few are capable of thinking
I worked for 18 years at a research institute with 80 % of the people having a batchelor or masters degree.
there were 600 people working there. if I would gues about 1 % are the real critical people that also stand for their opinion. 5-10 % has critical thinking but lay it aside for all kinds of reasons. mostly to fit in or monetary.

The technicians had in a lot of cases more critical thinking than the "more educated" people.
maybe this is connected to creativity. 97 % of the todlers is creative and the further you get in the scholarly system the less creative you get. Masters being least.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I feel this too Linda.

I was at a local meeting earlier this week and I tried to point out that the steel smelters in Germany are closing down and once the foundaries cool, they collapse i on themselves and do not start again. Without steel the construction industry will falter.

It just went right over peoples' heads.
I think people are so dumbed down with pharmaceuticals, toxins in the food, water and the air we breath, lies and a huge dollop of fear to top it off, people can’t think straight.
Having said that there are plenty who are sitting comfortably and don’t want to see , don’t want to be taken out of their comfort zone, they’re alright and fondly imagine that none of these things can impact them


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thursday - September 8, 2022

Morning Dream
I was driving a deep blue color truck along a highway access road and coming to an intersection. Although the light was green, the autos in front of me stopped. I was braking as best I could but still was going to crash, so I swerved onto the shoulder. However, I still was moving fast and by the time I reached the intersection, the light had changed. I was faced with lots of cross traffic and managed to turn and merge with the other vehicles. However, I was now on a street in a commercial area that I did not like.

My Take
I travel this particular intersection often. However, since I was in a truck and not my car, I take it as a symbolic dream rather than a direct warning. Trucks are work vehicles and dark blue is a color associated with spiritual life. The access road is where people exit and enter a highway. The cross street with lots of businesses and offices leads to a big development that I abhor.

I think that many of us are in a quandary of what to do now. I'm continuing along, but in the last few days, I have become irritated with the lack of change I see around me. People are plodding along in their lives as if nothing is wrong. Sometimes I want to shout - Wake Up - but I don't. I know my place is helping the in-between people, but they have not figured that is where they are yet. In other words, I'm moving too fast for the traffic around me.

To me this dream illustrates my feelings and frustrations in a way I can understand. Pushing through in my spiritual work truck is not really helping anyone, especially me. So, I'm looking for a bit more balance in my life - any meaningful change happens when all parties are ready. Yep, been feeling like a ball player who's yelling - Put me in, coach". However, if I stop for a second, I can see that I'm already "in".
Your dream expresses the quandary really well. What I would say is that how we are choosing to perceive it, consciously, means we are actively vibrating higher and are in our natural co-creating frequency. This is simultaneous with where everyone is at, wherever they're at. I expressed this to my customer today - because he started out gruff and grumpy, and then he must have felt bashful because he apologized for being grumpy.... And I told him, looking out the window (which I have been graced with, right at my side) the weather where I am is so beautiful, he can be as grumpy as he likes, his grumpiness simply doesn't affect me. Which in turn changed his grumpiness into a good old laugh, and relaxed him which let his frequency rise higher.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Many of the foundaries will never re-open. It costs millions to get them up and running again !
Pod, this is something I have seen in Australia for the last 40 years. We have simply stopped being a manufacturing nation. I realize this means we are going to be brought up short very quickly when those "other" manufacturers (China, Brazil and India?) stop the flow to all us "entitled" nations. As in, get your own. We will then have a rapid experience, such as Cuba underwent when they could rely on no-one but themselves, from the 1960's onwards. But the human ability to turn yourself inside-out and create is massive.

There is one side to all this that I fear - the destabilized pop with poor mental health. The fact that their mental health is so degraded makes me fear they won't be able to turn it around, i.e. use patience, calm and creativity to crawl out of the situation.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Waking dream this morning.
I was in a huge dark cave looking down on a scene of what I felt rather than saw was carnage , I instinctively pulled back not wanting to see too much detail.
I was looking down on a deep, dark pit with a bridge of the same material as the floor, making it a natural bridge across.
There was a lot of blood and a figure in a loin cloth stood in the middle waving what appeared to be a knife, I feel sure something was lying at his feet but thankfully my pulling back had softened the picture. I knew this had been the scene of much slaughter, so many sacrificed.

A light appeared high in the cave and shone down on the scene and it began to shrink as if on a computer screen, it kept shrinking until nothing was left, the light grew to fill the whole cave, purifying and completely obliterating any vestiges that might be left of the pit and I heard the words ‘ The final countdown ‘

My impression, the deep state has lost the battle, they are going down very quickly now. All the old traditional institutions we’ve known are finished , it won’t be too long before the human race will rise from the ashes.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
A light appeared high in the cave and shone down on the scene and it began to shrink as if on a computer screen
The light could be The Wave! I agree that the deep state has lost, I sometimes want to giggle when I hear some of the politicians speak. Pure Bullshit.

I have given you a 'winner' rating Junie old fruit, for a wonderful dream, beautifully related and shared for us all.

Thank you from deep in my soul!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Waking dream this morning.
I was in a huge dark cave looking down on a scene of what I felt rather than saw was carnage , I instinctively pulled back not wanting to see too much detail.
I was looking down on a deep, dark pit with a bridge of the same material as the floor, making it a natural bridge across.
There was a lot of blood and a figure in a loin cloth stood in the middle waving what appeared to be a knife, I feel sure something was lying at his feet but thankfully my pulling back had softened the picture. I knew this had been the scene of much slaughter, so many sacrificed.

A light appeared high in the cave and shone down on the scene and it began to shrink as if on a computer screen, it kept shrinking until nothing was left, the light grew to fill the whole cave, purifying and completely obliterating any vestiges that might be left of the pit and I heard the words ‘ The final countdown ‘

My impression, the deep state has lost the battle, they are going down very quickly now. All the old traditional institutions we’ve known are finished , it won’t be too long before the human race will rise from the ashes.
I understand that cleansing light will be the way out of this. I guess that's why we say "Love and Light" because that light comes right out of our hearts.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I feel this too Linda.

I was at a local meeting earlier this week and I tried to point out that the steel smelters in Germany are closing down and once the foundaries cool, they collapse i on themselves and do not start again. Without steel the construction industry will falter.

It just went right over peoples' heads.
the conditioning of the collectif is too strong the moment to penetrate those, we try as best to help and for those who don t want the moment perhaps later and if not it is their choice but is a sad choice from our perspectif
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