Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (12 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - July 4


Midday, in the kitchen, looked outside, and saw four bucks (3 good size and 1 youngster) cruising along the back fence. They were snacking on the vegetation for about half an hour.

Among the white-tail deer, younger males may form "bachelor groups" in the spring and summer and travel around in the evenings. During this time, their antlers are beginning to grow and, depending on the environment, form large or not so large racks. This year, there has been plenty of rain and food. They break up in late fall as they fight for superiority.

We have a local herd, and I've watched and interacted with them for near 15 years. Moms and fawns often come to the fence throughout the day. Sometimes they park their newborn fawns at the fence while they go off to eat. Our dogs often have laid near the fawns on our side of the fence as protectors (coyotes and fox). I've seen bucks here and there but never at the fence. Also, they did not seem concerned when I went out on the deck. All in all, it was very unusual.

My Take

Looking up info on bucks, I discovered that the full moon for July is .... wait for it .... the buck moon. So, I'm figuring this is a "Hey, Linda, pay attention to this" moment. (I've not heard the July moon called this before, but it is what popped up first.)

I'm sure Janne will have to say about this moon in a couple of weeks, but for now, I discovered that it represents new beginnings, strength, clarification of goals, as bucks are regrowing their antlers and preparing for the mating season that continues the life of the herd.

Deer are significant among Native American tribes, as well as the Celts (both in my ancestral lineage). Southwestern tribes consider them the ancient caretakers of the Earth. The Celts consider the buck to be strongly connected to the earth and protector of the forests, and the doe to have access to the fairy world and serve as teacher for humans.

Then there is the number four - four guys cruising along the fence. I'm not a big numbers person but did find references to angels available to help, sacred space, building a foundation.

In my life, the job I loved (teaching children about trees and farms) went away 18 months ago. Since then, I've been overseeing repairs to the home, but am yearning for more. At a party last night, some people asked me what I've been up to lately, and I said getting things repaired and that there is value in having someone at home who can manage all that. Then I was asked if I finally was retired, and I said technically, yes, but I'm still looking for something else to do.

I figure many of us are in this same boat - looking around and trying to figure out what to do next. So, this is the time when ideas can come together, and we can be ready for what comes next.

w t deer.jpg


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Sunday - July 4


Midday, in the kitchen, looked outside, and saw four bucks (3 good size and 1 youngster) cruising along the back fence. They were snacking on the vegetation for about half an hour.

Among the white-tail deer, younger males may form "bachelor groups" in the spring and summer and travel around in the evenings. During this time, their antlers are beginning to grow and, depending on the environment, form large or not so large racks. This year, there has been plenty of rain and food. They break up in late fall as they fight for superiority.

We have a local herd, and I've watched and interacted with them for near 15 years. Moms and fawns often come to the fence throughout the day. Sometimes they park their newborn fawns at the fence while they go off to eat. Our dogs often have laid near the fawns on our side of the fence as protectors (coyotes and fox). I've seen bucks here and there but never at the fence. Also, they did not seem concerned when I went out on the deck. All in all, it was very unusual.

My Take

Looking up info on bucks, I discovered that the full moon for July is .... wait for it .... the buck moon. So, I'm figuring this is a "Hey, Linda, pay attention to this" moment. (I've not heard the July moon called this before, but it is what popped up first.)

I'm sure Janne will have to say about this moon in a couple of weeks, but for now, I discovered that it represents new beginnings, strength, clarification of goals, as bucks are regrowing their antlers and preparing for the mating season that continues the life of the herd.

Deer are significant among Native American tribes, as well as the Celts (both in my ancestral lineage). Southwestern tribes consider them the ancient caretakers of the Earth. The Celts consider the buck to be strongly connected to the earth and protector of the forests, and the doe to have access to the fairy world and serve as teacher for humans.

Then there is the number four - four guys cruising along the fence. I'm not a big numbers person but did find references to angels available to help, sacred space, building a foundation.

In my life, the job I loved (teaching children about trees and farms) went away 18 months ago. Since then, I've been overseeing repairs to the home, but am yearning for more. At a party last night, some people asked me what I've been up to lately, and I said getting things repaired and that there is value in having someone at home who can manage all that. Then I was asked if I finally was retired, and I said technically, yes, but I'm still looking for something else to do.

I figure many of us are in this same boat - looking around and trying to figure out what to do next. So, this is the time when ideas can come together, and we can be ready for what comes next.

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Well, Linda, you have a job ahead of you. You have a book in you I'm gonna call "Musings" - subtitle: Musings on Meaningful Animal Encounters.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Update - Wednesday - June 7

Got a nudge to take up the daily drink of celery juice again. Wow, do I feel the difference. It definitely is in the renewal category - glad I listened to the nudge. Of course I thought of the bucks at the fence. :-D


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Update - Wednesday - June 7

Got a nudge to take up the daily drink of celery juice again. Wow, do I feel the difference. It definitely is in the renewal category - glad I listened to the nudge. Of course I thought of the bucks at the fence. :-D
I've never liked celery, but I do crunch on it anyway, as it is one of Nature's minor wonders.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - July 12

Series of Events

I've been doing physical labor around the house and yard. A couple of evenings ago, I was very tired (it is so hot) that I laid down. Drifting between sleep and awake, I could feel my legs going deep, deep into the earth. It went on for awhile and was a bit uncomfortable. Then I decided to get up, but was not sure my feet were even there. Fortunately they were, and I could walk.

Driving to the nursery, I noticed signs for 3 streets. I know the streets, but never put the names together before. They were about hope, a catalyst, and heroes - one meaning going and a similar one coming back.

Someone got a free set of "lady's" tools and tool bag with another purchase a long time ago, and intended to give them to me. He forgot all about it until they popped up this weekend. It is a nice set of decent tools in a good bag. The tools all have a purple stripe on them. My dad put together a similar tool box for me when I moved into my first place some 50 years ago.

I'm on a local website mainly for postings of lost pets but also to keep up with the general mood in the area. I was surprised at how many posts were about found items and pets getting back to their right place - a phone with many family photos - a missing cockatoo - cat missing for weeks - several dogs. Usually, there are many missing posts but not so many found and not all at once. One post was from an older woman who thought her dog was dying. Two neighbors rushed right over and helped her through it.

Series of Dreams

Over the past week, I've had dreams about past events. Looking at them as a whole, I'd say I was tidying up unfinished business.

My Take

Seems like a lot of clearing up going on not only for me but for many others. Do you know how amazing it is for a flashy bird like a cockatoo to survive around here for several days with all the predators? It was a miracle - just flew to a guy's shoulder who was standing on his deck. Then there are the tools - I did not miss that one - still have the tool box my dad gave me.

I'm thinking about the 80-20 rule in any project. 80% of a project will take 20% of your time and the last 20% of the project will take 80% of your time. In other words - I'd say we are wrapping up some kind of a renovation or a move - might go on for awhile - maybe reaching a plateau - don't know - but something is changing.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had a dream about 3 nights ago, where my ex drove me up to a building. I had a laptop. He stayed in the car, it was my job to go into the building and get the upload done. Yes, upload, not download. I was nervous, as I was not sure I could accomplish this. I got the laptop connected up to the mainframe, and I saw there was 51 terrabytes (or whatever the measure was). 51 is a number that has cropped up a lot for me ever since I gave my TV and DVD player away - meaning I took the next step. That has been about a year now. Then I had to press the button that would commence the upload. The name of that button? Earth.

(I do think the fact that my ex stayed out of the building is because I have moved on from him, and am on another timeline to him - or path. This was something that I had to do alone.)


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
That is am amazing dream Melt. Was that the psychic ex?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Seems like a lot of clearing up going on not only for me but for many others
For the last two weeks I have been asked to feel and release very deep programming. Fir me it came to an end Sunday night and I awoke yesterday feeling a lot lighter.

Great dreams and happenings Lady Linda.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
The other day I was discussing with a friend that fact that the premonition i had June last year of something huge happening, a global shock that would knock our socks off,, hadn’t happened and I was feeling despondent womdering if it was ever going to happen.
I felt a energy buildup and I connected with something wonderful, felt like pure love.
The connection somehow assured me that it will happen and it is close ( close to the other side of course is not necessary that close to our way of thinking, but we have to take what we can get and definitely not attempt to put times to it ).

This brought me round to remembering that Big Ben was due to be turned back on again this year, August I think., having been silent for four years ostensibly for renovation work.
When it was being shut down in August 2017 I felt there was more to it than renovations, then one day I heard a telepathic message saying. ‘ There is a message coming to you from the centre of the universe ‘. A few seconds later I get. ‘ Time as you know it will never be the same again ‘

I didn’t know what to make of that it was a strange thing to receive. Never the less, I still felt that the turning off of this iconic clock for four years was symbolic in some way

Fast forward to this year when it was due to be turned on again we find it has been delayed until next year because of all the shut downs etc. Mmm! Makes one wonder if there is anything symbolic in that.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This brought me round to remembering that Big Ben was due to be turned back on again this year, August I think., having been silent for four years ostensibly for renovation work.
You are correct Junie, Time is doing very weird things.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Makes one wonder if there is anything symbolic in that.
maybe a break between old time and new time. If you put in new water pipes, you have to flush them with clean water for awhile to remove the bits and pieces left behind.

Edit - more thoughts

For me, Big Ben is a universal symbol of the British, the Queen, Houses of Parliament and Lords - basically everything that is associated the Empire. What's been happening with the scamdemic - seems like a lot of government overreach that is crumbling under the protests of the people. So, Big Ben is silent through all of this - waiting for just the "right time" to ring out again.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - July 15

Dreams - same dream twice in a row this morning

One - I was a designer for a company that sold different products for the home. The big seller was a castle-tent I designed for multiple uses - camping, beach hut, pop-up stores, etc. I was surprised, and because they were so successful, I was asked to expand the product.

Two - People were lining up to meet with me for a custom design of their castle-tent. They were made of canvas with zipper windows and doors. Everything could be customized and quickly produced. We were having fun with this project.

My Take

Thinking it is more symbolic than literal, although they were very pretty and useful. It may have something to do with potential visits of the Maxine door-knockers, too. If I expand on that idea, I see the tents as an expression of our homes and selves and how we interact with the world around us - that we carry it with us everywhere we go.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It may have something to do with potential visits of the Maxine door-knockers, too.
Life becoming "in tense"

Tent - An impermanent dwelling or attitude, or temporary protection.

Castle are for the elite of old....fortified homes....easy to defend!

Castle - Your self image. A castle is a fortified building(s). Have you fortified your emotions to prevent them from becoming conscious? Seeing a castle in your dream may mean reward, honor, recognition, and praise for your achievements. It may mean you need or seek protection from something in your life.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday - July 15

Dreams - same dream twice in a row this morning

One - I was a designer for a company that sold different products for the home. The big seller was a castle-tent I designed for multiple uses - camping, beach hut, pop-up stores, etc. I was surprised, and because they were so successful, I was asked to expand the product.

Two - People were lining up to meet with me for a custom design of their castle-tent. They were made of canvas with zipper windows and doors. Everything could be customized and quickly produced. We were having fun with this project.

My Take

Thinking it is more symbolic than literal, although they were very pretty and useful. It may have something to do with potential visits of the Maxine door-knockers, too. If I expand on that idea, I see the tents as an expression of our homes and selves and how we interact with the world around us - that we carry it with us everywhere we go.
Home is your happy place.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
After a day, I have more clarity on this dream - castles, tents, and happy people. Our homes are very much like castles and fortified with peace, love, and calm. I suspect we would sense that if we visited each others' homes. The tent allows us to carry these ideas wherever we may go. One thing of interest is the idea of a pop-up shop for our wares. Seeing the latest news about forced Maxines in France, it occurs to me that the unmaxed will find a way to work with each other.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - July 16

Waking Dream
This one was in the form of a graphic novel - bad guys and good guys. I was with a group hunting a bad guy who worked in the shadows. His name was something like "Mu-vo". He escaped, but then I saw him as if drawn in a graphic novel. He was badly injured and on a stretcher being lead with levitation by a woman in ancient garb (Egyptian?) - long dress secured and belted with cords, long, dark hair, and a headdress with a vulture head. The bad guy was leaning up with an angry face and making the one-finger salute to us.

My Take
I don't know much about these kinds of stories but think the artists must be very gifted because they convey so much in a single frame. Then there is the obvious Egyptian queen/goddess with the headdress. Janne's post about Asbolos added some more clarity to this dream - that we may indeed be fighting dark shamans on some level. Seems as though Mu-vo was being taken away for good.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Reads like "Move over"

I think I must agree with the fighting dark shamans bit. I have been weeping again!

This is interesting..

In this video Bo explains how the world is going to literally see the hand of God at work over the next 45 days and that by Thanksgiving this year virtually everything is going to change (for the better). With all the negative stories going around these days it's nice for a change to see someone speak about positive changes coming to the world. Keep in mind that Bo has been spot on with some pretty outlandish predictions over the last couple of years . . . start at 3.30 to skip the crap!

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
At the 24 mark of the above video, the host talks about a video he did with someone called "Kelly" (it is on the pay to view channel) and Kelly does a monthly "look sees" she is kind of remote viewing and for the last number of months she kept hitting this white wall somewhere in July. She could never see on the other side of the white wall whereas this week she got a glimpse and it is a complete reversal of everything. Why? The words given are "A new era in time"

Hey Junie that's for you !
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
At the 24 mark of the above video, the host talks about a video he did with someone called "Kelly" (it is on the pay to view channel) and Kelly does a monthly "look sees" she is kind of remote viewing and for the last number of months she kept hitting this white wall somewhere in July. She could never see on the other side of the white wall whereas this week she got a glimpse and it is a complete reversal of everything. Why? The words given are "A new era in time"

Hey Junie that's for you !
That's Penny Kelly!
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
Reads like "Move over"
It indeed reeds like that.

Reminds me of a visualisation I have been doing this week. I see all the restrictions, covid stuff move out of the way. Like splitting the see, parting the wave that is coming towards me.

The wave is too big to stop but you can deflect it, move it out of the way.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This is interesting. Elon Musk says this service is for the 3 ~ 5% who cannot get Internet. At those prices they are certainly not in any 3rd world country unless it is for the dictators and their governments.

We are going to need a kill shot from the sun to disable these machines. Sun been practising already! I expect a dream from Lady Linda on this issue very soon.

On June 29, 2021, Elon Musk spoke at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. He said SpaceX presently has about 70,000 active beta testers of the Starlink satellites in 12 countries, and that full, global commercial service will begin in August. Beginning next month, anyone who purchases a user terminal for $500 and pays the $100 per month subscription fee will have access to high-speed internet by satellite from their home or vehicle anywhere in the world except the polar regions. More than half a million people have already put down a deposit.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It is ironic that many people view the vaccines for coronavirus as "kill shots" when the Sun is also believed to be ready to unleash a "kill shot" with its corona.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - July 18


Had one of those you will sleep now moments. This was one of those dreams (or whatever) where I know I am me, but I've slipped into another life. It was about writing an agreement. One party wanted "me" to just scribble out something like a receipt. However, "I" arrived at that point and said "Hey, wait a minute. The words matter." It was not a legal interpretation, but rather an energetic one.

My Take

I've had this kind of dream / whatever experience a few times. It seems I pop in because I ask questions and manage to stop or delay something. Then I leave, and I presume the other one takes over from there.

It was clear to me that what we write and say now is very important. We certainly can feel a huge ramping up of energies in our bodies, as well as see it in reactions of others around us. Could it be that as we incorporate these higher energies we are getting closer to manifestation?

I used to joke that the reason I don't have special powers is that some people suddenly would find themselves in the middle of nowhere in West Texas. Maybe that idea is not so far off - not the middle of nowhere part, but the idea that I need to take more care of my thoughts and words.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Appropriately, today's thought on my Dr Wayne Dyer's Change your Thought Change your Life calendar is:

(from Chinese tradition)

Keep your mouth shut,​
guard the senses,​
and life is ever full.​
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
That is interesting given recent development on censorship in the US!

Listening to Cliff High's latest "Tickety Woo" he forecasts an emotional release between 23rd July and 28th July. He is not certain what sort of emotional release it could be.

However Reimer Fuellmich of the Corona Investigative Committee says that "they are making so many mistakes we are close to a tipping point"
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Got around to Clif's Tippy Woo video. Build up and release lines up with the Buck full moon and beginning of Lion's Gate energies. The bucks did drop by to tell me to keep my head up.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
beginning of Lion's Gate energies. The bucks did drop by to tell me to keep my head up.

This time 31 years ago I was preparing to fight the UK government in the courts in a case I would lose. Quite unbeknownst to me, I began a protest hunger strike which would last all through the Lion's Gate energies. According to MURRAY HOPE The Lionsgate Stargate which deals with the balancing of male/female energies opened for the first time in many years in 1990!

My hunger strike lasted 19 days and succeeded in finally focussing the attention of the public on the unjust and unfair manner in which women were discriminated against in the British legal system. Took another five years but we won.

Do not doubt the power of The Lionsgate energies!

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