The Event is Upon Us! (2 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Most heart-based insipiration I recevied today - always to share with You with Love:

time to let yourself be a pretty flower which knows how to bloom without the gardener's scissors.

Good night Flowers :)
Good night, Flower CivilMonk<3
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
One of the things I ponder about at least once a week is how some people do terrible things for a long, long time and nothing happens to them in this 3d world (some of them even leave this plane to accolades, monuments, etc.). Then, there are others that have a different fate (or it is that action-reaction is currently moving faster?). This is from the news: “Roanoke: Bulldog bites off a pedophile’s genitals as he tried to rape children” Full link:
The ones I've met who get away with things have a certain projection - smarmy arrogance. Arrogance wilts under the light of truth.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Was testing a new search engine and decided to look for information related to The Event. Did run into this from an energy medium in Amsterdam:

“Sienna Leva * 10D – Message about The Event and our event in Amsterdam. I see incoming light on October 25. Get ready! Eat healthy and drink a lot of water to clean the body.

End of October there will be a massive energy shift. I am being called to be, as female vortex, somewhere in Amsterdam to upload/download universal information through my body, connected to the New Earth grid.

After October 26th more and more people will awaken.” Full link here:

There was only one comment but it is interesting: Terri-Cabral M Morales said: “i saw oct 5 and 6 in sep, 16 from a dream”

There you go guys, more October dates. We have so far October 10-11 from Aluna Ash; anytime in October before Halloween by SOC, plus the two at the above site: October 5-6 and October 25.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia

this is my first post on roundtable. have been reading a bit for years, yet am slow to be involved with online groups, as my life is so far beyond words that I am unable to express in words. just having the experiences is so powerful. and my favorite means of communication is language of light in colours and shapes, interdimensional music of LOVE everlasting.

so have spent the day and evening reading thorugh the seven pages of this thread. am about to go take rest. and have a song I'd like to share with you. from the alchemically inclined Dead Can Dance. their presence on earth helps to transform so much energy and so many souls' hearts and minds.

and the song is aptly named CHILDREN OF THE SUN.

this video is a live performance in a large television studio. so the sound is clear and the cameras are able to be in close. there are four songs on this video. (sometimes the instruments are a bit too loud to hear the words clearly, yet it is all good. ALSO< in the songs where Lisa sings. she sings 'in tongues' so to speak.= )
from 2013.

thank you to all of you for your sharing.


~WHOOSH~as we surf the waves of LOVE-ING transformation
I totally love this music. Thanks, buddy love.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
One of the things I ponder about at least once a week is how some people do terrible things for a long, long time and nothing happens to them in this 3d world (some of them even leave this plane to accolades, monuments, etc.). Then, there are others that have a different fate (or it is that action-reaction is currently moving faster?). This is from the news: “Roanoke: Bulldog bites off a pedophile’s genitals as he tried to rape children” Full link:
I believe this sort of thing may happen, as everything is energy rebound, however I chose not to watch it depicted graphically. I have reached a stage where I know certain things are real, I don't need to view it with my physical eyes to know they happen and are real. I think as a collective we have already reached "Eyes Wide Open"; now we just need that in tandem with Mind Wide Open as well, and that's when I think intensity of colours of New Earth vibration will be seen by all.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Good Morning :)

How are You? I have head dizziness from morning and other unusual effects.

Today in the morning meditation I gave everything. My guides tell me about the memory capacities of living all my lives, powers....but I just want peace of love and unity. Everything goes to the source. Im relasing all. And I sat in the light when a woman came to me that she gave me a necklace with a pearl, saying - you are a pearl.

Going further on my way to work I hear - you are your higher self, you are love, you are peace, you are one. In order to recognize it, you only have to act as a higher self, peace, love and unity.

Sharing with you because we all are Pearls. We are.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
this is my first post on roundtable. have been reading a bit for years, yet am slow to be involved with online groups, as my life is so far beyond words that I am unable to express in words. just having the experiences is so powerful. and my favorite means of communication is language of light in colours and shapes, interdimensional music of LOVE everlasting.
Glad you jumped right in. I was just having a conversation about people who use images in their speech. So, I understand what you mean about trying to express thoughts and feelings. Thanks for the music video - great name for a group!

Keep on posting!
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
This is lovely group, like a flowers glade. Each flower is unique, flowers are dancing sharing Sunshine... Each flower leaves the leaves of understanding for is own balance, not to shade others on shine on others. In some moments when Mother's wind is passing, flowers touching each others with leaves, with petals sharing rose's drops.... You created beautifull place here my beloved. I can rest here just rest :) Thank You. Love You.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
This is lovely group, like a flowers glade. Each flower is unique, flowers are dancing sharing Sunshine... Each flower leaves the leaves of understanding for is own balance, not to shade others on shine on others. In some moments when Mother's wind is passing, flowers touching each others with leaves, with petals sharing rose's drops.... You created beautifull place here my beloved. I can rest here just rest :) Thank You. Love You.
You totally got it.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
his last full moon changed everything for everyone on earth. Pluto going direct has just added to all that is about to unfold. It’s about to get crazy and it’s all going to happen really fast. Grab your popcorn and watch the show.

The event is not a wave. The waves got us there but when it happens, it will be one big flash of light that hits the entire earth at once. My guides told me this was very important to let you know, for 2 days they kept emphasizing this to me. They kept interrupting me saying “A Big Flash Of Light Is Coming” and they want you to know this.

Many lightworkers were recently relocated and positioned. This was to get us into a safer place before the collapse begins. It is all about to collapse.
When Metatron showed me, he took me way above the earth. We both looked down and he pointed for me to watch. At first a couple small boulders tumbled to the earth. Then a few more and then a massive rock slide just overtook the whole earth and it showed me everything crumbling and collapsing. This was our systems and structures collapsing not the actually earth being destroyed. It is all about to happen really fast and it will be amazing to see.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Yes, it will be pity - I had my M$Book2 from two weeks only ;), Note 9 too. But - if my script requires to have them, they will survive, if not - no. Who cares :)
Any time I have a worrisome thought like that, I imagine the item or situation of concern bathed in a perfect golden light of protection and intend for it to be safe. I’ve seen this work in many situations where I’d previously have bet money that something bad would happen. I’m pretty sure it works once one is convinced of his or her “power”.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I suspect that Bob only got one love because he was permanently stoned. :ROFL:

this is my first post on roundtable. have been reading a bit for years, yet am~WHOOSH~as we surf the waves of LOVE-ING transformation
Great to hear from you and have you here, BL! Post away any time you feel like it! <3


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
It is all about to collapse.
Thanks Lotos. If you read some of the comments a lady says; "I go through healing and the pain in my body I’m experiencing these days (got so intense since 21 st full moon) …is difficult to describe in words really"; and the reply by soulsistertruth (Dawn Bailey) is "I think it will be like this until the 3rd week of October." I may be reading too much into it but it could be a hint that whatever is going to take place would come then after October the 21st.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Thanks Lotos. If you read some of the comments a lady says; "I go through healing and the pain in my body I’m experiencing these days (got so intense since 21 st full moon) …is difficult to describe in words really"; and the reply by soulsistertruth (Dawn Bailey) is "I think it will be like this until the 3rd week of October." I may be reading too much into it but it could be a hint that whatever is going to take place would come then after October the 21st.
soon,very soon !:hbounce
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The latest CAT post talks about some of us becoming ambassadors to places beyond Earth and having ships. Alain, I immediately thought of you and your interest in designing a space ship.

I was asked to serve on a neighborhood committee, but I've not been able to figure out who nominated me. I agreed to participate because I felt I was supposed to be there. It is a group of people who've lived here a long time - smart, talented, but not awake. I felt like a bright, happy kid, even though they were only slightly older than I am. I became aware of sending sparks of energy - love lights.

Today's morning dream - people were able to select from 4 kits to build a mantle clock, and everyone was happy about it. The clocks were different colors - I recall yellow-gold, blue, and amethyst. I was watching people building their clocks, tiny brick by tiny brick and saw that the clocks had special / magical properties to heal, illuminate, teach, etc.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
AAMichael said that there will come white snow of Peace to cover Earth and I should be not surprised and look Deep into Gaia what is happening Then.
i had one time few years back a thought in the head that i didn t manage to go at work because the door is blocked by snow, something near impossible where i life, perhaps it was also nothing more than a message not seen as message
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
"I think it will be like this until the 3rd week of October." I may be reading too much into it but it could be a hint that whatever is going to take place would come then after October the 21st.
ahh, another deadline to look forward to, how nice, I was already afraid we were slowly running out of dates now ... :ROFL:


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I was already afraid we were slowly running out of dates now ... :ROFL:
Actually Sinera the dates are now bunching up towards the end of this month according to my database (I made one). Some people gave specific dates but others are more flexible and used the word "around." I run into a site yesterday where it was said that by January next year all would be quite different. Unfortunately I can't devote more time researching being in the mist of buying a house in another state, selling my current house, packing, getting boxes, coordinating this and that, etc., etc., etc.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
I asked you some time about blue dot I see sometimes. Part of enigma was resolved - when I see it, it means that message is wating ha ha. So with some training from angels I established my "channeling" procedure and now I can get them more easily. For example before coming to Earth I was living on Arcturus and before Arcturus on Pleaidian. That two aspects are most active in me from long time and that was my training lives for this period. I know also some my previous lives here now and who was who in each... intersting, hard-core sometime but now Its ok, just movie. :) But gave a lot of understanding of my karma and my family setup on this life.

But what is important this evening message was:

I saw drops falling to ocean, one by one and ocean rised to be all what is, and I was ocean, next I saw Sun over ocean and Sun has taken full arc and also fall into ocean and I was ocean. Everything with Ease And Grace, smooth and pastel warm

It ofcourse can be read personal but I understand it in two aspect - drops are personal, Sun is collective.

Hugs to You, Love to You :)
ps. after such visual mesage there is always short time when my eyes are moving qucikly and I see flashes of light, very quick, very high vibration... some light language data pack download I assume ;)
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
A couple of new Aluna Ash vids...the first led me to the second, which was posted just 18 minutes ago:

In the videos, she talks about the merging of timelines leading us to a "Zero Point" (of creation). Much of what she says falls perfectly in line with my postings yesterday about Edward's RV sessions. Aluna also talks about how the Lamestream Media (as always) is trying to cast confusion and chaos on everything, so she reassures us that any manifestations we may see in the next couple of weeks (different colored sky, light, or "particles" (like smoke or fog) in the air are nothing to be afraid of.

Unlike yesterday's note-taking marathon, I think I'll just leave it there. :)
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Actually Sinera the dates are now bunching up towards the end of this month
Just had a thought - thinking back to before the 2012 presumed event - many suggestions of timing, and I was having many visions. Then my visions just stopped and some said nothing happened. However, others believe there was a significant shift in direction / timelines.

Wondering if we are having the same type of run-up to major tipping point now.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
his last full moon changed everything for everyone on earth. Pluto going direct has just added to all that is about to unfold. It’s about to get crazy and it’s all going to happen really fast. Grab your popcorn and watch the show.

The event is not a wave. The waves got us there but when it happens, it will be one big flash of light that hits the entire earth at once. My guides told me this was very important to let you know, for 2 days they kept emphasizing this to me. They kept interrupting me saying “A Big Flash Of Light Is Coming” and they want you to know this.

Many lightworkers were recently relocated and positioned. This was to get us into a safer place before the collapse begins. It is all about to collapse.
When Metatron showed me, he took me way above the earth. We both looked down and he pointed for me to watch. At first a couple small boulders tumbled to the earth. Then a few more and then a massive rock slide just overtook the whole earth and it showed me everything crumbling and collapsing. This was our systems and structures collapsing not the actually earth being destroyed. It is all about to happen really fast and it will be amazing to see.
Yesterday, I had the epiphany that the Event is a cosmic orgasm. Yes, the pulses and waves of light (which is really information) have been arriving regular and strong, and intensifying, and the blinding flash of light will be the cosmic fractal of As Above, So Below. For those who can feel into this more than intellectually, full participation is allowed and encouraged.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The latest CAT post talks about some of us becoming ambassadors to places beyond Earth and having ships. Alain, I immediately thought of you and your interest in designing a space ship.

I was asked to serve on a neighborhood committee, but I've not been able to figure out who nominated me. I agreed to participate because I felt I was supposed to be there. It is a group of people who've lived here a long time - smart, talented, but not awake. I felt like a bright, happy kid, even though they were only slightly older than I am. I became aware of sending sparks of energy - love lights.

Today's morning dream - people were able to select from 4 kits to build a mantle clock, and everyone was happy about it. The clocks were different colors - I recall yellow-gold, blue, and amethyst. I was watching people building their clocks, tiny brick by tiny brick and saw that the clocks had special / magical properties to heal, illuminate, teach, etc.
This is a kit dream.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
A couple of new Aluna Ash vids...the first led me to the second, which was posted just 18 minutes ago:

In the videos, she talks about the merging of timelines leading us to a "Zero Point" (of creation). Much of what she says falls perfectly in line with my postings yesterday about Edward's RV sessions. Aluna also talks about how the Lamestream Media (as always) is trying to cast confusion and chaos on everything, so she reassures us that any manifestations we may see in the next couple of weeks (different colored sky, light, or "particles" (like smoke or fog) in the air are nothing to be afraid of.

Unlike yesterday's note-taking marathon, I think I'll just leave it there. :)
SG, your note-taking is always appreciated. I did get through 2 of the vids on my own, though.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I was very busy today at many fronts and working with very little sleep or rest so my tiredness was attributed to those factors but I just saw this at Discovery News:

“Schumann Resonance Today

October 2 2018

A quite long time of strong activity today, completely off scale for most of the period that was from 7 to 9:20 UTC.”



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Sophia - The Removal

October 1, 2018
Is there someone who wants to connect?
Yes. Hello Sophia.
Hello. Thank you for coming forward.
You are most accommodating. Coming forward is a simple thing.
To whom am I speaking?
I am Rx...
I do not know how to spell that (that which I was hearing, I had no string of letters that made any sense here). Is it okay to use these two letters, R x, to signify your name?

It is, yes. This is no problem for we do not put a great deal of stock in names. Short or long makes little difference.
Okay. Thank you. Hello Rx. Where are you from? I sense that you are male.
I am, yes. I am seeing another being interfering.
Yes. It is my cat. (We have a 3-year-old kitten, who typically sleeps until about dinner time.) He suddenly has become insistent. (Here I suspected my cat suddenly appeared due to the connection with Rx, but I can't be sure. I began to send him a "not now" message. I also sensed that Rx was doing the same. It was a feeling I was getting and unconfirmed by Rx.)
Ah... he's moving away. We can continue.
Yes. I will do so. I am from a galaxy beyond yours. I am here now because of the removal. It interests me.
The removal of what?
Of chains. These have massive weight to them and it is known that a herculean effort is being undertaken to remove them. Not by one man or woman, as in the Hercules legend, which by the way is more than legend, but led by one being.
Begun, and just about completed as of this point, by the actions of one being.
Your earth has waited many eons for such a being. It is one that was willing to endure slings and arrows and complete hatred, knowing he would be misunderstood. A being such as this appears to have gigantic aims in personal respects. Only, perhaps, in order to waylay those who would mistake him for weakened by ego.
This being is, of course, the USA President, who does so without payment. How much more of a sign is necessary?
He came to undue the slave system and to save the planet finally, once and for all, from its bondage by money. He does so without money as incentive. This is pure intent, which sends the strongest message to the "chain layers". They do not know what to make of this being.
In the end there will be stories written of prophecies foretold that came to be with the placement of this being where he is now.
He is unstoppable because the force to keep him in place until the chains are gone is so much greater than that of any other. Not even he is fully aware of this force.
He will succeed.
I come forward now to get a feel for the place, through you, and also to encourage more unification.
In so many instances we see you divided. You must unite. This action alone will help your forces for good and accelerate their actions.
You must unite. As your awareness increases of who and what you are - ONE - your power does as well. It is in first awareness and then intentional removal that these chains are finally removed.
You must "get" that the bondage is only possible because you hang on to a belief that the chains are real.
That belief brings anger, sadness, separation, pain and despair. When you KNOW they are merely mental gymnastics, expertly played, you'll see truth. Truth becomes than the solid object you hold on to and the chains, which you believe right now are heavy and solid - will disappear. This is the herculean effort mentioned earlier.
The effort necessary to unite a populace of so many billions of souls is beyond human or (that of) a single being. Yet, it is a single "thought" if you catch the meaning of my words. That thought is love. Love implies unity and oneness and the singularity.
What I want to tell you is that even love has been manipulated here. The passionate loyal human is a favorite to observe, due to his and her extreme passion. Love has been used as a tool against you.
So many thoughts are entering at once...
I will attempt to separate them but know that it is the separation that has been used to keep you weak and in bondage, so I hesitate.
There are two thoughts you are simultaneously picking up.
The first is that love weakens you. In truth, the opposite is true. The power of your emotions and physical connection to another being to whom you are connected, magnifies your creative potential in the physical plane. You will see this in "sex majik" teachings. There is raw creative energy that once tapped into will manifest extraordinary things.
The second is that love has been wound into vows of obedience and separation and denial of its persistence. This, all at the hands of religion. These things are not indications of "true love" but displays of social conformity. What results is fear around love and other and any potentially loving engagement. All of these separate.
What is extraordinary to watch, and one of the reasons I am here, is that despite all of this programming you are pulling it off!!!
This, dear, dear human, is astounding. I applaud you and will remain in awe of your super powers. I will remain, watching, until the final curtain.
What you can do to join hands throughout the show - do so. You have so much more power individually than you realize.
I will depart for now, but plan to meet me again for another joyful conversation once you've removed the chains.
Thank you.
Goodbye Rx.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Just something I noticed in Janne's "Pluto Goes Direct Astrology Report" posted today.

It’s the 5th/6th Oct that Venus will station before going retrograde until mid November, and seeing this doesn’t happen that often, we will all feel it one way or another as a chance to retrieve something we left behind, be it feelings or something relating to our security levels.....
There will be an influence of somehow returning to our past with this Venus Rx.
This Rx happens on a Perigee moon so it will be interesting to see what physical affect this has on our planet

I know Rx means retrograde in Astrology, and that is just the ecliptic seen from the Earth perspective during the zodiacal cycle. And I know that entities from other realms/worlds/dimensions sometimes have names that can't be spelled with the English alphabet, b--u--t !! What if Rx named himself that because of the timing? What if a time in our past has come around full circle where we are above and beyond the chains that weigh us down? What if, without the chains, we feel not only free, but more secure, because those chaining us have gone. Simply gone.

I am looking forward to the part of October that happens after 5th and 6th, right through until mid-November. When the chains of being indebted to a financial banking system for every little move we make slides off our tinted spectacles, we might all start to see the good, old giving and receiving come back into fashion. "Thanks for helping pump my bike tyre. Would you like a slice of home-made apricot pie before you leave?"
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