why fear? every soul has a free will and can choose own path
This is so true, Lotos. Unfortunately not everyone is as aware as most of us, the vast majority are still asleep, although a great many are waking it’s true.
It’s so easy for us to say, every soul can choose it’s own path, why fear, do we not fear sometimes, fear to lose a job, fear of losing a loved one, fear a girl/boyfriend, will dump us, fear we might get hurt if we do this or that.
You name it, there is fear at the bottom of a lot of emotional responses, because fear is the opposite of love, and until we can just BE love, there is going to be some fear there, even if we don’t recognise it.
At least we are aware of it, we know what the baddies are doing, so we can work on it to be more balanced.
And when we fall flat on our faces sometimes, we can get up, laugh it off, and carry on

Most of us are fortunate enough to have a roof, food, clothes, a certain amount of security, even in this current climate.
But what about the millions of displaced souls, all those having their homes and cities razed to the ground, forced to flee for their lives, not knowing what is ahead of them, in europe alone.
Having their families ripped apart. A recently widowed mother with two small daughters, for instance, frightened out of her wits, how will they manage, how will she feed her children, who will protect them. Will she be raped, will her daughters.
Will the overloaded boat they have been herded onto, sink. Will the next country give them shelter?
How can we possibly conceive of the horrors some of these darlings are facing, possibly on a daily basis
Do these ones feel they are able to choose their own path. Do they feel there is no need to fear.
What ever choices brought them to the situations they find themselves in, even if it was a soul choice, they have now forgotton.
What I’m trying to say is, let us enjoy the freedom and opportunities we have to talk to each other, to help each other raise our consciousness, while pouring out all the love we can muster on our kin, who are struggling so desperately
Oops, gone on a bit haven’t I. It’s just that, when I’m a bit flippant , when I’m feeling smug, thinking I’m not doing too bad on the consciousness scale, there is nothing to fear but fear, that sort of stuff, I think about those people., and it helps to keep me balanced. Still fall flat on my face occasionally, guess we all do.