The Event is Upon Us! (2 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Dogs and children will be ok, as well as mates and or friends who will mesh with our group.
Shoot - I just had a vision of us slowly driving into your place in our white Ford F-150 pickup (with Texas plates) pulling a travel trailer. Wow - that vision came fast. BTW - we don't have a pickup or a travel trailer ........ not now.......


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
RT Supporter
Retired Moderator
Aug 12, 2016
I'll start a thread about this soon. I'll set up some parameters and dates and we'ĺ discuss this there. Nice to see some support about this idea. I'm thinking September next year.
Cool idea. Hope you all have fun. I'll live on the other side of this blue marble and can't afford it. As a skilled OBEr I will try to be there on time with my astral body then. You'll see me as a shining blue orb. o:)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
In my case my visualizations focus precisely at moment that The Event takes place and we are being bathed by the bright white energy. One part is as it hits me, another as it hits different continents, and finally as it hits the entire planet.
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Cool idea. Hope you all have fun. I'll live on the other side of this blue marble and can't afford it. As a skilled OBEr I will try to be there on time with my astral body then. You'll see me as a shining blue orb. o:)
No worries bro, I'm sure we can get the bread together to get you here, tho you might have to swim home lol. But seriously folks we can get a fund together for it somehow or another.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Shoot - I just had a vision of us slowly driving into your place in our white Ford F-150 pickup (with Texas plates) pulling a travel trailer. Wow - that vision came fast. BTW - we don't have a pickup or a travel trailer ........ not now.......
Maybe I'll meet up with y'all in my white Jeep. I don't have a travel trailer YET either...we could "convoy up" together! That'd be a blast! :D


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Here is a full Beyond Quantum Healing session recorded 9/8/2017 talking about The Event –if you are looking for an idea about timing you would be disappointed since it is the usual “soon” or “very soon” and there is no push back whatsoever to clarify that by the questioners.
like alison coe in last video about the event,if this person was really in the event,can simply tell us the date :cool:


Involved Wayfarer
Nov 10, 2016
Texas, USA
I just ignore dates. I consider them SOMEONE ELSE'S idea of when things will happen. Mine is that they're ALREADY HAPPENING AND WE'RE ALREADY THERE. I'm just watching how Universe/Source makes it all play out/happen. :)
I heard this podcast with Thomas Williams and he put forth the amusing idea that humanity awakens in 2020 since we'll all have perfect vision then.:)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
can simply tell us the date
Yes, supposedly they are smart questioners but never ask basic questions, for example: "what is the date" or "look at a calendar/computer screen/etc., and tell me what date is showing," or even "what type of clothing are you wearing" -that could give us an approximation period. They hear "soon" or "very soon" and stop there jumping in joy -no common sense. Thus all the skeptics laughing and others doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify the lack of precise dating. There have been remarkable predictions in the past with great timing accuracy, but for some reason the current crop of practitioners weaken the validity of the messages received, the systems used, their reputations and many times damage more than help people by acting like star stuck people and not probing for specific/clarification answers.
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Many tried making dates but the spirit world seemed to have a hard time of it. Their perspective of time is far different then ours. Allison Coe tried to narrow it down from her sources and only became frustrated. So now everybody uses generalities because of their inability to nail down a date or even season. Everybody was saying last spring and we know how that went...


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Many tried making dates but the spirit world seemed to have a hard time of it. Their perspective of time is far different then ours.
Good point PG. But, if that is so, then why say anything at all? If soon, very soon, etc., can not be translated to a 3d perspective then it should be better not to say anything at all because for example the recipients may not even be alive/incarnated when whatever is forecasted does manifest (if it does) and supposedly whatever is being said is something important being communicated for a particular time and experience level of the recipient(s). In this world we have the "put up or shut up" norm used constantly in the business world; which works by-the-way. One of the arguments used against messages from other realms/dimensions/guides/higher-self/etc. is precisely their ambiguity that many times is equated to a nothing burger and delusions/escapism since after all the human mind is still not fully understood and all may be just a mind-mechanism currently not fully understood. At the end people like us are the only ones holding the bag year after year after year by keeping the faith that the message received was truthful and that "soon" something will take place as promised -no wonder many abandon the cause after a while. I've have been waiting for 45 years at least for example.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Lol. I've only been playing along with this for about 7 yrs or so. Interestingly. The folks above have as little concept of what and how we do things here as people here about the otherside of the veil. Time seems to be the biggest example.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Here is an illustration of my comment above regarding people abandoning the cause as result of the constant "soon," or "very soon" something extraordinary will take place without manifestation/specifics that was expressed yesterday in a comment posted at SOC: "I am done pinning my hopes on something that isn’t going to happen. I’m in so much pain, every day is a f’n struggle. I’m tired of well it’s going to happen and then it doesn’t. I’m over it. Moving on … i want to go home now but obviously i’m not worthy."
I'll start a thread about this soon. I'll set up some parameters and dates and we'ĺ discuss this there. Nice to see some support about this idea. I'm thinking September next year.
Keep me in the loop! I know I don't make it in as often these days due to a very busy schedule and changes with whole Lions Gate event in my personal life, but I'd love to meet up with you all in person if that comes to be!!


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I understand where that person is coming from,Carl. But, I think this harkens back to a few comments I've made regarding waiting for it to happen. I'm going on with my life as if nothing is going to happen. I'm retiring soon. Putting much effort into finishing the cottage build, landscaping etc. I have zero doubt it's gonna happen but God knows when. So rather then hanging my hat on it I'm just going about my life being the best person I can. Working on my manifesting skills etc. When it does happen I'm gonna jump for joy. Till then the mundane rules and I'm gonna plug away at life and make the best of it. To just sit and wait is an invitation to madness. Thats just my view. You guys do as you wish.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Keep me in the loop! I know I don't make it in as often these days due to a very busy schedule and changes with whole Lions Gate event in my personal life, but I'd love to meet up with you all in person if that comes to be!!
Will do. Watch the other thread I created we got a good discussion going there. Any input is appreciated.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
like alison coe in last video about the event,if this person was really in the event,can simply tell us the date :cool:
Perhaps it happens for everyone a bit differently. If there truly are an infinite number of "realities", then it could happen for you in a month, me in December, and someone else in February. :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Here is an illustration of my comment above regarding people abandoning the cause as result of the constant "soon," or "very soon" something extraordinary will take place without manifestation/specifics that was expressed yesterday in a comment posted at SOC: "I am done pinning my hopes on something that isn’t going to happen. I’m in so much pain, every day is a f’n struggle. I’m tired of well it’s going to happen and then it doesn’t. I’m over it. Moving on … i want to go home now but obviously i’m not worthy."
I feel you, brother. It's frustrating, but sometimes shit happens just when we're about ready to give it up. Hang in there with us.



Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I have zero doubt it's gonna happen but God knows when. So rather then hanging my hat on it I'm just going about my life being the best person I can.
Yes. THIS ^^^^ is wise advice. There have been soooo many times I've felt extremely frustrated--and simply surrendered to a trust that it will all work out right in the end. In almost 57 years, I don't think I've never been disappointed. The build up of all these times has left me with 100% certainty that it WILL happen and I will be here (in the physical) to see it. This is why I've had a feeling from a VERY young age (probably 5-6) that I was here to see/do something extremely important--and I'm certain this is it. As much as we may want to put a time and place on it, I'm also 100% certain that it will be a surprise--and a very pleasant one at that! :)


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Perhaps it happens for everyone a bit differently. If there truly are an infinite number of "realities", then it could happen for you in a month, me in December, and someone else in February.
Hehe,we share same reality but from different perspectives,but in many sources the event was described as global event.
You described personal events.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Been thinking about the time question.

Remember the end of the TV Series, "Lost"? My interpretation was that last group of people continued on with the story until their beloved friend was ready to move on.

Thomas Campbell talked about his early work when they were looking at events and dates. When so many did not pan out, the question was asked - why? - and the answer was that they kept asking for dates.

I've physically walked around my front yard in another dimension. It was my dog who fussed at me to open the door - she sensed it.

Since 2010 I've received visions of event times. At first they were quite dire, but towards the end of 2012, they stopped. Then they were less dire but still a bit tough. Those stopped, too. Now, I've got actual experiences - the front yard, an energy exchange with a tree, and many others. I think the first two iterations of the event changed because of something else, and this last one, because of me. I placed less emphasis on the external and what others said. I'm still interested in other points of view, but I don't "need" it.

The question I've been asking the past 2 weeks is what can I do on a personal level. Watching the Remedy series gave me some great health ideas, and while not a simple thing, I am aware of the beginning of a physical transformation. The past couple of days, I've been watching the series about Qigong on the Shift Network. This practice is about unifying and strengthening your own energies, and by doing so, those of others and the world. Some time ago, I sort of did some of the exercises but without understanding the larger picture. Now, I'm beginning to get it. (I attached a short video from the Urban Monk if you are interested.)

Like Carl, I've feel I've been wandering for 40 years. (No consoling words needed because I'm not complaining or sad - just a statement of fact.) I think some of us have experienced "mission creep" (love that business term, along with "unfunded mandate" - lol). I've waited to find my dearest friends and family, and now I have.

So, I'm going to expand my experiment with Qigong and see what that brings. My view is far and wide - all things are possible. I want to step back into the new front yard again.



Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Perhaps it happens for everyone a bit differently. If there truly are an infinite number of "realities", then it could happen for you in a month, me in December, and someone else in February. :)
I think perceptions of the same shared reality are certainly different, also access to different potential reality timelines (databases) but the actualised reality itself is not, so we all 'go together' into a "new Earth" or 'no one' goes.
like alison coe in last video about the event,if this person was really in the event,can simply tell us the date :cool:
Dates, numbers, exact details ... they are always the most difficult thing to get, the easiest is impressions, pictures, emotional states, relationships, that is why I would always be critical of any number or even exact date given.


The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
....Till then the mundane rules and I'm gonna plug away at life and make the best of it. To just sit and wait is an invitation to madness. Thats just my view. You guys do as you wish.
Same for me PG. I do believe it is going to happen, quite soon, but not sitting about waiting for it. Instead carrying on doing good and will enjoy it when it comes.
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