I’ve often imagined how it might be the old world system gone and each of us bringing our skills to the table will be wonderful, my kind of worldFriday - October 8
Morning Dream
A friend and I were walking around something like a swap-meet or farmers' market. However, items or food were not for sale. People were seated at tables and offering info about things at which they were good. It was not an organized event - seemed more like it just came together - grew organically. My friend stopped at a table with a guy who made movies because he'd always had an interest. They started chatting and the movie guy said he had problems with the accounting side of it, and my friend said he was good at that. At that point, I walked on because they were going to be talking for hours. As I looked at all the people, I was amazed and enthusiastic about it all was working perfectly. The people just seemed to find each other. Also, I was amused because I'd never known that my friend had that interest - not even sure he was aware of it.
My Take
I think this another of the "after" dreams. If the chains and structures we experience now were removed, how would we work together? How could we get what we need in a fulfilling way? It was so easy for people to come together and find each other. It also reminds me of the dream about the guy selling clothes, as well as Cloud City QHHT session - what you needed was available.
Pod, we all know that someone who can levitate (in astral, at least) while sitting in lotus and just doing their thing, not trying, is going to be in alignment with all the fractals moving in the desired pattern. Old bones and new wisdom moving together to make time conform, rather than being harangued and beaten about by time making us all dance to its tune.In a recent podcast, Clif High said that an event will happen very shortly (maybe next week) that will mean "The end of history"
Today I was trying to recall something that happened a couple of years ago but try as I might I could not remember details. Not bothered.
Timing has for me played a very important part lately. Very aware of how magical it is.....and how a few seconds later means I see exactly the person I need to see.
Good post as always. Thought provoking!
Please do!May I share some of my recent psychic stuff here in this thread, Linda?
What a lovely journey to to read first thing on waking. Primes me for a magical day! Thank you Melt! Funny about dragons isn't it? I have one called Oliver, been around since 1998.May I share some of my recent psychic stuff here in this thread
Covert info gathering has gone on for centuries - but now it's coalesced into this one figurehead - Zuckhead! NSA whistleblower could have just said: Zuckhead!Monday - October 25
Morning Dreams
It was a series of three dreams about the same idea. I, along with other people, were creating avatars that would function as forwarding notices. We were making images of ourselves doing something fun and happy that were markers to our new addresses. One person kept coming around trying to figure it out but could not - wanted me to explain it, but I could not. Either you innately knew how or did not. That one person was the zuckhead. In the first dream, he was trying collect info indirectly, and I was concerned with his presence in my life. In the next two dreams, he was more direct about getting info and seemed more frustrated than aggressive.
My Take
There are some who are aware that they do not possess that something special or extra that many of us have. For us, it is as easy as riding a bike, but for others - just not going to happen. Yet, it also may be an alert to not engage with these types - perhaps taking care with what goes on FB, or even getting off of it altogether.
The new addresses were not to other homes, but seemed more like to another plane/dimension - however you might describe it. It seemed as though the avatars were more like markers showing the way.
Or, are we waking up to the understanding that we've figured out a way to exist at the 3D level of this planet but our true selves exist in a larger plane?
Regardless - I woke up happy.
The call came in as I was waking up - an actual call on the landline. The timing and my ability to see the guy leads me to think it might be about something.Phone calls in a dream are exactly what they seem. A message!
Synchronistically, within the last 24 hours the Meta (FB) has been announced, and also there has been an Earth-facing CME X-1 class! They say about to hit on 30th/31st October, but those who know, know the effects are not felt on a linear timeline, but are already here affecting us, spherical time-wise.Thursday - October 28
Morning Dream
What I woke up with was a screen image and a phrase. It is like watching TV or a computer screen. The whole screen was cloudy glass that shattered into thousands of pieces. Then they came back as a few large, clear/bluish pieces that locked together - sort of bolted together in a very strong way. A message appeared over the image - 4400.
My Take
The shattering glass makes sense to me - we are living in a world of fake images and information - nothing is as it appears. When people have to figure it out all at once, their world will shatter. Coming back strong and clear also makes sense because in all the "after" dreams, people are working together and doing just fine.
Now 4400 could be a reference to the sci-fy series of the same name from the early 2000s. I'm aware of the series but did not watch it much. Looking up a synopsis, I had a "holy cow" moment. People from the future collected people over 50 years and returned them together to do something to avert a catastrophe. The collected people had no memory of the interim time and did not age.
The pilot begins with a ball of light sailing towards Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades, but hasn't aged a day. These are the stories of the 4400 abductees after they are returned to Earth. The show follows two NSA agents who are trying to figure out what happened and why. Some of those returned have been affected in mysterious ways with certain abilities, both good and bad.![]()
The 4400 (TV Series 2004–2007) - IMDb
The 4400 (TV Series 2004–2007) on IMDb: Plot summary, synopsis, and more...www.imdb.com
It occurs to me that each of us has arrived at this point in time to help this planet and the people.
Thanks for that too.BTW - I do not recommend the series because in true Hollywood style, an intriguing idea is taken along a violent and angry path.