If you mean Zingdad channelling Adamu, I like him.ha,we will se there was a lot of dates and predictions I simply can't trust anyone anymore
what you think about Adamus ?
If you mean Zingdad channelling Adamu, I like him.ha,we will se there was a lot of dates and predictions I simply can't trust anyone anymore
what you think about Adamus ?
no,this one adamus st germain crimson circleIf you mean Zingdad channelling Adamu, I like him.
I read that the event would be, a rainbow coloured mist like tsunami, coming from the centre of the universe, to cover all of earths inhabitants.
There have been so many things it would be, now, it’s a big flash of light.
I’ve been hearing about this for 60/70 years.
I would be interested to know where all this information comes from.
AA Michael and AA Gabriel are talking about Flash of Diamond Ligth through our Diamond Hearts.Soulsisterstruth
October 6, 2018 at 8:55 pm
Hi. The waves that started in March were the rainbow pink ones. Those lead up to the event. It is Metatron that wanted me to let everyone know it will be a big flash.of light.
I have interesting effect while trying to read Zingdad Ascension Papers book. I tried three times and each time I feel drowsiness and aversion. Not that it is something "wrong" - just "not for me". Not supporting my journey. Intellectualy I like such stories but... hmmIf you mean Zingdad channelling Adamu, I like him.
Thanks for the info, Lotos. I had a read of the Soul Sisters site, and realise I’ve read her stuff before.Soulsisterstruth
October 6, 2018 at 8:55 pm
Hi. The waves that started in March were the rainbow pink ones. Those lead up to the event. It is Metatron that wanted me to let everyone know it will be a big flash.of light.
Yes, I did run into Peter Deunov prophesy before -he expressed it in the early 1940s. It is very consistent with what we now call The Event as you can easily notice by this paragraph: "This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere. Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos."Peter Deunov- Propos on the Future 1944 Adaptation:
Yes! That is part of the positive signs manifesting this time. The SOC guys (love them!) firmly believe we are now in a timeline that will not manifest earthquakes, etc., that were mentioned by mediums, etc. in the past, so not many deaths perhaps. Btw, we are approaching the October 10-11 dates mentioned by Aluna Ash as The Event taking place (the October 5-6 date mentioned by somebody else came and went already without any particular world event taking place). The SOC guys believe it is more towards month's end but have not made public any specific date. The Schumann Resonance is pretty high already as per the chart I included in another thread but better include it here as well since it may help and be a sign of something developing:SOC have recoded and verified every time. I think there may be some timeline changes, not so many deaths.
Dragons teeth! That is huge! Thanks Carl. I love sharing this journey with you Carl!better include it here as well since it may help and be a sign of something developing:
Love to read your wise words, June. Open-minded skepticism applied at its best. Thank you. Couldn't have said it all better.(...)That just me of course, we all deal with things in our own unique way, but I have felt troubled by the conflicting info coming at us from all sides for some time.
Love and hugs to all
I know well what true BLISS and vibrant oneness feels like from an NDE-like OBE experience during a surgery in 2009. It is like 'coming HOME' or realisation of 'being' home and never been gone actually. Unforgettable experience. Love to remember it to this very day. Didn't happen again unfortunately. But maybe I don't need it in this life again. Can wait.Anyone who has experienced rising to another level for a short while, knows the utter joy one feels, you don’t feel tired, it’s bliss.
Ultimately, we are our own teachers. We see exactly what we need to see for our own best, "highest" development (or our own exploration of All That Is). Most (if not all) things are presented to us BY OUR OWN "HIGHEST SELVES" simply so we can choose, learn, and grow. There can be no "mis-steps", lost opportunities, or "bad" lessons. We have eternity to explore everything, so we may as well try to stop worrying about everything and start enjoying the journey!!It’s all channeling isn’t it, nothing wrong with that, I just wonder where it all comes from.
You've nailed it exactly, June. That's what discernment is...and knowing that we can choose whatever we wish to explore is simply us stepping into our own Divinity!Got to keep our wits about us, trust our own intuition, if something seems slightly off, if there is a feeling of , mm!! not sure.
it can’t be right for our soul growth. And if my stomach churns, and i get a feeling of discomfort, whether it be reading, listening, or even meeting someone, I’m off, I don’t hang around to let it get into my mind and give it power.
and as noted less low vibration stuff in the spikesYes! That is part of the positive signs manifesting this time. The SOC guys (love them!) firmly believe we are now in a timeline that will not manifest earthquakes, etc., that were mentioned by mediums, etc. in the past, so not many deaths perhaps. Btw, we are approaching the October 10-11 dates mentioned by Aluna Ash as The Event taking place (the October 5-6 date mentioned by somebody else came and went already without any particular world event taking place). The SOC guys believe it is more towards month's end but have not made public any specific date. The Schumann Resonance is pretty high already as per the chart I included in another thread but better include it here as well since it may help and be a sign of something developing:![]()
Thankyou Sinera, I’ve never had a NDE, or an OBE, apart from finding myself floating in my hallway, for 3/4 seconds, before waking up. I’m pretty sure I do leave my body while asleep, but I can’t remember, so annoying.Love to read your wise words, June. Open-minded skepticism applied at its best. Thank you. Couldn't have said it all better.
I know well what true BLISS and vibrant oneness feels like from an NDE-like OBE experience during a surgery in 2009. It is like 'coming HOME' or realisation of 'being' home and never been gone actually. Unforgettable experience. Love to remember it to this very day. Didn't happen again unfortunately. But maybe I don't need it in this life again. Can wait.
Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?So now, in 2018, a few decades have already passed since Deunov's prophesy was made and my hope is that perhaps we finally have arrived to the manifestation phase; there are signs, some very promising, and I just hope that this time they don't die out after a while like all the prior times and we go back into the waiting/hoping/observing mode as in the past, and being disappointed again as we continue living in a world where the light of consciousness growth for the human race gets dimmer day after day.
No, cheeky, there have been others, I’m just not a big poster. ( How’s that for good English )can it this is the longest post of june?
Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?
Try "feeling" into these words energetically.
Do you feel a sense of surrender? Hesitation? DIS-empowerment? A sense that SOMEONE ELSE is going to do something and that I'm essentially powerless to bring something along? I do.
Do you feel more strength there? Determination? EMpowerment? A sense that I have POWER to create something and experience it? Again, I do.
I'm now firmly convinced that any so-called "Events" or "Ascension" processes won't arrive until we become spiritually mature enough to accept RESPONSIBILITY and POWER for our own choices. WE create them. WE make them happen.
If all we do is focus on hoping and waiting, then that's all we'll experience--more of the same.
I'm gotten tired of waiting (at least for myself). I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if I can help others along...although I'm almost getting a little tired of that too. I'm rapidly coming to an even further understanding that I when I'm in my own much fuller power, I can also experience the manifestation of "The Event" in which ALL WHO WANT TO COME ALONG CAN DO SO TOO.
That's why it truly seems so "imminent" to me. At some point, I know I won't just "feel" this power, I'll KNOW IT. That's when I'll experience "The Event"--and I know everyone else will too.
Does that make sense to anyone else, or am I just rambling incoherently?
Language can be a very big barrier to clear communication--even when people speak the same one. You do very well, Alain!who reads my posts sees clearly i have all the talents but not those of an authorso we are several here of that type
You ramble all you like old darling, it’s really difficult to explain our feelings and knowings, words are so inadequate.Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?
Try "feeling" into these words energetically.
Do you feel a sense of surrender? Hesitation? DIS-empowerment? A sense that SOMEONE ELSE is going to do something and that I'm essentially powerless to bring something along? I do.
Do you feel more strength there? Determination? EMpowerment? A sense that I have POWER to create something and experience it? Again, I do.
I'm now firmly convinced that any so-called "Events" or "Ascension" processes won't arrive until we become spiritually mature enough to accept RESPONSIBILITY and POWER for our own choices. WE create them. WE make them happen.
If all we do is focus on hoping and waiting, then that's all we'll experience--more of the same.
I'm gotten tired of waiting (at least for myself). I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if I can help others along...although I'm almost getting a little tired of that too. I'm rapidly coming to an even further understanding that I when I'm in my own much fuller power, I can also experience the manifestation of "The Event" in which ALL WHO WANT TO COME ALONG CAN DO SO TOO.
That's why it truly seems so "imminent" to me. At some point, I know I won't just "feel" this power, I'll KNOW IT. That's when I'll experience "The Event"--and I know everyone else will too.
Does that make sense to anyone else, or am I just rambling incoherently?
Straight from the hip, as always, June. Love you for it!Thanks for the info, Lotos. I had a read of the Soul Sisters site, and realise I’ve read her stuff before.
It’s all channeling isn’t it, nothing wrong with that, I just wonder where it all comes from.
I feel we must be careful of who we are channeling, let’s face it, we are waking up to the fact that we have been imprisioned and deceived for eons, the ones who have been in control of this, know they are losing their power over us and are doing their damndest to claw it back.
When we are awake and filling ourselves with light, which we do, our light shines out into the universe, and not only the good guys see it, the baddies do too.
What better way than to home in on someone willing to channel, disguising themselves as an, angel of light, so to speak.
This way, they can cause much confusion. Look at all the different things we are reading.
And why does something so wonderful as our rising consciousness, have to be painful. What about feeling uplifted and joyful at being closer to the other side.
Anyone who has experienced rising to another level for a short while, knows the utter joy one feels, you don’t feel tired, it’s bliss.
Ok there has to be upheaval when the system collapses obviously, but I don’t like reading about people being left behind, and other such stuff, which, to my mind, must put fear into some.
So there we go again ,fear, and that is what the baddies do all the time, and they are very good at it.
So while the ones who channel are loving and genuine, and some of the info is lovely to read, I can’t help but have my doubts about some , especially the gloom and doom stuff.
Got to keep our wits about us, trust our own intuition, if something seems slightly off, if there is a feeling of , mm!! not sure.
it can’t be right for our soul growth. And if my stomach churns, and i get a feeling of discomfort, whether it be reading, listening, or even meeting someone, I’m off, I don’t hang around to let it get into my mind and give it power.
That just me of course, we all deal with things in our own unique way, but I have felt troubled by the conflicting info coming at us from all sides for some time.
Love and hugs to all