Hello, as I was asked in invitation posts thread, I will try to write down my The Event related expiriences here. I hope my english will be enough good. (I'm editing this post after while to correct language errors and clearity only - be free to correct me to, I love to learn to be more clear in using this language to be with You).
I'm 44 guy from Poland and I love The Event - I was born with The Event im my heart
I had two visions when I was about 4-5 years. On first vision I was in Kingdom on side of The Creator and We (as many of us) was watching on current times here on Earth. For me it, was terrible - so much darknes, so little light and I asked The Creator - I want to go, to be one of the lights. And I jumped down... Second was later, I was walking in my city and I saw cross on sky and some flashes, then I saw chairs on subtle chains dropped down from sky. I saw people names written on every chair. Everybody had some... I had not. I was left. As you see, first vision is clear and easy, ofcourse it has form that was accessable for child so now I feel it more as more complex decision, planning etc as volontueer. Second vision is still a little enigma for me. As a child I felt not good with that one, later on, it was my driver to find Truth about myself. After final awakening on April this year I feel it has double meaning. One - I had to deeply expirience "disconnection" from Source to realise my soul mission. Second - in "bad scenario" I had to stay until end, to last moment to help others. But now we have "good scenario" so I don't know
When I was teenger I broke up my traditional connection with Catcholic Church - I was more that angry, I was angry with passion about betrayal of my internal feelings about Christ teachings and what they (priests) were talking and how catholic people lived around me. For me there was always some great warm passion to Creator deep inside me, but passion without "fulfilment" and I felt so much contrast between world around me and my internal feelings. During years I build very big stronghold of my mind around my heart. I started to read and listen to buddhism teaching when I was about 20 years old. About 3-4 years of practise I had my first satori - I saw the world as black space with pearls of colours, active, vibrating, full of energy, connected each to other. After that blink I was three days happy guy, full of joy, bliss but it was gone... and that was very diffcult for me. So I started again, by years I practised korean zen of mahajana, some teachings of others buddhism schools also. In some short period I was also part of Hare Krsihna movement. During all my eastern spirituality journey I was close to Christ too, for me it was naturally that all of that teachings all about the same, but from different perspectives. I had two more satori's during that time. It gived me peace and space in mind. Then about 2012 I meet Mooji, he is advaita-vedanta teacher from the path of Sri Ramana Maharishi. It was very strong meeting on satsang in my country. I was shaking three days and it crushed down my mind extarnal castle walls and some Sun light had finally access to secrect chamber of my heart. Later I was working on that with local Mooji sangha teacher (wonderfull woman) and I had very strong relation to eyes of Sri Ramana Maharishi - my castle was brick by brick gowing down, every time I looked on his picture (with question "How I am? inside"). And finally about early 2015 I found, as I supposed, my relalisation of free clear mind, peace and "some" joy. Now I call it "some"
For that time - it was joy
And I started to live, just live - nothing special, I'm quite good IT engieer and IT manager so I had a lof of work. But in on Summer 2015 something changed, I started to feel realy bad. Strong depression, always after Summer and during Autumun. I had feeling that something very bad is coming, very very bad. I was looking for "end time" prophecies, informations about "WW3", "poleshift" etc. Autumun 2017 was terrible but different. It was not about End of The World anymore but I was feeling very depressed. I was trying different pils but nothing helped. Only mj was good but ofcourse for a few hours 
And on that Autumun I wakeup suddenly one night and I saw women sitting close to my bed, women made of light and I felt that She healed something with me. She disapeared when I started to be more awake. From February 2018 to April 2018 i lost 25 kg (from 106kg) "normal" - I didn't made any decision on that. I just started naturally to eat less, sleep less, eat only things that I felt god for me. Now I underastand that it was prepaparation of physicial vessel.
On late April I readed every message from Anonymoys, Qanon and simillar not sleeping two nights. I read about The Event first time maybe 23-24. I was never intersted in New Age, that energy stuff, vibration stuff - for me "old school zen guy" it was "nonsence", yeah. I was never intersted in angels ... only as angels in fantasy books (I read only sf & fantasy
- I readed Lord Of The Rings about 15 times..
). I was interested in UFO's when I was teengeer, often - on lonely sad nights - I was waiting for UFO to take me home. Just this. From me, inside. I felt not in my world. Totally. I was typical computer geek to 26 years. But buddhism traning, psychoterapy (I was also study this as amateur) changed me - now I'm succesfull lider with high commnication skills. Just zen. Good stuff
So, coming back to April.... 27.04.2018. Group of people on yt made a call for intervention from galaxy to help us. Neoglimer, Flat Earth Paradise. It was shock for me. And that day I felt so high energy burst. I was almost lying on ground. I had also visions that there is something wrong in CERN, part of me was on operation on CERN, we were doing something to stop something bad. And on the end I heard Voice - "your helped us a lot, if you want - you can back to your home with us now - I said - no, I will stay with my wife to the end!."
And from that moment rollercoaster started
I saw marks on sky on the begining, symbols of different religions, then some energy sphere around me from one end of horizont to another, with hindu mandalas on every square part of this sphere (as patch-work). During night I saw sacred geometry symbols in clouds, firstly 2D then 3D. And one night one of the squares on sky sphere (barrier - now I see it was curtian) opened and I saw spaceship - it Was waiting for my approval. When I give it, it sended two packet of informations to inside of curtain - I saw them as objects and I agree to take them. They come to me, integrated with me. After that I received a lot of such packages - it was not seen as objects in real 3d world but more as "overlay" on my mind view. Simple symbols, with colours, as on current gui applications
I felt as every package is changing me.
And around May I had my awakening. It was so unexpectable. I just felt that I'm quiting my thoughts and my self was again in free mind space. It was so powerfull. I come to realisation that i was born-to-be-soul from idea. Idea as thought of Creator, idea of "unconditional love". I saw lot of things in a few seconds:
a) some as me was sent here by Creator to overlook and approve galactic invervention, something like "check if it is possible to humans to survive without it" and my test was "NO", galactic invervention is nescessary, it is not breaking uniwersal laws.
b) I saw my whole life as a script, as a hologram I can travererse, expirience.
c) I saw that I'm creating my perspective bubble of space - emotions, feelings, bad and good events, synchronicites etc
I felt my kundalini is risng. I started to see world as energy - every thing, man, animal, has pattern of energy for me. t I started to see colours in that. Problems also, bad energy (ilness for example), good energy... but I was to weak for that. Suddenly I felt that somethig is going darker, darker... and I felt more like in the hell. It was horrible. I was crying, in pain, almost creazy. It was as some attack on me but during that time I started to listen to messages of Archangel Michael. I asked him for help, one night when I saw thousands of demons around me. And he come. Deamons gone. I started to have protection. I started to feel different, idea of beeing an angel energy was quite nice for me, so natural. So I started the lighworker life
Now I recognise all of that as my projection of my subconuciuos mind but who knows. Maybe that and that
I was recalibrated as I wrote in invitation mail. I felt like my expiriences are taken from me to celestial white body and next day - given back, clear, fresh. That morning my angel higher self was with me again, just behind the window, in the air to share moment. That was great. Beauty.
I stareted to work with messages from yt first, from Michael. I spend a lot of time on meditation with them. And some weeks ago my chakra systems started to work as schould, diamond heart was activated, light body also, i feel joy, bliss, strong connection to source, to my soul family in Kindgom. To my as I call "godmohter" on Pleiadian starhip, and "godfather" on Arcturian starship. I had three converasations with them, they told me that they was looking on me from childchood, taking so much care as my soul contract allowed
Love Them. Hm... Ach
Now I feel like I'm living in different time speed. Events that was on world according to The Event spreaded for few years for me are just weeks. I changed timelines several times. I was supporting Gaia on May/June with ascension, then one wave of people, now second. During that supports I transfomed myself. Im quite different man know. Tottaly fresh. New. I feel great, just great.
I feel that things are speeding up. I had vision of many things, times from Atlanta, how Galaxy is ascending, how its in some parts is organised, I talk with Gaia soul, have some dates two even, uhm.
. As I feel now, it will be fast ascension, this is next change after "bad scenario" then "slow ascension to 2026" now fast, two years process, with this Autmun as start point.
I will try to write You more later. Ofcourse - please be carefull. I KNOW that each of us has his/her story in that spectacle, its all about our hearts, our own feelings, connection to feminine source, masculine source. There are still many timelines. I'm now on this with fast ascension. But maybe tomorrow I will be on "bad scenario" - I'm on adventure of my life, as rainbow warrior of Company on Heaven so everything is possible
Uff. Long story. I hope not too borring
See you. Thank you.
I'm 44 guy from Poland and I love The Event - I was born with The Event im my heart
I had two visions when I was about 4-5 years. On first vision I was in Kingdom on side of The Creator and We (as many of us) was watching on current times here on Earth. For me it, was terrible - so much darknes, so little light and I asked The Creator - I want to go, to be one of the lights. And I jumped down... Second was later, I was walking in my city and I saw cross on sky and some flashes, then I saw chairs on subtle chains dropped down from sky. I saw people names written on every chair. Everybody had some... I had not. I was left. As you see, first vision is clear and easy, ofcourse it has form that was accessable for child so now I feel it more as more complex decision, planning etc as volontueer. Second vision is still a little enigma for me. As a child I felt not good with that one, later on, it was my driver to find Truth about myself. After final awakening on April this year I feel it has double meaning. One - I had to deeply expirience "disconnection" from Source to realise my soul mission. Second - in "bad scenario" I had to stay until end, to last moment to help others. But now we have "good scenario" so I don't know
When I was teenger I broke up my traditional connection with Catcholic Church - I was more that angry, I was angry with passion about betrayal of my internal feelings about Christ teachings and what they (priests) were talking and how catholic people lived around me. For me there was always some great warm passion to Creator deep inside me, but passion without "fulfilment" and I felt so much contrast between world around me and my internal feelings. During years I build very big stronghold of my mind around my heart. I started to read and listen to buddhism teaching when I was about 20 years old. About 3-4 years of practise I had my first satori - I saw the world as black space with pearls of colours, active, vibrating, full of energy, connected each to other. After that blink I was three days happy guy, full of joy, bliss but it was gone... and that was very diffcult for me. So I started again, by years I practised korean zen of mahajana, some teachings of others buddhism schools also. In some short period I was also part of Hare Krsihna movement. During all my eastern spirituality journey I was close to Christ too, for me it was naturally that all of that teachings all about the same, but from different perspectives. I had two more satori's during that time. It gived me peace and space in mind. Then about 2012 I meet Mooji, he is advaita-vedanta teacher from the path of Sri Ramana Maharishi. It was very strong meeting on satsang in my country. I was shaking three days and it crushed down my mind extarnal castle walls and some Sun light had finally access to secrect chamber of my heart. Later I was working on that with local Mooji sangha teacher (wonderfull woman) and I had very strong relation to eyes of Sri Ramana Maharishi - my castle was brick by brick gowing down, every time I looked on his picture (with question "How I am? inside"). And finally about early 2015 I found, as I supposed, my relalisation of free clear mind, peace and "some" joy. Now I call it "some"
And on that Autumun I wakeup suddenly one night and I saw women sitting close to my bed, women made of light and I felt that She healed something with me. She disapeared when I started to be more awake. From February 2018 to April 2018 i lost 25 kg (from 106kg) "normal" - I didn't made any decision on that. I just started naturally to eat less, sleep less, eat only things that I felt god for me. Now I underastand that it was prepaparation of physicial vessel.
On late April I readed every message from Anonymoys, Qanon and simillar not sleeping two nights. I read about The Event first time maybe 23-24. I was never intersted in New Age, that energy stuff, vibration stuff - for me "old school zen guy" it was "nonsence", yeah. I was never intersted in angels ... only as angels in fantasy books (I read only sf & fantasy
And from that moment rollercoaster started
I saw marks on sky on the begining, symbols of different religions, then some energy sphere around me from one end of horizont to another, with hindu mandalas on every square part of this sphere (as patch-work). During night I saw sacred geometry symbols in clouds, firstly 2D then 3D. And one night one of the squares on sky sphere (barrier - now I see it was curtian) opened and I saw spaceship - it Was waiting for my approval. When I give it, it sended two packet of informations to inside of curtain - I saw them as objects and I agree to take them. They come to me, integrated with me. After that I received a lot of such packages - it was not seen as objects in real 3d world but more as "overlay" on my mind view. Simple symbols, with colours, as on current gui applications
And around May I had my awakening. It was so unexpectable. I just felt that I'm quiting my thoughts and my self was again in free mind space. It was so powerfull. I come to realisation that i was born-to-be-soul from idea. Idea as thought of Creator, idea of "unconditional love". I saw lot of things in a few seconds:
a) some as me was sent here by Creator to overlook and approve galactic invervention, something like "check if it is possible to humans to survive without it" and my test was "NO", galactic invervention is nescessary, it is not breaking uniwersal laws.
b) I saw my whole life as a script, as a hologram I can travererse, expirience.
c) I saw that I'm creating my perspective bubble of space - emotions, feelings, bad and good events, synchronicites etc
I felt my kundalini is risng. I started to see world as energy - every thing, man, animal, has pattern of energy for me. t I started to see colours in that. Problems also, bad energy (ilness for example), good energy... but I was to weak for that. Suddenly I felt that somethig is going darker, darker... and I felt more like in the hell. It was horrible. I was crying, in pain, almost creazy. It was as some attack on me but during that time I started to listen to messages of Archangel Michael. I asked him for help, one night when I saw thousands of demons around me. And he come. Deamons gone. I started to have protection. I started to feel different, idea of beeing an angel energy was quite nice for me, so natural. So I started the lighworker life
Now I recognise all of that as my projection of my subconuciuos mind but who knows. Maybe that and that
I was recalibrated as I wrote in invitation mail. I felt like my expiriences are taken from me to celestial white body and next day - given back, clear, fresh. That morning my angel higher self was with me again, just behind the window, in the air to share moment. That was great. Beauty.
I stareted to work with messages from yt first, from Michael. I spend a lot of time on meditation with them. And some weeks ago my chakra systems started to work as schould, diamond heart was activated, light body also, i feel joy, bliss, strong connection to source, to my soul family in Kindgom. To my as I call "godmohter" on Pleiadian starhip, and "godfather" on Arcturian starship. I had three converasations with them, they told me that they was looking on me from childchood, taking so much care as my soul contract allowed
Now I feel like I'm living in different time speed. Events that was on world according to The Event spreaded for few years for me are just weeks. I changed timelines several times. I was supporting Gaia on May/June with ascension, then one wave of people, now second. During that supports I transfomed myself. Im quite different man know. Tottaly fresh. New. I feel great, just great.
I feel that things are speeding up. I had vision of many things, times from Atlanta, how Galaxy is ascending, how its in some parts is organised, I talk with Gaia soul, have some dates two even, uhm.

I will try to write You more later. Ofcourse - please be carefull. I KNOW that each of us has his/her story in that spectacle, its all about our hearts, our own feelings, connection to feminine source, masculine source. There are still many timelines. I'm now on this with fast ascension. But maybe tomorrow I will be on "bad scenario" - I'm on adventure of my life, as rainbow warrior of Company on Heaven so everything is possible
Uff. Long story. I hope not too borring
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