The Event is Upon Us! (2 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
ha,we will se there was a lot of dates and predictions I simply can't trust anyone anymore
what you think about Adamus ?
If you mean Zingdad channelling Adamu, I like him.
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Tonight dream of my close soul here that I have strong connection, she is very sensitive and dream-walker:

I was in myself, inside me (and probably not alone, but I only felt this care). I got to one place and saw there something like an electric switch, like in some powerful machines - so round, red, about 1.5 cm in diameter somewhere, in a narrow black envelope. I knew that if I turned it on, everything would change. I did it, pressed it and at that moment "everything" started to change. But when I didn't see, I woke up (and most probably I was awakened), there was only an impression together with an impression, or such an inner conviction that this is only what I have to do in fact....

To me angels are talking about End of Time in meaning end of linear sequence time of 3D, they singing about last grains of sand in hourglass of 3D matrix, that we are in half-of-way to establish Kingdom here (counting from 18 years back) and Time Keepers standing behind archangels are saying that is it what is. And we will start do create Kingdom from hearts because its our passion to create what we desire and love beyond measurement.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
And what is maybe also significant - I feel tireness from core of my existence, like slowing down, releasing tension, needs form very long journey. I'm so tired I just in some moment want to dive in thousand years into void. There is also great sadness from core, I felt it as energy pulsating from my base chakra up to heart.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Schumann Resonance Today 10/6/2018 We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us! RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz. Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
  • The pattern continues but today a way more massive. Not much to say, from 8 am UTC until now most of the time above 40 Hz and continuing.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
I read that the event would be, a rainbow coloured mist like tsunami, coming from the centre of the universe, to cover all of earths inhabitants.
There have been so many things it would be, now, it’s a big flash of light.

I’ve been hearing about this for 60/70 years.
I would be interested to know where all this information comes from.

October 6, 2018 at 8:55 pm
Hi. The waves that started in March were the rainbow pink ones. Those lead up to the event. It is Metatron that wanted me to let everyone know it will be a big flash.of light.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity.

A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that "each flesh shall glorify God". Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don't accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain.
There is not any place on earth that is not dirtied with human or animal blood; she must therefore submit to a purification. And it is for this that certain continents will be immersed while others will surface.
Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one's liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.
The words "If you are not born again." apply to the sixth race. Read Chapter 60 of Isaiah it relates to the coming of the sixth race the Race of Love.
After the Tribulations, men will cease to sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will once again become pure, the same for water.
The parasites will disappear. Men will remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of noticing that they are finally liberated from their previous condition. In the same manner that one gets rid of the parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved Beings to prepare men to serve the God of Love.
They give to them good conditions to grow and to develop themselves, and to those that want to listen to them, they say: "Do not be afraid! Still a little more time and everything will be all right; you are on the good path. May he that wants to enter in the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare."
Thanks to the idea of Fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and that will not wait. But before, great sufferings will be sent to awaken the consciousness. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The ardent wave emanating from On High will contribute in liquidating the karma of peoples. The liberation can no longer be postponed. Humanity must prepare itself for great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism.
Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it!
It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth."

Peter Deunov- Propos on the Future 1944 Adaptation: Olivier de Rouvroy - September 2003


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
October 6, 2018 at 8:55 pm
Hi. The waves that started in March were the rainbow pink ones. Those lead up to the event. It is Metatron that wanted me to let everyone know it will be a big flash.of light.
Thanks for the info, Lotos. I had a read of the Soul Sisters site, and realise I’ve read her stuff before.
It’s all channeling isn’t it, nothing wrong with that, I just wonder where it all comes from.

I feel we must be careful of who we are channeling, let’s face it, we are waking up to the fact that we have been imprisioned and deceived for eons, the ones who have been in control of this, know they are losing their power over us and are doing their damndest to claw it back.

When we are awake and filling ourselves with light, which we do, our light shines out into the universe, and not only the good guys see it, the baddies do too.
What better way than to home in on someone willing to channel, disguising themselves as an, angel of light, so to speak.
This way, they can cause much confusion. Look at all the different things we are reading.

And why does something so wonderful as our rising consciousness, have to be painful. What about feeling uplifted and joyful at being closer to the other side.
Anyone who has experienced rising to another level for a short while, knows the utter joy one feels, you don’t feel tired, it’s bliss.

Ok there has to be upheaval when the system collapses obviously, but I don’t like reading about people being left behind, and other such stuff, which, to my mind, must put fear into some.
So there we go again ,fear, and that is what the baddies do all the time, and they are very good at it.

So while the ones who channel are loving and genuine, and some of the info is lovely to read, I can’t help but have my doubts about some , especially the gloom and doom stuff.
Got to keep our wits about us, trust our own intuition, if something seems slightly off, if there is a feeling of , mm!! not sure.
it can’t be right for our soul growth. And if my stomach churns, and i get a feeling of discomfort, whether it be reading, listening, or even meeting someone, I’m off, I don’t hang around to let it get into my mind and give it power.

That just me of course, we all deal with things in our own unique way, but I have felt troubled by the conflicting info coming at us from all sides for some time.

Love and hugs to all


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Peter Deunov- Propos on the Future 1944 Adaptation:
Yes, I did run into Peter Deunov prophesy before -he expressed it in the early 1940s. It is very consistent with what we now call The Event as you can easily notice by this paragraph: "This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere. Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos."
No, The Event, is not a new concept; it has been around for a long time. I mentioned before a few times that I have been waiting for it for more that 45 years, some of you perhaps longer. Yes, there have been times when specific periods/dates were given with great fanfare in the past few decades, but at the end obviously nothing happened having the magnitude described, if something even took place. So now, in 2018, a few decades have already passed since Deunov's prophesy was made and my hope is that perhaps we finally have arrived to the manifestation phase; there are signs, some very promising, and I just hope that this time they don't die out after a while like all the prior times and we go back into the waiting/hoping/observing mode as in the past, and being disappointed again as we continue living in a world where the light of consciousness growth for the human race gets dimmer day after day.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Carl My Dear,

PD also talks of "extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity" which SOC have recorded and verified every time. I think there may be some timeline changes, not so many deaths. But overall I am as hopeful as you, although I do not NEED it to happen for my own personal gratification. The waves we have experienced so far have enabled me to shift so much of my emotional body that I am almost content. Still some deep grief as I rummage around in the dregs of my unconscious though. I process them as I encounter them.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
SOC have recoded and verified every time. I think there may be some timeline changes, not so many deaths.
Yes! That is part of the positive signs manifesting this time. The SOC guys (love them!) firmly believe we are now in a timeline that will not manifest earthquakes, etc., that were mentioned by mediums, etc. in the past, so not many deaths perhaps. Btw, we are approaching the October 10-11 dates mentioned by Aluna Ash as The Event taking place (the October 5-6 date mentioned by somebody else came and went already without any particular world event taking place). The SOC guys believe it is more towards month's end but have not made public any specific date. The Schumann Resonance is pretty high already as per the chart I included in another thread but better include it here as well since it may help and be a sign of something developing:
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
(...)That just me of course, we all deal with things in our own unique way, but I have felt troubled by the conflicting info coming at us from all sides for some time.
Love and hugs to all
Love to read your wise words, June. Open-minded skepticism applied at its best. Thank you. Couldn't have said it all better.

Anyone who has experienced rising to another level for a short while, knows the utter joy one feels, you don’t feel tired, it’s bliss.
I know well what true BLISS and vibrant oneness feels like from an NDE-like OBE experience during a surgery in 2009. It is like 'coming HOME' or realisation of 'being' home and never been gone actually. Unforgettable experience. Love to remember it to this very day. Didn't happen again unfortunately. But maybe I don't need it in this life again. Can wait.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
The issue with wating is an issue with rescuing. It have to be our creation, not "their" rescue. Only that this is ok with Uniwersal Law. "They" can only inspire, give knowledge that already showed up on Earth. But I feel that we done it. We created it. With some trick of star seeds programm he he but we created in from inside, from this plane, when there is enough power on creation, "they" can go with it and act on plane. This is my understanding - maybe wrong, but this way I feel it.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I really got hammered the other day...vomiting, diarrhea, and cold sweats for a full day. I'm just fine now, but it was a rough stretch. While it was happening, I had a very strong feeling it wasn't just a simple explanation like "I ate bad leftovers or something", but it was somehow much more. I spent much of the time in a state of rest/meditation/intention "reflecting" any harmful intentions back to the sender and offering understanding and love instead. As I'd "suffer" on onset of discomfort, with these intentions, I was surprised at how quickly the symptoms disappeared.

Ultimately, I came to understand that as I was processing and purging these energies from my physical body, I was perhaps also transmuting, and integrating some things for the collective. I felt like this was just another opportunity to practice responding to negativity and honing some "Higher Skills". It seems like each time something like this happens (and as we shift timelines toward more positive energies) these challenges become less and less.

It feels like at some point very soon (as shipwreck survivors), we'll be pushed out of the heavy surf and breakers--and into the little waves lapping gently up on a warm, tropical shore!


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
It’s all channeling isn’t it, nothing wrong with that, I just wonder where it all comes from.
Ultimately, we are our own teachers. We see exactly what we need to see for our own best, "highest" development (or our own exploration of All That Is). Most (if not all) things are presented to us BY OUR OWN "HIGHEST SELVES" simply so we can choose, learn, and grow. There can be no "mis-steps", lost opportunities, or "bad" lessons. We have eternity to explore everything, so we may as well try to stop worrying about everything and start enjoying the journey!!



Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Got to keep our wits about us, trust our own intuition, if something seems slightly off, if there is a feeling of , mm!! not sure.
it can’t be right for our soul growth. And if my stomach churns, and i get a feeling of discomfort, whether it be reading, listening, or even meeting someone, I’m off, I don’t hang around to let it get into my mind and give it power.
You've nailed it exactly, June. That's what discernment is...and knowing that we can choose whatever we wish to explore is simply us stepping into our own Divinity!

Love and Hugs right back!!!



Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Yes! That is part of the positive signs manifesting this time. The SOC guys (love them!) firmly believe we are now in a timeline that will not manifest earthquakes, etc., that were mentioned by mediums, etc. in the past, so not many deaths perhaps. Btw, we are approaching the October 10-11 dates mentioned by Aluna Ash as The Event taking place (the October 5-6 date mentioned by somebody else came and went already without any particular world event taking place). The SOC guys believe it is more towards month's end but have not made public any specific date. The Schumann Resonance is pretty high already as per the chart I included in another thread but better include it here as well since it may help and be a sign of something developing:
and as noted less low vibration stuff in the spikes

p.s there is a bug in this chard, as you post it shows 8 blank, in quoted it schows double 8 when one dark but the 6 is eaten
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Love to read your wise words, June. Open-minded skepticism applied at its best. Thank you. Couldn't have said it all better.

I know well what true BLISS and vibrant oneness feels like from an NDE-like OBE experience during a surgery in 2009. It is like 'coming HOME' or realisation of 'being' home and never been gone actually. Unforgettable experience. Love to remember it to this very day. Didn't happen again unfortunately. But maybe I don't need it in this life again. Can wait.
Thankyou Sinera, I’ve never had a NDE, or an OBE, apart from finding myself floating in my hallway, for 3/4 seconds, before waking up. I’m pretty sure I do leave my body while asleep, but I can’t remember, so annoying.

The couple of times I’ve felt on a higher level, I’ve been fully conscious. One time I was simply getting ready to go out, can’t remember what I was thinking about, when I suddenly felt it was springtime ( it was winter at the time ) and I was as light as a feather, without a care in the world.
This actually lasted for nearly one hour, and only disapated in the car,while talking.
The other time was after myself and a friend had initiated communication with ETs, she left for home and I was walking he dog. Short long story.
I felt as if I was walking on air,and felt exilerated and wonderful. I also felt as if knowledge was being downloaded to me.
Didn’t have a clue what it was, and still don’t. It was an extraordinary experience, and my body felt different.
This was back in the nineties


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
So now, in 2018, a few decades have already passed since Deunov's prophesy was made and my hope is that perhaps we finally have arrived to the manifestation phase; there are signs, some very promising, and I just hope that this time they don't die out after a while like all the prior times and we go back into the waiting/hoping/observing mode as in the past, and being disappointed again as we continue living in a world where the light of consciousness growth for the human race gets dimmer day after day.
Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?

Try "feeling" into these words energetically.


Do you feel a sense of surrender? Hesitation? DIS-empowerment? A sense that SOMEONE ELSE is going to do something and that I'm essentially powerless to bring something along? I do.


Do you feel more strength there? Determination? EMpowerment? A sense that I have POWER to create something and experience it? Again, I do.

I'm now firmly convinced that any so-called "Events" or "Ascension" processes won't arrive until we become spiritually mature enough to accept RESPONSIBILITY and POWER for our own choices. WE create them. WE make them happen.

If all we do is focus on hoping and waiting, then that's all we'll experience--more of the same.

I'm gotten tired of waiting (at least for myself). I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if I can help others along...although I'm almost getting a little tired of that too. I'm rapidly coming to an even further understanding that I when I'm in my own much fuller power, I can also experience the manifestation of "The Event" in which ALL WHO WANT TO COME ALONG CAN DO SO TOO.

That's why it truly seems so "imminent" to me. At some point, I know I won't just "feel" this power, I'll KNOW IT. That's when I'll experience "The Event"--and I know everyone else will too.


Does that make sense to anyone else, or am I just rambling incoherently?



Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?

Try "feeling" into these words energetically.


Do you feel a sense of surrender? Hesitation? DIS-empowerment? A sense that SOMEONE ELSE is going to do something and that I'm essentially powerless to bring something along? I do.


Do you feel more strength there? Determination? EMpowerment? A sense that I have POWER to create something and experience it? Again, I do.

I'm now firmly convinced that any so-called "Events" or "Ascension" processes won't arrive until we become spiritually mature enough to accept RESPONSIBILITY and POWER for our own choices. WE create them. WE make them happen.

If all we do is focus on hoping and waiting, then that's all we'll experience--more of the same.

I'm gotten tired of waiting (at least for myself). I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if I can help others along...although I'm almost getting a little tired of that too. I'm rapidly coming to an even further understanding that I when I'm in my own much fuller power, I can also experience the manifestation of "The Event" in which ALL WHO WANT TO COME ALONG CAN DO SO TOO.

That's why it truly seems so "imminent" to me. At some point, I know I won't just "feel" this power, I'll KNOW IT. That's when I'll experience "The Event"--and I know everyone else will too.


Does that make sense to anyone else, or am I just rambling incoherently?


i start becoming impatient concerning the new workplaces of the future, that in itself is strange as i m more a very patient person. it must be the place i work and a feeble to sell myself in the job encounters. so i play with the time. good choice. i think. i will see how it develops
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?

Try "feeling" into these words energetically.


Do you feel a sense of surrender? Hesitation? DIS-empowerment? A sense that SOMEONE ELSE is going to do something and that I'm essentially powerless to bring something along? I do.


Do you feel more strength there? Determination? EMpowerment? A sense that I have POWER to create something and experience it? Again, I do.

I'm now firmly convinced that any so-called "Events" or "Ascension" processes won't arrive until we become spiritually mature enough to accept RESPONSIBILITY and POWER for our own choices. WE create them. WE make them happen.

If all we do is focus on hoping and waiting, then that's all we'll experience--more of the same.

I'm gotten tired of waiting (at least for myself). I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if I can help others along...although I'm almost getting a little tired of that too. I'm rapidly coming to an even further understanding that I when I'm in my own much fuller power, I can also experience the manifestation of "The Event" in which ALL WHO WANT TO COME ALONG CAN DO SO TOO.

That's why it truly seems so "imminent" to me. At some point, I know I won't just "feel" this power, I'll KNOW IT. That's when I'll experience "The Event"--and I know everyone else will too.


Does that make sense to anyone else, or am I just rambling incoherently?

You ramble all you like old darling, it’s really difficult to explain our feelings and knowings, words are so inadequate.
I reckon a good ramble somehow does the job the best way possible, it just comes spilling out.
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thanks for the info, Lotos. I had a read of the Soul Sisters site, and realise I’ve read her stuff before.
It’s all channeling isn’t it, nothing wrong with that, I just wonder where it all comes from.

I feel we must be careful of who we are channeling, let’s face it, we are waking up to the fact that we have been imprisioned and deceived for eons, the ones who have been in control of this, know they are losing their power over us and are doing their damndest to claw it back.

When we are awake and filling ourselves with light, which we do, our light shines out into the universe, and not only the good guys see it, the baddies do too.
What better way than to home in on someone willing to channel, disguising themselves as an, angel of light, so to speak.
This way, they can cause much confusion. Look at all the different things we are reading.

And why does something so wonderful as our rising consciousness, have to be painful. What about feeling uplifted and joyful at being closer to the other side.
Anyone who has experienced rising to another level for a short while, knows the utter joy one feels, you don’t feel tired, it’s bliss.

Ok there has to be upheaval when the system collapses obviously, but I don’t like reading about people being left behind, and other such stuff, which, to my mind, must put fear into some.
So there we go again ,fear, and that is what the baddies do all the time, and they are very good at it.

So while the ones who channel are loving and genuine, and some of the info is lovely to read, I can’t help but have my doubts about some , especially the gloom and doom stuff.
Got to keep our wits about us, trust our own intuition, if something seems slightly off, if there is a feeling of , mm!! not sure.
it can’t be right for our soul growth. And if my stomach churns, and i get a feeling of discomfort, whether it be reading, listening, or even meeting someone, I’m off, I don’t hang around to let it get into my mind and give it power.

That just me of course, we all deal with things in our own unique way, but I have felt troubled by the conflicting info coming at us from all sides for some time.

Love and hugs to all
Straight from the hip, as always, June. Love you for it!
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