The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Time for the Faraday cage!

Thanks Civil, you are a jewel.
Does that happen on Monday?
We are our own Faraday cages! No concern necessary as long as we know "we" are ultimately the ones in control of our own* futures!

*Too I was typing the above, each time I intended to type "own", I typed "won" instead. Then I had to go back and correct both. "Mistakes"? Nah, you know me by now. No coincidences! :)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
We got a confirmation for a post made in page 6 by Civilmonk! This was just posted at SOC:
"CME Inbound

Hm. Looks like we’ll start feeling its effect around 10/1. This will be interesting. It’s a direct hit, too. Let’s see what the PTW does."
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
I slept bad this night. Maybe three times for 45 minutes each. But each dream was about finalisation of things. During night between dreams self investigatin I was debating with my guides about The Event, free will, moving of so many beings into 4D without prepration, my next assigments, my tireness, my ideas about trap of tirangle: victim, helper, power-over roles, STO, STS, STA. After next short dream I started to felt warm in my belly, and a very deep trust, overhelming trust to Love. Next I started to felt energy in my whole body - different, more delicate, more penetrating. I was lying as in cocoon for almost an hour.... :)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
SOC just posted another update:


Aha. This is so lame. The M’s looked at the missing CME images. No big deal, really, for all of us. If you could see those missing stills and video of the sun, they would show some energy, but they would ALSO show what we’ve already been showing: SOURCE Ships the size of Neptune moving around in obvious, non-random, non-glitch-like patterns of intelligent design and blindingly advanced technology. Let’s see, what’s that word… oh, yeah: D I S C L O S U R E

ACTUAL Disclosure is getting closer as we approach The Event… but the lame-Os are still trying to hide what’s obvious by blocking and erasing things that show ETs being obvious. [eyerolls] Nearly all of the solar and solar prediction data has been sanitized, all images showing anything too unexplainable… removed. Bottom line: those performing censorship are not going to 4D. Your choice, guys.

Dear NASA, and scroogle, and “science types”: We can see everything that’s going on, even in the past. You can’t hide anything, not even secret conversations whispered in dark cubicles. We can see everything that you’re afraid of (it’s not scary at all), everything you’re doing. And now, lots more people are waking up to these same abilities, or failing that, are now in possession of an internal Lie Detector; we can’t be duped by lies any longer, even outrageous ones. We therefore urge you to come clean. Every instance of subterfuge adds to your burden. The Event is nearly upon us, so… it’s time to start doing the right thing. It’s actually always been time to do the right thing, but now is as good a time to get on the Right Thing Wagon as any.”


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Earlier today I asked "what's up (for me)?" with the tarot and got:
16 - the tower. which I see as the 'big change' card and the breakdown of old systems. Since I was most particularly interested in the personal effect which this card does not necessarily, indicate (in the sense that one might benefit personally from change or have much destroyed) I drew again + got:
Page of Swords (reversed) which indcates exposure or bringing things to light and again can feel like freedom or being caught out. So I drew again w:
1 - the magician - who I see as someone wielding 'magic' and science (one is the other once it is understood better) which I see as bringing with it a potentially capricious edge that again brings in the ambiguity of what to expect on a personal level. So (wondering how many cards it would take to get what at the gist of how the overall effect would fell) I drew again, getting:
20 - judgment which I found, at last, to be unambiguous with respect to what I was after; a reawakening, new purpose and clearing of old dogma to be replaced with an expanded vision that accepts responsibility fo one's limitations and the courage to make any changes necessary:cool:

Overall, my impression from this set would be one of biiig change all around with a personal feeling of new purpose and ability to make the changes necessary to clear the cobwebs to start anew, albeit with lessons learned from the old wisdom and experiences:-D

Later I asked the Sabian Oracle the same question "What's up (for us)?" though with a particular interest in everyone altogether. This answer, in some ways, I found even more interesting, with the emphasis on literally new elements being formed and huge, deep shifts. I especially like the line about quiet changes happening that are suddenly reflected as a complete shift in attitude, or via an event and the part about essential and new levels of awareness. Plus, how could I not pay close attention to a card that not only speaks of volcanoes, earthquakes, earth, wind, fire and water but crystal healings<3

Clearly, brand newness abounds up ahead is the message I am getting:
Sagittarius 8
This Symbol shows a lot going on underneath the surface, often more than other people would suspect. It speaks of shifts, sometimes huge shifts, going on on a deep level, and these are not always evident. Often, changes are quietly happening and all of a sudden the changes are reflected on the outside through an event or a complete shift in attitude. There will be new responses to life coming from deep within your mind and soul. This creation of new and essential levels of awareness is a part of the natural result of inner changes. Although they may not be easy to observe, very strong fundamental changes are happening. Deep elemental processes and change. Shifting of conservative values. Mining in its many forms. Crystal healing. Colloidal minerals. Organic shifts and changes. Volcanoes.
The Caution: Moving forward while elements are still forming. Denying inner processes as unimportant. Not showing any change on the surface. Clinging stubbornly to old and outworn ways. Being afraid of change, particularly that which can't be seen. Unhealthy growths. Tumors.
Keywords: Deep elemental processes and change. Shifting of conservative values. Mining in its many forms. Crystal healings. Minerals, mining, colloidal minerals. Organic changes and shifts. Volcanoes and earthquakes. Earth rumblings. Reaching maturity. Earth, wind, fire and water. Mud and steam. Alchemical shifts.

Comments welcome!


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Today's morning I woke up (after good sleep) with very vide clear lighfull spacefull mind-heart-body. Arcturian message to me - you are in tranform phase of becoming your higherself. Trust the process, you are already your higherself so it will be succesfully for sure. There will be coming downloads.

On my visual insight - I see gold wide ring with darker rectangles on surface. It is connected to Sun as portal for moving in both direction. Another gadget on my finger. I love my style of spirtuality ha ha... I always loved powerfull (in terms of high-end electronic :) ) gadgets in my life here :)

So Linda - I can confirm that my feelings are the same. New is coming.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I can confirm that my feelings are the same. New is coming.
Last night I dreamed I moved next door. The people next door facilitated the move, creating a tunnel between the houses. The house I was moving into was number 25 (I checked in the dream, good to know I do this there as well) Oh I just real*eyesed that I am currently living in 24.

(Edit) The dream gets weirder. I live in a large house, a listed building. I went online to see where No 25 would be and discovered that the house I am already living in IS 25. It is so big it incorporated two plots but is known as 24. Now that is bizarre!

25 bestows spiritual wisdom gained through careful observation of people
and things, and worldly success by learning through experience. Its
strength comes from overcoming disappointments in the early life and

possessing the rare quality of learning from past mistakes.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I think this is the icon you wanted:rolleyes:
Thanks Lila! Actually I just copied the exact text they had at SOC without correcting grammatical errors or adding emoticons -that perhaps they don't use on purpose. About the cranberries, well, that would be nice obviously.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I slept bad this night. Maybe three times for 45 minutes each. But each dream was about finalisation of things. During night between dreams self investigatin I was debating with my guides about The Event, free will, moving of so many beings into 4D without prepration, my next assigments, my tireness, my ideas about trap of tirangle: victim, helper, power-over roles, STO, STS, STA. After next short dream I started to felt warm in my belly, and a very deep trust, overhelming trust to Love. Next I started to felt energy in my whole body - different, more delicate, more penetrating. I was lying as in cocoon for almost an hour.... :)
me 2 nights in a row, i must research a few healt things as that was what is outpointed
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Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
my pc down no thanks i crashed surely the old one unconciously for security issues that was enough but who knows what funny things electronic and human energy field can do one to the other


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
It seems all of us are getting interesting dreams. I had one as well during the night and as usual it was in a working environment. An old boss I had returned and I was trying to fit in the environment. There were posters on a wall indicating big changes were coming and I was a bit fearful about my future. Could be just personal since I'm going already through a series of personal changes (moving to a new State, selling and buying houses, relationships changes, wondering about the future, etc.) or could be something deeper involving the elements other members in the forum are reporting above.
I did the tarot yesterday as well by just drawing a single card for me, my wife and the USA asking what would come for us today, September 30. For me I drew The Emperor (card #4 ), for my wife The Chariot (card #7) and for the USA The Wheel of Fortune (card #10). All major arcana cards. By-the-way, if you add the value of all the cards it comes to 21. Very interesting -got me wondering.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
I get 1888 number in my sms-bank-veryfication during buying food they like for our two angels :rolleyes: thats means dogs :ROFL: and felt usual inspiration to check it, so:

"Angel Number 1888 may be telling you that you are nearing the end of a significant phase, cycle or circumstance in your life and powerful changes and opportunities abound (...) Be the master of your attitude, feelings, emotions, behaviour and actions and celebrate what makes you unique. "

Next four digits was in sum 29:

"Angel Number 29 is a message to have faith and trust in your intuitive messages and impressions as these messages and promptings are urging you towards and along your Divine life path and soul mission. "

I don't know how I know when to take digits as is and when to add them. It is just intuition, guidance :) As AAMichael says: first voice in heart <3
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
You know - there is infinite number of ways to ignite cocreator's hearts :) In fact, our hearts are under such ignition-intent fire storm non-stop from first step here :) But we are trained to take shelters... so time to go forward, through fire storm of love :) SEAL's training of USA Army is a piece of cake comparing to University of Earth / Love course ;)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
One of the things I ponder about at least once a week is how some people do terrible things for a long, long time and nothing happens to them in this 3d world (some of them even leave this plane to accolades, monuments, etc.). Then, there are others that have a different fate (or it is that action-reaction is currently moving faster?). This is from the news: “Roanoke: Bulldog bites off a pedophile’s genitals as he tried to rape children” Full link:


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Hey Carl, I think it's Karma saying you can pay me now or you can pay me much more later. I have no doubt that the bad guys get their just desserts in later lifetimes. Maybe spread out over several lifetimes. Depending on the damage they do.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
I feel that "bad guys" have their action - reaction response due to karmic energy from them selves :) It is just projection of their attachment to false power-over expressed by their true power-within.

Current energy from Source is strongly exposing illusions to surface, so if someone has power-over attachement it will be manifested by him, ofcourse with action-reaction by his internal balanse on higher level of consciousness. So this is the reason that chaos is rising. My guides to me says that best is to lay in power-within heart space during those times, be in harmony and release all 3D stuff to Source without sentiments and be in higher vibrations of serenity possible.

Action - reaction is now fast - I see very quickly my balanse reaction on me when I'm only touching my old habits in moments of unwaraness of Now.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I have no doubt that the bad guys get their just desserts in later lifetimes. Maybe spread out over several lifetimes. Depending on the damage they do.
That was my belief originally -based on all the teachings received- but as you said maybe Karma for this that person was in terms of "pay me now."
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buddy love

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Oct 1, 2018

this is my first post on roundtable. have been reading a bit for years, yet am slow to be involved with online groups, as my life is so far beyond words that I am unable to express in words. just having the experiences is so powerful. and my favorite means of communication is language of light in colours and shapes, interdimensional music of LOVE everlasting.

so have spent the day and evening reading thorugh the seven pages of this thread. am about to go take rest. and have a song I'd like to share with you. from the alchemically inclined Dead Can Dance. their presence on earth helps to transform so much energy and so many souls' hearts and minds.

and the song is aptly named CHILDREN OF THE SUN.

this video is a live performance in a large television studio. so the sound is clear and the cameras are able to be in close. there are four songs on this video. (sometimes the instruments are a bit too loud to hear the words clearly, yet it is all good. ALSO< in the songs where Lisa sings. she sings 'in tongues' so to speak.= )
from 2013.

thank you to all of you for your sharing.


~WHOOSH~as we surf the waves of LOVE-ING transformation


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Great to hear from you, buddy love.
I'm enjoying the song.
I also note that the video length is 22:11 which seems fitting for such a beautiful post and song:-D
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