The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Hello, as I was asked in invitation posts thread, I will try to write down my The Event related expiriences here. I hope my english will be enough good. (I'm editing this post after while to correct language errors and clearity only - be free to correct me to, I love to learn to be more clear in using this language to be with You).

I'm 44 guy from Poland and I love The Event - I was born with The Event im my heart :)

I had two visions when I was about 4-5 years. On first vision I was in Kingdom on side of The Creator and We (as many of us) was watching on current times here on Earth. For me it, was terrible - so much darknes, so little light and I asked The Creator - I want to go, to be one of the lights. And I jumped down... Second was later, I was walking in my city and I saw cross on sky and some flashes, then I saw chairs on subtle chains dropped down from sky. I saw people names written on every chair. Everybody had some... I had not. I was left. As you see, first vision is clear and easy, ofcourse it has form that was accessable for child so now I feel it more as more complex decision, planning etc as volontueer. Second vision is still a little enigma for me. As a child I felt not good with that one, later on, it was my driver to find Truth about myself. After final awakening on April this year I feel it has double meaning. One - I had to deeply expirience "disconnection" from Source to realise my soul mission. Second - in "bad scenario" I had to stay until end, to last moment to help others. But now we have "good scenario" so I don't know :)

When I was teenger I broke up my traditional connection with Catcholic Church - I was more that angry, I was angry with passion about betrayal of my internal feelings about Christ teachings and what they (priests) were talking and how catholic people lived around me. For me there was always some great warm passion to Creator deep inside me, but passion without "fulfilment" and I felt so much contrast between world around me and my internal feelings. During years I build very big stronghold of my mind around my heart. I started to read and listen to buddhism teaching when I was about 20 years old. About 3-4 years of practise I had my first satori - I saw the world as black space with pearls of colours, active, vibrating, full of energy, connected each to other. After that blink I was three days happy guy, full of joy, bliss but it was gone... and that was very diffcult for me. So I started again, by years I practised korean zen of mahajana, some teachings of others buddhism schools also. In some short period I was also part of Hare Krsihna movement. During all my eastern spirituality journey I was close to Christ too, for me it was naturally that all of that teachings all about the same, but from different perspectives. I had two more satori's during that time. It gived me peace and space in mind. Then about 2012 I meet Mooji, he is advaita-vedanta teacher from the path of Sri Ramana Maharishi. It was very strong meeting on satsang in my country. I was shaking three days and it crushed down my mind extarnal castle walls and some Sun light had finally access to secrect chamber of my heart. Later I was working on that with local Mooji sangha teacher (wonderfull woman) and I had very strong relation to eyes of Sri Ramana Maharishi - my castle was brick by brick gowing down, every time I looked on his picture (with question "How I am? inside"). And finally about early 2015 I found, as I supposed, my relalisation of free clear mind, peace and "some" joy. Now I call it "some" :) For that time - it was joy ;) And I started to live, just live - nothing special, I'm quite good IT engieer and IT manager so I had a lof of work. But in on Summer 2015 something changed, I started to feel realy bad. Strong depression, always after Summer and during Autumun. I had feeling that something very bad is coming, very very bad. I was looking for "end time" prophecies, informations about "WW3", "poleshift" etc. Autumun 2017 was terrible but different. It was not about End of The World anymore but I was feeling very depressed. I was trying different pils but nothing helped. Only mj was good but ofcourse for a few hours :)

And on that Autumun I wakeup suddenly one night and I saw women sitting close to my bed, women made of light and I felt that She healed something with me. She disapeared when I started to be more awake. From February 2018 to April 2018 i lost 25 kg (from 106kg) "normal" - I didn't made any decision on that. I just started naturally to eat less, sleep less, eat only things that I felt god for me. Now I underastand that it was prepaparation of physicial vessel.

On late April I readed every message from Anonymoys, Qanon and simillar not sleeping two nights. I read about The Event first time maybe 23-24. I was never intersted in New Age, that energy stuff, vibration stuff - for me "old school zen guy" it was "nonsence", yeah. I was never intersted in angels ... only as angels in fantasy books (I read only sf & fantasy ;) - I readed Lord Of The Rings about 15 times.. :) ). I was interested in UFO's when I was teengeer, often - on lonely sad nights - I was waiting for UFO to take me home. Just this. From me, inside. I felt not in my world. Totally. I was typical computer geek to 26 years. But buddhism traning, psychoterapy (I was also study this as amateur) changed me - now I'm succesfull lider with high commnication skills. Just zen. Good stuff :) So, coming back to April.... 27.04.2018. Group of people on yt made a call for intervention from galaxy to help us. Neoglimer, Flat Earth Paradise. It was shock for me. And that day I felt so high energy burst. I was almost lying on ground. I had also visions that there is something wrong in CERN, part of me was on operation on CERN, we were doing something to stop something bad. And on the end I heard Voice - "your helped us a lot, if you want - you can back to your home with us now - I said - no, I will stay with my wife to the end!."

And from that moment rollercoaster started :)

I saw marks on sky on the begining, symbols of different religions, then some energy sphere around me from one end of horizont to another, with hindu mandalas on every square part of this sphere (as patch-work). During night I saw sacred geometry symbols in clouds, firstly 2D then 3D. And one night one of the squares on sky sphere (barrier - now I see it was curtian) opened and I saw spaceship - it Was waiting for my approval. When I give it, it sended two packet of informations to inside of curtain - I saw them as objects and I agree to take them. They come to me, integrated with me. After that I received a lot of such packages - it was not seen as objects in real 3d world but more as "overlay" on my mind view. Simple symbols, with colours, as on current gui applications :)I felt as every package is changing me.

And around May I had my awakening. It was so unexpectable. I just felt that I'm quiting my thoughts and my self was again in free mind space. It was so powerfull. I come to realisation that i was born-to-be-soul from idea. Idea as thought of Creator, idea of "unconditional love". I saw lot of things in a few seconds:

a) some as me was sent here by Creator to overlook and approve galactic invervention, something like "check if it is possible to humans to survive without it" and my test was "NO", galactic invervention is nescessary, it is not breaking uniwersal laws.
b) I saw my whole life as a script, as a hologram I can travererse, expirience.
c) I saw that I'm creating my perspective bubble of space - emotions, feelings, bad and good events, synchronicites etc

I felt my kundalini is risng. I started to see world as energy - every thing, man, animal, has pattern of energy for me. t I started to see colours in that. Problems also, bad energy (ilness for example), good energy... but I was to weak for that. Suddenly I felt that somethig is going darker, darker... and I felt more like in the hell. It was horrible. I was crying, in pain, almost creazy. It was as some attack on me but during that time I started to listen to messages of Archangel Michael. I asked him for help, one night when I saw thousands of demons around me. And he come. Deamons gone. I started to have protection. I started to feel different, idea of beeing an angel energy was quite nice for me, so natural. So I started the lighworker life :)

Now I recognise all of that as my projection of my subconuciuos mind but who knows. Maybe that and that :)

I was recalibrated as I wrote in invitation mail. I felt like my expiriences are taken from me to celestial white body and next day - given back, clear, fresh. That morning my angel higher self was with me again, just behind the window, in the air to share moment. That was great. Beauty.

I stareted to work with messages from yt first, from Michael. I spend a lot of time on meditation with them. And some weeks ago my chakra systems started to work as schould, diamond heart was activated, light body also, i feel joy, bliss, strong connection to source, to my soul family in Kindgom. To my as I call "godmohter" on Pleiadian starhip, and "godfather" on Arcturian starship. I had three converasations with them, they told me that they was looking on me from childchood, taking so much care as my soul contract allowed :) Love Them. Hm... Ach

Now I feel like I'm living in different time speed. Events that was on world according to The Event spreaded for few years for me are just weeks. I changed timelines several times. I was supporting Gaia on May/June with ascension, then one wave of people, now second. During that supports I transfomed myself. Im quite different man know. Tottaly fresh. New. I feel great, just great.

I feel that things are speeding up. I had vision of many things, times from Atlanta, how Galaxy is ascending, how its in some parts is organised, I talk with Gaia soul, have some dates two even, uhm.<:). As I feel now, it will be fast ascension, this is next change after "bad scenario" then "slow ascension to 2026" now fast, two years process, with this Autmun as start point.

I will try to write You more later. Ofcourse - please be carefull. I KNOW that each of us has his/her story in that spectacle, its all about our hearts, our own feelings, connection to feminine source, masculine source. There are still many timelines. I'm now on this with fast ascension. But maybe tomorrow I will be on "bad scenario" - I'm on adventure of my life, as rainbow warrior of Company on Heaven so everything is possible :)

Uff. Long story. I hope not too borring :) See you. Thank you.
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
I mentioned that Atlantian ascension vision.

I saw me and group of others coming to some underground chamber. I felt that there was more such chambers. Inside every chamber there Was big crystal. About 2m high. Those crystal was to create new grid for Gaia, with feminine and masculine creator energy. We were sitting around - maybe 12 persons, womens, mens. But something was not right and crystals exploded. Somebody had own intentions maybe, I don't know exactly. We died ofcourse, but fragments of those crystals, as was shown to me, survived in persons involved, in their souls. And now, we as collective, we are bringing back that crystals fragments to add to new grid, to keep the light, keep the memory, keep the vibrations to be sure that this time there will be no more mistakes, we are bringing past, future to now. To join all possibilities to do it. Do it fine, gentle and in best possible method according to dynamic of timelines.

In three different meditations with messages from Michael I was given (or was given to me remembrance) of crystaline pendant, diamond crown and crystaline ring. I feel that pedant strong on my chest, it is in light form. Also ring - crystaline ring that contains blueprint of new earth. I had another vision of meeting with Gaia soul, as two couples to talk about common future. And I was giving her that ring but this ring is magic in sense that she take it, but it is still with me to. Always I can focus on it (it is also light form) and I see new earth. I'm seeing clear lakes, seas, forests, small places where we are living in collectives. Lot of animals, nice wheater etc. In second vision of meeting with Gaia - I was meditating in forest near my home, I was with that vision from ring but then Gaia started to showing me current world, destruction of nature, toxins, death of life... but I was good listener, I was compasion, I was praying for forgivness, I was open heart... and after that, she take me on another place. There was boat in middle of ocean. We were in area of peace and around as sea was in storm. We were in eye of serenity. We were talking about stuff, she was older that in moment with ring sharing. More powerfull. I was in balance, in left hand I had Grail of Life, in right Sword for Truth. She told me that "they prepared you well, you are nice boy my dear"... In that moment I just leave Grail, Sword on table between us and in moment of light she was close to me. Kissed me, I was shy, little bit, but after all of that from April... ha ha ... She asked - so, do you want this new creation or not?! Hmm... Let's finish there.

As I told you - there are individual stories to reintegrate with creator in many aspects. The Event is much greater that we can imagine. It is beyond Earth but Earth is center of this due to that free will. Our emotions, our actions in this whole chaotic times are so important for whole Creation. We are from different places, as ambasadors, as eyes, ears, hearts to bring solutions from there, from this times to our worlds, to make SHIFT of ages. Something that is so powerfull. So magnificant. And in end... so simple, so simple - shift to love. Unconditional love.

Thank you for reading :) Peace & Love & Abundance for all. Nameste. Amen.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I'm 44 guy from Poland and I love The Event - I was born with The Event im my heart
You sure had quite an interesting awakening path! A path that continuous unfolding it seems as well.
Some here will probably find some similarities with their own experiences -I do for example regarding the questioning and breaking with the traditional Christian Church after noticing at a very early age that they were not practicing what they were teaching and then embarking in a constant search for true knowledge and spiritual understanding. Will it stop with The Event? Something tells me that it will not. That it will just be the start of a new adventure. An adventure for all of us.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Hehe,we share same reality but from different perspectives,but in many sources the event was described as global event.
You described personal events.
Perhaps...but then perhaps not. Maybe the "collective" event narrative is one intended to keep everyone in a state of eternal "waiting". If there are unlimited "realities", I'm choosing to experience the one that manifests "sooner" rather than "later"...and the one that's the highest experience for the benefit of all. It's now up to "universe" to figure out how to unfold that. :D


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Hehe,we share same reality but from different perspectives,but in many sources the event was described as global event.
You described personal events.
But in examining this idea further, what if you could experience a "global" event in one month, then I could mine in another, and so on? Just because something is experienced as a "global" event doesn't mean that it can't be experienced on a personal level too. With Source, ALL possibilities become not only possible, but certain. :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I placed less emphasis on the external and what others said. I'm still interested in other points of view, but I don't "need" it.
YES. Brilliantly explained!

So, I'm going to expand my experiment with Qigong and see what that brings. My view is far and wide - all things are possible. I want to step back into the new front yard again.

Updated September 15 2018
Yaldabaoth Universal Dissolution – 15 September 2018 – 99%
WOW! I haven't seen this graphic for several years...that's AWESOME! :)
Will it stop with The Event? Something tells me that it will not. That it will just be the start of a new adventure. An adventure for all of us.
I'm VERY excited to see what's beyond this "reality" once I'm ready to move on (in a few hundred years, perhaps). I'm looking forward to fully enjoying "immortality" in a perfect physical body and on a perfect and pristine earth. Once I've seen and done it all, then maybe I'll get bored and be ready to move on to the next adventure beyond that. :D


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Hello, as I was asked in invitation post I will try to write down my The Event related expirience here. I hope my english will be enough good.

I'm 44 guy from Poland and I love The Event - I was born with The Event im my heart :)

I had two vision when I was about 4-5 years. On first vision I was in Kingdom on side of The Creator and We (as many of us) was watching on current times here on Earth. For me it Was terrible - so much darknes, so little light and I asked The Creator - I want to go, to be one of the lights. And I jumped down... Second was later, I was walking in my city and I saw cross on sky and some flashes, then I saw chairs on subtle chains dropped down from sky. I saw people names written on every chair. Everybody had some... I not. I was left. As you see first vision is clear and easy, ofcourse it has form that was accessable for child so now I feel it more as more complex decision, planning etc as volontueer. Second vision is still a little enigma for me. As a child I felt not good with that one, later on it was my driver to find Truth about myself. After final awakening on April this year I feel it is on double meaning. One - I had to deeply expirience "disconnection" from Source to realise my soul mission. Second - in "bad scenario" I had to stay until end, to last moment to help others. But now we have "good scenario" so I don't know :)

When I was teenger I broke up my traditional connection with Catcholic Church - I was more that angry, I was with angry with passion about betrayal of my internal feelings of Christ teachings and what they were talking and how catholic people lived around me. For me there Was always some great warm passion to Creator deep insiade but passion without "fulfilment" and I felt so much contrast between world around me and my internal feelings so during years I build very big stronghold of my mind around my heart. I started to read and listen to buddhism teaching when I was about 20 years old. About 3-4 years I had my first satori - I saw the world as black space with pearls of colours, active, vibrating, full of energy, connected each to other. After that blink I was three days happy guy, full of joy, bliss but its gone... and that was very diffcult for me. So I started again, by year I practised korean zen of mahajana, some teachings of others buddhism schools also. In some short period I was also part of Hare Krsihna movement. During all my eastern spirituality journey I was close to Christ, for me it was naturally that all of that teachings all about the same, but from different perspectives. I had two more satori's during that time. It gived me peace and space in mind. Then about 2012 I meet Mooji, he is advaita-vedanta teacher from the path of SriRamana Maharishi. It was very strong meeting on satsang in my country. I was shaking three days and it crushed down my mind extarnal castle walls and some Sun light had finally access to secrect chamber of my heart. Later I was working on that with local Mooji sangha teacher and I had very strong relatin to eyes of SriRamana Mahariszi - my castle was brick by brick gowing down every time I looked on his picture. And finally about early 2015 I found, as I supposed, my relalisation of free clear mind, peace and "some" joy. Now I call it "some" :) For that time - it was joy ;) And I started to live, just live - nothing special, I'm quite good IT engieer and IT manager so I had a lof of work. But in on Summer 2015 something changed, I started to feel realy bad. Strong depression, always after Summer and during Autumun. I had feeling that something very bad is coming, very very bad. I was looking for "end time" prophecies, informations about "WW3", "poleshift" etc. Autumun 2017 was terrible but different. It was not about End of The World anymore but I was feeling very depressed. I was trying different pils but nothing helped. Only mj was good but ofcourse for a few hours :)

And on that Autumun I wakeup suddenly one night and I saw women on sitting close to my bed, women made of light and I felt that She healed something with me. She disapeared when I started to be more awake. From February 2018 to April 2018 i lost 25 kg (from 106kg) "normal" - I didn't make and decision on that. I just started to eat less, sleep less, eat only things that I felt god for me. Now I underastand that it was prepaparation of physicial vessel.

On late April I readed every message from Anonymoys, Quanon and simillar not sleeping two nights and I read about The Event first time maybe 23-24. I was never intersted in New Age, that energy stuff, vibration stuff - for me "old school zen guy" it was "nonsence", yeah. I was never intersted in angels ... only as anglels in fantasy books (I read only sf & fantasy ;) - I readed Lord Of The Rings about 15 times.. :) ). I was interested in UFO's when I was teengeers, on lonely sad nights I was waiting for UFO to take me home. Just this. From me, inside. I felt not in my world. Totally. I was typical computer geek to 26 years. But buddhism traning, psychoterapy (I was also study this as amateur) changed me - now I'm succesfull lider with high commnication skills. Just zen. Good stuff :) So, coming back to April.... 27.04.2018. Group of people on yt made a call for interevention from galaxy to help us. Neoglimer, Flat Earth Paradise. I was shock for me. And that day I felt so high energy burst. I was almost lying on ground. I had also visions that there is something wrong in CERN, part of me was on operation on CERN, we were doing something to stop something bad. And on the end I heard Voice - "your helped us a lot, if you want - you can back to your home with us now - I said - no, I will stay with my wife to the end!."

And from that moment rollercoaster started :)

I saw marks on sky on the begining, symbols of different religions, the some energy sphere around me from one end of horizont to another, with hindu mandalas on every square part. During night I saw savred geometry symbols in clouds, firstly 2D then 3D. And one night one of the squares on sky sphere (barrier - now I see it was curtian) opened and I saw spaship - it Was waiting for my approval. When I give it it sender two packet of informations - I saw them as objects and I agree to take them. They come to me, integrated with me. After that I received a lot of such packages - it was not seen as objects in real 3d world but more as "overlay" on my mind view. Simple symbols, with colours, as on current gui applications :)I felt as every package is changing me.

And round May I had my awakening. It was so unexpectable. I just felt that I'm quiting my thougts and my self was again in free mind-space. It was so powerfull. I come to realisation that i was born-to-be-soul from idea. Idea as thought of creator, idea of "unconditional love". I saw lot of things in a few seconds:

a) some as me was sent here by Creator to overlook and approve galactic invervention, something like "check if it is possible to humans to survive without it" and my test was "NO", galactic invervention is nescessary, it is not breaking uniwersal laws.
b) I saw my whole life as a script, as a hologram I can travererse, expirience.
c) I saw that I'm creating my perspective bubble of space - emotions, feelings, bad and good events, synchronicites etc

I felt my kundalini is risng. I started to see world as energy - every thigng, man, animal, has patter of energy for me. After that I started to see colours in that. Problems also, bad energy, good energy... but I was to weak for that. Suddenly I felt that somethig is going darker, darker... and I felt in the hell. It was horrible. I was crying, in pain, almost creazy. It was some attack on me but duriing that time I started to listen to messages of Archangel Michael. I asked him for help, one night when I saw thousands of demons around me. And he come. Deamons gone. I had protection. I started to feel different, idea of beeing an angel enegy was quite nice for me, so natural. So I started the lighworker life :)

Now I recognise all of that as my projection of my subconuciuos mind but who knows. Maybe that and that :)

I was recalibrated as I wrote in invitation mail. I felt like my expiriences are taken from me to celestial white body and next day - given back, clear, fresh. This morning my angel higher self was with me again, just behind the window, in the air to share moment. That was great. Beauty.

I stareted to work with messages from yt first, from Michael. I spend a lot of time on meditation with them. And some weeks ago my chakra systems started to work as schould, diamond heart was activated, light body also, i feel joy, bliss, strong connection to source, to my soul family in Kindgom. To my as I call "godmohter" on Pleiadian starhip, and "godfather" on Arcturian starship. I had three converasations with them, they told me that they was looking on me from childchood, taking so much care as my soul contract allowed :) Love Them. Hm... Ach

Now I feel like I'm living in different time speed. Events that was on world according to The Event spreaded for few years for me are just weeks. I changed timelines several times. I was supporting Gaia on May/June with ascension, then one wave of people, now second. During that supports I transfomed myself. Im quite different man know. Tottaly fresh. New. I feel great, just great.

I feel that things are speeding up. I had vision of many things, times from Atlanta, how Galaxy is Ascending, how its in some parts is organised, I talk with Gaia soul, have some dates two even, uhm.<:). As I feel now, it will be fast ascension, this is next change after "bad scenario" then "slow ascension to 2026" now fast, two year process, with this Autmun as start point.

I will try to write You more later. Ofcourse - please be carefull. I KNOW that each of us has his/her story in that spectacle, its all about our hearts, our own feelings, connection to feminine source, masculine source. There are still many timelines. I'm now on this with fast ascension. But maybe tomorrow I will be on "bad scenario" - I'm on adventure of my life, as rainbowwarrior of Comapy on Heaven so everything is possible :)

Uff. Long story. I hope not too borring :) See you. Thank you.
What you recount (tell the story) has the ring of truth (ring as in the sound of, pure note of bell ringing). Perhaps that ring is what you wear on your heart, in light form.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
Staff member
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Jul 20, 2016
civilmonk, there are many here with similar experiences. AA Michael has stepped in to help me out a few times.

We are from different places, as ambasadors, as eyes, ears, hearts to bring solutions from there, from this times to our worlds, to make SHIFT of ages. Something that is so powerfull. So magnificant. And in end... so simple, so simple shift to love. Unconditional love.
This is one of the most interesting things about this forum. We are from all around this planet, with such different lives. Yet, we've found such peace and happiness among ourselves, as if we've been together forever, which we likely have.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
The Next 30 Days Will Be The Most Intense Energy Yet

The next month is going to be crazy energy coming in as we are building up to the event. This blog is going to be a bunch of random information as it has been so long since I have written. The big news is the earth went 5D on Sept 12th. I had a client contact me to check her energy as the people around her were acting strange. I went to check and my pendulum went crazy. It has never acted like that before it was swinging in wild circles uncontrollably. I asked what was up and was told to go outside. I went outside and the earth was in 5D. I have been to the 5th for brief moments myself. So I knew what it should look like. In 5D everything looks crisp and clearer. Colors are more vivid and there are more of them. The difference is the same as watching a standard tv and a high definition tv. The earth went into high definition Sept 12th.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jul 31, 2018
I'm 44 guy from Poland and I love The Event - I was born with The Event im my heart :)

I had also visions that there is something wrong in CERN, part of me was on operation on CERN, we were doing something to stop something bad. And on the end I heard Voice - "your helped us a lot, if you want - you can back to your home with us now - I said - no, I will stay with my wife to the end!."

Uff. Long story. I hope not too borring :) See you. Thank you.
Civilmonk - WOW - what a great awakening story. I enjoyed every word. Thank you for sharing !

I too have known since childhood that the world as we know it will end. So have many others... I like your words "born with the Event in my Heart". Very well said.

When I read your words about CERN, I just about jumped out of my chair. I was also called to participate in sending energy and love to CERN. I never knew why, but knew that something was going on that was not of the Light. After a few days, I had a message that I no longer had to send energy, and that we had accomplished our mission. I am sending you a "high 5"!

Your story was not boring! Thanks for all the detail; it was amazing.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Civilmonk - WOW - what a great awakening story. I enjoyed every word. Thank you for sharing !

I too have known since childhood that the world as we know it will end. So have many others... I like your words "born with the Event in my Heart". Very well said.

When I read your words about CERN, I just about jumped out of my chair. I was also called to participate in sending energy and love to CERN. I never knew why, but knew that something was going on that was not of the Light. After a few days, I had a message that I no longer had to send energy, and that we had accomplished our mission. I am sending you a "high 5"!

Your story was not boring! Thanks for all the detail; it was amazing.
Hi, yes, High Five :)

That was very hmm strange "event" for me. Slides of images what was going. Slides of possible negative cosequences. I have some understanding of that consequences but... i don't want to stick to that. It is better keep it in "not happened" state. Trully. It is even not what people from Cabal wanted to do, that was nothing comparing of what can happen as coseqence of their "small dark stuff". More I like to remember that "power of light" that was involved. It was so powerfull that for few days after my mind was so wide, my think processes was very hmm, trans-human almost. I was noticing so many connections of different events across the world, in my life... that was as something like aura of energies involved stayed with me for few days.


Collected Consciousness
Staff member
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Global Moderator
Board Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I mentioned that Atlantian ascension vision.

I saw me and group of others coming to some underground chamber. I felt that there was more such chambers. Inside every chamber there Was big crystal. About 2m high. Those crystal was to create new grid for Gaia, with feminine and masculine creator energy. We were sitting around - maybe 12 persons, womens, mens. But something was not right and crystals exploded. Somebody had own intentions maybe, I don't know exactly. We died ofcourse, but fragments of those crystals, as was shown to me, survived in persons involved, in their souls. And now, we as collective, we are bringing back that crystals fragments to add to new grid, to keep the light, keep the memory, keep the vibrations to be sure that this time there will be no more mistakes, we are bringing past, future to now. To join all possibilities to do it. Do it fine, gentle and in best possible method according to dynamic of timelines.

In three different meditations with messages from Michael I was given (or was given to me remembrance) of crystaline pendant, diamond crown and crystaline ring. I feel that pedant strong on my chest, it is in light form. Also ring - crystaline ring that contains blueprint of new earth. I had another vision of meeting with Gaia soul, as two couples to talk about common future. And I was giving her that ring but this ring is magic in sense that she take it, but it is still with me to. Always I can focus on it (it is also light form) and I see new earth. I'm seeing clear lakes, seas, forests, small places where we are living in collectives. Lot of animals, nice wheater etc. In second vision of meeting with Gaia - I was meditating in forest near my home, I was with that vision from ring but then Gaia started to showing me current world, destruction of nature, toxins, death of life... but I was good listener, I was compasion, I was praying for forgivness, I was open heart... and after that, she take me on another place. There was boat in middle of ocean. We were in area of peace and around as sea was in storm. We were in eye of serenity. We were talking about stuff, she was older that in moment with ring sharing. More powerfull. I was in balance, in left hand I had Grail of Life, in right Sword for Truth. She told me that "they prepared you well, you are nice boy my dear"... In that moment I just leave Grail, Sword on table between us and in moment of light she was close to me. Kissed me, I was shy, little bit, but after all of that from April... ha ha ... She asked - so, do you want this new creation or not?! Hmm... Let's finish there.

As I told you - there are individual stories to reintegrate with creator in many aspects. The Event is much greater that we can imagine. It is beyond Earth but Earth is center of this due to that free will. Our emotions, our actions in this whole chaotic times are so important for whole Creation. We are from different places, as ambasadors, as eyes, ears, hearts to bring solutions from there, from this times to our worlds, to make SHIFT of ages. Something that is so powerfull. So magnificant. And in end... so simple, so simple - shift to love. Unconditional love.

Thank you for reading :) Peace & Love & Abundance for all. Nameste. Amen.
Thank you for sharing, @civilmonk<3! I loved reading it. So many layers and pieces. So much to go back and reread.

The part in Atlantis especially resonated for me, perhaps because of this story which has been 'growing' piece by piece in my dreamscape:—-crown-chakra-weekend-of-the-13th-of-may-2017-transients-info.2652/#post-26742

I wonder if any of it resonates for you?


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Thank you for sharing, @civilmonk<3! I loved reading it. So many layers and pieces. So much to go back and reread.

The part in Atlantis especially resonated for me, perhaps because of this story which has been 'growing' piece by piece in my dreamscape:—-crown-chakra-weekend-of-the-13th-of-may-2017-transients-info.2652/#post-26742

I wonder if any of it resonates for you?
Effect during reading this post: thrills in whole body, I am used to this feeling - it always is present when I'm interacting with Truth. All my vision are starting with that energy thrill. All my shifts, all my internal changes.

Love it. Where is more? :)

I have to add one thing - those was not visions but I always dreaming about become a fiction writer. I have some conspects of stories. The stories come to me in years 2004 to 2015. As some already "ready" to express seeds of books. In that time I have nothing common in conscious way with The Event, souls, oversouls, souls families, etc.

In one of those "stories" there was time of great civilisation living close to nature. Every one of people has his own animal as close connected mate. People have houses made of trees - they can just connect with tree and ask for create a form of room, living room, shelves. All was live - live houes. Live was easy, everybody was in oneness. But there come some Guests from sky. They started to buld cities of stone and created an idea of GOD that everybody have to serve. They wanted to sucks energy from everybody to concentrate it on this idea and use that energy to make a bridge to other reality. They don't allowed to live with nature. There was a boy that lost his animal mate because people in deception of that GOD started to haunt of nature-lovers. So nature-lovers made a secret union of tribes and prepared a sacred ritual to make a curtain to block their world from outside universe, to cut from fake GOD, from evil Guests. But that was sacrifce, they saved their lives, their tribes but also lost their connection to nature. Some of olders of tribes sacrifaced themselves to become keepers of that veil. Also that young boy that lost his animal mate becase that was one and only chance to keep him alive - there was problems with natural healing under the slavery of evil Guest and their fake GOD. Some of evil Guest also was prisoned under the curtain. That was the begining of three part story. From past, to current times in witch curtain started to fall down and keepers (including young boy) started to incarnate in the world.... and to future adventure of this world in expanding to galaxy. That was something in that story that was very touching for me but I was thinking about it as just creation of my imagination. What do you think?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Had a time thingy this morning.

My trip to work has 4 highway segments that take a little under 15 minutes each. My best time to work is 50 minutes. These highways are open and traffic is fine when I'm on them - no jams.

As I was leaving the gas station, I sent a text that I am on my way. I pull on to the highway and start on the first part. Then I notice exit signs from the middle of segment 2. I look at the clock and wonder how I got there so fast with no memory of driving the first part of the trip. When I get there, I note the time and compare with the time of the text message - 38 minutes. I'd have to be driving 90 miles per hour to do that, which I was not.

All I can say is that I really wanted to be there soon - and so I was. Return trip took normal time.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Had a time thingy this morning.

My trip to work has 4 highway segments that take a little under 15 minutes each. My best time to work is 50 minutes. These highways are open and traffic is fine when I'm on them - no jams.

As I was leaving the gas station, I sent a text that I am on my way. I pull on to the highway and start on the first part. Then I notice exit signs from the middle of segment 2. I look at the clock and wonder how I got there so fast with no memory of driving the first part of the trip. When I get there, I note the time and compare with the time of the text message - 38 minutes. I'd have to be driving 90 miles per hour to do that, which I was not.

All I can say is that I really wanted to be there soon - and so I was. Return trip took normal time.
In the afternoon I was with dogs in forest. One of the my favorite paths. They were all day at home because my wife is on the holidays with friends. So I let them to play without leash to have some more movement. One of them is only three legged so I watched whole time on him with concern becuse he schouldn't go creazy of joy to much. He has problems after to many running. This path normally takes 15 minutes in one direction. After a 3 minutes I stopped and looked around .... f*ck. I'm on the END! I forgot about that and your post bring it back to me!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Effect during reading this post: thrills in whole body, I am used to this feeling - it always is present when I'm interacting with Truth. All my vision are starting with that energy thrill. All my shifts, all my internal changes.
Yes, I know that feeling well. I think it is a common one here:-D

In one of those "stories" there was time of great civilisation living close to nature. Every one of people has his own animal as close connected mate. People have houses made of trees - they can just connect with tree and ask for create a form of room, living room, shelves. All was live - live houes. Live was easy, everybody was in oneness.
I guess you and I have a shared memory on this tooO.o:D! The part about living in trees that we connect with and ask it to create a room, or whatever else was needed, came up for me during a remote group healing session in January:

Welcome to the Roundtable where we share memories, dreams and stories like this. Sometimes the synchronicities are remarkable, like these.

You may want to join in one of the Remote Group Healing Sessions that Laron posts about and see how it goes for you. He typically posts the invitation on a Thursday or Friday for each weekend's session. Amazing things have come out of these weekly shared sessions and it's really easy to join.

I would love to hear more of your stories. Who knows who else will connect with themes in your stories and how much it could mean to each person who makes such a connection? I know I am touched and my entire day is full of joy as a result of reading what you've written above.
Yesterday I was dealing with something tough for me, then started to make the shift today. As soon as I made the shift, I came online and found this:cool:

That's the magic of sharing<3


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I'd have to be driving 90 miles per hour to do that, which I was not.
I forgot about that and your post bring it back to me!
Hmmm. Quite interesting experiences. I have read several similar experiences in the past and they were mainly related to UFO abduction cases, or people that suspected having crossed dimensions. We know/sense that boundaries are currently thinning, so that may have been at play in both cases.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Ok. Before I go to bed one more post. This time with question to you my friends.

From many weeks, when I close my eyes I see blue dot. It is jumping in my field of view. Sometimes it is more dots. Sometimes they are joining and form a circle and are rotating verticaly before me or horizontaly around me.

Sometimes that dots are changing into flat moving humans, sometimes that humans are changing colors - they are not only blue. Sometimes there is a lot of them. Sometimes few. Sometimes they reacting on my seeing them, waving to me...

And two-three times I saw them with open eys in reflections of sunlight from cars, metal architecture elements... something like looking into life in electromagnetic specturm of life that is in some way "transformed" by my mind in some "understable" perception.

So. Hm. This is enigma for me. Any ideas? :)

Next question.

About week ago I had a vision of persons around me. Something like drawed heads, faces. In circle around me. One of them was in light, very bright. It is my polish friend, women. Also very awake, we recognised ourselves as very close souls about two weeks ago. In moment of recegnition we have etherical connection. Etherical hugs that was so thrilling as nothing else in my life. Others faces were dark.... to this day. Some of them started to shine :)

What do you think beloved new - old friends? :)
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Hmmm. Quite interesting experiences.
I was on a major highway with several other cars and trucks, so I don't think abduction. I also considered that I zoned out. However, this highway has fork and a big overpass - a lot to navigate, so I eliminated "zoning out". That leaves me with some kind of dimensional thing. I was glad of it and hoped for one coming back home.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Blossom Post for September 22, 2018
Good morning! A fine morning indeed in my world. Your tip the other week of taking deep breaths and smiling at the same time is an excellent one. Especially when one is not in the mood to do so … It really makes a difference. Thank you! A burning topic is as to why many Solar Observatories have been shut down all over the world? I haven’t had time to look into it much and also, I don’t like to be influenced by reading about things, when I know I am going to bring it up with you. Your thoughts if you please?

Welcome to you, Dearest Blossom. We can tell immediately that your Vibratory functioning is ‘off the wall’ as you would say.

Yep. I am in an exceptionally good mood this morning.

The topic of the Solar Observatories has allowed your screens to become abuzz with speculation. No one has really given an answer as to why, one in particular, seemed to cause so much ado!

Can you now do so?

Our words will be cautionarily expressed in conjunction with safety factors on, would we say perhaps … a ‘need to know a little bit about’ basis.

Your Sun … as many are aware … is not just a bright bubbly Lantern in your skies. It is far more than that! The Energetic frequencies that are emitted through it … have a vast array of purposes and are an indication of levels of ‘what is taking place’ all around. Not just your Earth yet, many other Planets within your Universe, also.

The Sun is not called ‘Central’ by chance! It is also one of … in fact we would say… thee largest Portal within your stratosphere … to date.

So, it’s a portal. Yet, used by who/what? As surely, one would fry up getting anywhere near it?

We would correct you here, Blossom. For ‘All is not as it seems’. Yes, the Sun’s rays give sustenance to your Planet in many forms. Yet, it has many layers to it … on many levels … within many frequencies and Dimensions.

I can see this is going to be one of those communications when I wish I was Tesla, in order to understand you.

Not so. Let us give you little bits of information. The Sun is indeed, a Portal into other Dimensions. It is the same Sun that appears on other Planets in other Dimensions, as the one you see in your skies.

How can this be?

Because of its incredible Source of Energy. Because of what it is. Because of its magic! It has a Power Source like no other. It can ‘pop up’ where required, in spaces and places that desire its Energy.

You have often been told or shown photos/videos of many fleets of ships, along with extraordinarily HUGE craft that have been captured on camera around this system. This is due, for want of a better way of expression … to it being a Universal fuel station! In that … craft are charged by its Energy … just by being within a certain vicinity of it.

Yet, don’t they burn up?

No. They have ‘protection barriers’ that keep them in ‘form’. Yet, also have devices that allow the ‘make up’ of the ships to absorb the extreme Energy / Power that this sphere has to offer.

To go into further detail regarding ‘refuelling’ would become a little too complicated to explain at this point, Blossom.

Ok. So back to the shut downs of observatories. What was that all about? I think they are now re-opening?

Yes, they are. We would make the suggestion that certain images were captured on screen that put the ‘powers that be’ into panic.

Images of what exactly?

Firstly, a larger than usual gathering of ships … which was enough to be cause for concern as to the reasoning behind this … and also, due to … how do we put this? … The motion of Radiant Energy that is ‘lifting’ from the surface.

Ok. Being no scientist, I know I need to now inquire about the talk of the Sun sending a Solar Flare out at some point, which many folk derive to be happening in conjunction with THE EVENT that you speak of. Is this what you mean?

It is. The Flare that is to occur derives from within the centre of this ‘station’. It is to be part and parcel of The EVENT … for the Energy that THE EVENT carries HAS to come from deep within this ‘ship’.

Ship? Station? Portal? Anything else?

Oh yes.

I thought you might say that!!

You see, Blossom … the Wave of Love that THE EVENT is to carry through … comes from the Ultimate Divine Source … Your True Home. Therefore, it comes through the Portal of THE SUN.

Even then, it will be filtered, due to its strength. Its fullness would be too much at this time, for your Planet to take.

A bit like when one is out in the sun … it just makes them feel better? Is this due to Source Energy coming through it?

Yes, indeed. Yet, THE EVENT is far beyond that feeling of ‘warmth and Love’ that is received on your, so far, day to day basis.

So, will this flare ‘contain’ the Energy of Love that will sweep over us?

Yes. It is the carrier of the Energy. It has been ‘traveling’ in a different form … a more compact form … through the star systems … through Dimensions … through just about … you name it … it’s travelled through it!

Hold on! What do you mean by that?

This Energy that will project itself from the Sun … started from Source. Yet, in order to BE what it is … it has had to ‘collect’… information/status/ … words far too numerous to mention … before it became ready to present itself through the Portal. Since doing so, it then had to ‘mingle’ with the Sun’s Energy and change its form ‘back’ into Light … and ‘hang around’ preparing its changed form … ready for ‘The Off’.

Deep breath … which is when? I know you just ‘aint gonna say!

We cannot. For again, Blossom … this is not a ‘time machine’! It will take place in accordance to/with many other factors … trillions of them … that must be in alignment in order for all to go smoothly.

Yes, I get that we Earthlings cannot possibly imagine what all of this entails. Yet, we DO KNOW that we were chosen to be down here to anchor the Love, to emanate the Love, whilst all of this is on the amber light … waiting for the Go! So, how come the observatories are now reopened?

Because after much investigation, nothing ‘solid’ … (we smile at the ‘anomaly’ we are using,) could be ‘nailed down’. Also, due to all the media hype … too many questions were being asked … and no reasonable answers … at least any satisfactory ones, were able to be given.

Yet, would you say … just pushing the boat out a bit here … that what was captured on camera … was representative of the fact that the said Solar Flare and all the trimmings that accompany it … were showing signs of ‘lift off’?

We wouldn’t go as far as to say ‘lift off’ … Just yet. We would say more in line with showing signs of …

I am seeing an image of great big chains being released from a huge circular Light all around the sun.

Would we therefore say … preparations are in the making.

And with respect, I would say … I won’t hold my breath. This could mean ‘any time’ from now to kingdom come!

Yet, it is so much further underway than perhaps you would expect.

There seems to be so many more sightings as you said there would be. So much caught on camera now. It is very exciting. Yet, I have TRULY, TRULY, TRULY come to the understanding within myself that … BEING down here now … is about BEING DOWN HERE NOW! IN/AS/OF/THROUGH our Highest expectations of ourselves. Learning to live within the laws of attraction … Learning to BE LOVE and LIGHT … Learning that this is what we are … this is what we came here to emanate. Because, by doing so, we are showing the way … leading the way … and assisting others in their Awakening. The more that are ready to receive the Wave of Love, when it comes, the better it will be for the whole. So many seem ‘stuck’ in waiting for it to happen … instead of BEING of Light and Love.

You are correct, Blossom. We understand that there are ‘states of affairs’ upon your Planet that bring one down deeply into a ‘humdrum’ existence … yet …












Thanks Guys … as always. So uplifting and encouraging. In Gratitude, in Loving service … I AM.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Caught this at Discovery News today: “Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

•Activity continues, a Resonance variation at 6:30 UTC reached 20 Hz for 20 minutes and a bigger spike, lasted 1 hour, from 9:10 UTC above 40 Hz. We are all curious here to see if there will be some significant variation in the Resonance in the coming weeks… there is kind of feeling there might be some major ones.

That comment is consistent with something I mentioned before regarding an uptick in communications at forums; is like people are expecting something to take place and need to increase their communication level. Well, I thought that perhaps it was related to the new full moon in Aries, but, on the other hand perhaps something important is almost at the level of manifestation and people are sensing it. Time will tell.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Do you remember if you were thinking about something specifically?
I just wanted to be there - in a happy way - not a stressed way. I'm wondering if I brought myself out of it when I saw that exit sign for a road that should have been much farther away. I remember seeing it and sort of shaking my head and thinking huh...what... and looking at the clock.

Sure would like to understand this more - might come in handy for a road trip to Canada.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The Blossom Goodchild post really lifted my spirits today, since although I feel I am walking through a deep valley with high challenges on either side, the reminder is always to BE love, to BE kind, to BE shining in response to messages which seem to be designed to hem you in, for instance: the Construct makes you feel that having lack of money makes you something lesser, makes you feel you are not enough, not good enough for this world... but really, you are everything, even without money. How the many-faceted face can turn on its spindle and show you depression, but another spin, and all is lightness again.

How about this: my voice added to many.... "Show us the pictures your space telescope captured on that day (September 6th). Show us what there is in our own cosmic neighbourhood, show us what you deigned to delete from our knowing!"

OK, systems-breaker coming in here. Step it up a bit: "We step through that portal in our moments of conscious sleep!". "There is nothing you can hide from us that our higher consciousness does not already know!" "We won't accept the blindfolds and the mouth-gags any more!"

A Wave of Love, what is called a Tsunami of Love, is coming. Is Coming. IS Coming.
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