The Event is Upon Us! (4 Viewers)

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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Ya I deaĺ with various pitches in my ears all the time. Sometines it sounds like birss chirping. In both ears i stereo lol . Even in the silence up north it can be deafening.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
As far as I am aware, these ear noises are called Tinnitus, and would still affect a deaf ear, as the noise is internal, rather than external
I know several people who have suffered with it for many years
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
This whole commotion made me feel like watching the Little Buddha (1993) movie again, and I was crying on again, but differently. How much new symbolism, how many journeys into yourself. I love this movie. Some people say that it is over-coloured - that's how I found out when I saw it myself one day. No, it is not. It is simply multidimensional. Beautiful. Inspired.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
These short 2 videos from Aluna Ash (4 and 10 minutes respectively) posted 10/2 give details regarding The Event (specially the first one) as it hits. Remember that Aluna Ash has the dates of October 10-11 for The Event
Very good information from Aluna Ash, very helpful. Last night I felt unplugged and lay down to sleep at 7:30pm and had pretty solid sleep right through to 7am. I also have been experiencing short bursts of what feels like tremors, in dreams and in waking life. I know just to observe, not to judge - when they are happening, I am not clear if it's me picking up an earthquake somewhere on the planet. The one I experienced in dream state last night felt like things were shaking loose - like stanchions releasing from their structure, but I didn't see destruction. Just a shaking, tremor, going through things, and certain things couldn't withstand that. Perhaps the tremor is the emotional feel of beliefs dissolving in the collective.

As an ensouled being encased in a body, you feel vulnerable to dissolution. Things are dissolving, but your connection to spirit, or spirituality tells you that nothing ceases to exist. So this is all about change at the most fundamental level.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I am not clear if it's me picking up an earthquake somewhere on the planet. The one I experienced in dream state last night felt like things were shaking loose - like stanchions releasing from their structure, but I didn't see destruction.
Remember somebody asking at SOC regarding an upcoming 9.1 earthquake. The answer was something like it would only impact the people staying in Earth 3d, but for those moving to the new Earth (4d or 5d) would not happen in their reality. Since you didn't see destruction I would venture that you perhaps will not be staying in earth 3d but moving forward -a good sign in my book.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
This whole commotion made me feel like watching the Little Buddha (1993) movie again, and I was crying on again, but differently. How much new symbolism, how many journeys into yourself. I love this movie. Some people say that it is over-coloured - that's how I found out when I saw it myself one day. No, it is not. It is simply multidimensional. Beautiful. Inspired.
Thx i will watch it. Makes film 2 of that kind. I will post it the evening
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Thx i will watch it. Makes film 2 of that kind. I will post it the evening
Especially - I did't notice it watching on few times before - in scene with self-self dialogue under the bodhi tree, there is used name "architect", and taking in consideration that Keanu Reeves is playing Siddartha it is nice connection to Matrix series :)
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
This was just posted at SOC. Quite Interesting:

Look at the Schumann Resonance again. The M’s smacked us for forgetting to mention this. It’s important:
Normally when you look at these, the streaks are white. THOSE streaks are upside-down, energywise! This is showing some really thick, heavy energy blasting through. It’s basically the 4D earth getting a 3D-earth energy injection, for various things. Pretty amazing, actually."


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Looking for something coming from Earth? How about this?

The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) balloon experiment began in 2006 when the balloon spent a month hovering over Antarctica’s ice. Using sensors, ANITA began detecting high energy neutrinos interacting with the ice sheet below.
Neutrinos are unique in that they don’t lose energy as they disseminate throughout the universe. Because of this, neutrinos are capable of providing humans with a peek into the vast expanse of the universe that would otherwise be unavailable.
During ANITA’s time in the Antarctic, it detected never before seen “upward-pointing cosmic-ray-like events.” The rays detected had horizontal planes of polarization, which may suggest they didn’t originate in space. The detection of these events means a new type of particle may have been evading detection by sophisticated particle accelerators since we began using sophisticated particle accelerators.
Thanks to the Standard Model, physicists have known that cosmic rays are capable of reaching and penetrating Earth. However, according to the model, those rays shouldn’t be able to pass all the way through our planet. So are the anomalous high energy particles measured by ANITA originating from Earth, or are they actually passing through it?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It is fascinating isn't it? I think they are coming from whatever is buried beneath the ice.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
As far as I am aware, these ear noises are called Tinnitus, and would still affect a deaf ear, as the noise is internal, rather than external
internal can mean either middle or inner ear in most cases, you can be deaf on the middle ear but your inner ear organs (both hearing and balance) is still functional and thus you have the tinnitus even if you are 'deaf' in the middle ear, although it must be said that the true cause(s) of tinnitus are not solved at all, as said, many state physiological reasons - others also psychological - or maybe it is not even caused in the ear but the brain or whatever, who knows ....
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
internal can mean either middle or inner ear in most cases, you can be deaf on the middle ear but your inner ear organs (both hearing and balance) is still functional and thus you have the tinnitus even if you are 'deaf' in the middle ear, although it must be said that the true cause(s) of tinnitus are not solved at all, as said, many state physiological reasons - others also psychological - or maybe it is not even caused in the ear but the brain or whatever, who knows ....
We are instruments. Human tuning forks. We are tuned to be able to live in this frequency in this dimension. Now some of the tuning forks are tuning to a different resonance. This causes discomfort because it is a transitional thing. Probably fish who morphed into amphibians went through similar discomforts.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
More from Gaia - Mysterious flaming hole in Arkansas - Looks like they did a pretty extensive check of possible causes. :))

The volleyball-sized hole has been there for at least 10 years, according to a man who used to mow the grass on the private property along Arkansas 5. “It’s kind of like an old groundhog hole, burrow, or armadillo’s,” Pendergrass said. “But it’s been there a long time.” What caused the fire remains a mystery, however. So far, the following possible causes of the fire have been ruled out:
  • Meteorite
  • Lighting strike
  • Natural gas
  • Utility-related problem
  • Leaking gasoline or propane tanks
  • The Devil
Could someone have started the fire intentionally? It is possible, Pendergrass said:
“What kind of fuel did they use to make it so clean and no soot and no damage? And what was used to strike the fire to start with? There are just too many questions for it not to have been done on purpose, whether it was for fun or for giggles. Somebody will talk someday and have to brag about it, and then we’ll find out who did it.”
Soil samples were taken from the hole, and officials hope that analysis will provide clues. If gasoline or anything else was put in the hole, or if groundwater contamination caused the fire, the soil should help experts determine that.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
As I said in the last article the event will be a big flash of light all at once that hits everyone on earth at the same time. If you are one of the ones that are leaving it will not be when the event occurs but right before. The ones leaving will be high dimensional people (except lightworkers) and starseeds (that are not lightworkers). Those that want to go “home” you will have have your wish granted soon. By now you should have figured out which group you are in by whether you want to stay or go. If you stay you will be working with the 4th dimensional people that chose to answer the call to begin their journey. The ones that chose not to answer well you are SOL now. Everyone made their choices and it has all been decided what is happening to you based on your choices.

Don’t worry too much about what you eat. Follow the cues your body is giving you. I am one of those people that don’t like to take medicine, but I am taking over the counter allergy medicine for the hives and my allergies. Don’t deprive yourself at this time and take it easy. There are huge amounts of energy coming in that we have to process. I do not recommend fasting at this time as we need a lot of calories to process energy. Follow your intuition and take care of yourself. For the night sweats try grounding intensely before going to sleep. Maybe use some grounding essential oils like cedarwood also.

We Are Almost There!
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
The ones leaving will be high dimensional people (except lightworkers) and starseeds (that are not lightworkers). Those that want to go “home” you will have have your wish granted soon. By now you should have figured out which group you are in by whether you want to stay or go. If you stay you will be working with the 4th dimensional people that chose to answer the call to begin their journey. The ones that chose not to answer well you are SOL now. Everyone made their choices and it has all been decided what is happening to you based on your choices.
Reading stuff like that (for many years) I feel more and more reminded of the evangelical Rapture / Second Coming beliefs.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
As I said in the last article the event will be a big flash of light all at once that hits everyone on earth at the same time. If you are one of the ones that are leaving it will not be when the event occurs but right before. The ones leaving will be high dimensional people (except lightworkers) and starseeds (that are not lightworkers). Those that want to go “home” you will have have your wish granted soon. By now you should have figured out which group you are in by whether you want to stay or go. If you stay you will be working with the 4th dimensional people that chose to answer the call to begin their journey. The ones that chose not to answer well you are SOL now. Everyone made their choices and it has all been decided what is happening to you based on your choices.

Don’t worry too much about what you eat. Follow the cues your body is giving you. I am one of those people that don’t like to take medicine, but I am taking over the counter allergy medicine for the hives and my allergies. Don’t deprive yourself at this time and take it easy. There are huge amounts of energy coming in that we have to process. I do not recommend fasting at this time as we need a lot of calories to process energy. Follow your intuition and take care of yourself. For the night sweats try grounding intensely before going to sleep. Maybe use some grounding essential oils like cedarwood also.

We Are Almost There!
I read that the event would be, a rainbow coloured mist like tsunami, coming from the centre of the universe, to cover all of earths inhabitants.
There have been so many things it would be, now, it’s a big flash of light.

I’ve been hearing about this for 60/70 years.
I would be interested to know where all this information comes from.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I use my own discernment that I've built up over the years. Some of the content from many of the broadcast, channelled entities sounds really great. Sounds a ring of truth. But I also think truth is intermeshed with information that follows a particular agenda. There are quite a lot of entities in the lower fourth dimension that can effectively come through as a transmission via psychically-talented people. Look into Saint Germain, for example. He was an incarnated human being who had Illuminati links. Not saying he didn't have a wonderful, compassionate heart: I didn't know him. But Buyer Beware.

I don't know if you have noticed, Lotos, but people who are trance mediums often get a hollowed-out look around their eyes. This is an effect from continuous pursuit of psychic transmissions from the lower fourth. It becomes more pronounced the more they do it.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Previous night I was given glimps of live without veil, without separation, in what is called currently 5D. Or higher maybe, there was no descrption as subtitles ha ha... And also some new understanding. There is support from "outside" to humanity, there is support from "inside" to us. Some of us, already awaken, are like probes, wayshowers. Some of us are wayshowers because are teaching. Some uf us are wayshowers because have trust to go into unknown, create and react and give. Not only to our self, not only to humanity but also tu "outside" supporters of humanity. From that out-come of us "outside" support takes lessons how to love unconditionaly in practical way, how to help better, how to do it with more Ease And Greace.

One minus after that glimps - I'm sad now :( I hope "they" will learn something from that as I'm learning. <3

It's jorney for whole Creation. Non only Humanity on Earth, not only Gaia, not only us.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Each to their own, but I am naturally cautious when it comes to Abrahamic prophecies and teachings wrapped up in a cute little package. I looked up the source of Metatron, and he is mentioned in Cabbalistic and/or rabbinical context, but not in the bible originally translated in Hebrew but he is mentioned in the Talmud a couple of times. When it comes to Babylonian psychodrama, you have to wonder what the salesman is selling.
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Previous night I was given glimps of live without veil, without separation, in what is called currently 5D. Or higher maybe, there was no descrption as subtitles ha ha... And also some new understanding. There is support from "outside" to humanity, there is support from "inside" to us. Some of us, already awaken, are like probes, wayshowers. Some of us are wayshowers because are teaching. Some uf us are wayshowers because have trust to go into unknown, create and react and give. Not only to our self, not only to humanity but also tu "outside" supporters of humanity. From that out-come of us "outside" support takes lessons how to love unconditionaly in practical way, how to help better, how to do it with more Ease And Greace.

One minus after that glimps - I'm sad now :( I hope "they" will learn something from that as I'm learning. <3

It's jorney for whole Creation. Non only Humanity on Earth, not only Gaia, not only us.
You make a good point. We're quite often egocentric, in the sense, we think it's all about us.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Wow! The Schumann Resonance was huge today. I was very tired but since I continue working buying and selling houses and preparing to move to a different state there was a logical reason in my case.

Disclosure News had this comment: “The pattern continues but today a way more massive. Not much to say, from 8 am UTC until now most of the time above 40 Hz and continuing.”1538886984886.png


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Each to their own, but I am naturally cautious when it comes to Abrahamic prophecies and teachings wrapped up in a cute little package. I looked up the source of Metatron, and he is mentioned in Cabbalistic and/or rabbinical context, but not in the bible originally translated in Hebrew but he is mentioned in the Talmud a couple of times. When it comes to Babylonian psychodrama, you have to wonder what the salesman is selling.
ha,we will se there was a lot of dates and predictions I simply can't trust anyone anymore
what you think about Adamus ?
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