Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
As a 66 year old retiree in a small town, I am free to explore this way of being in the community and it works well for me. Magic happens.

Lady Linda, I love these dreams of yours.....give us such hope!

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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Friday - October 8

Morning Dream
A friend and I were walking around something like a swap-meet or farmers' market. However, items or food were not for sale. People were seated at tables and offering info about things at which they were good. It was not an organized event - seemed more like it just came together - grew organically. My friend stopped at a table with a guy who made movies because he'd always had an interest. They started chatting and the movie guy said he had problems with the accounting side of it, and my friend said he was good at that. At that point, I walked on because they were going to be talking for hours. As I looked at all the people, I was amazed and enthusiastic about it all was working perfectly. The people just seemed to find each other. Also, I was amused because I'd never known that my friend had that interest - not even sure he was aware of it.

My Take
I think this another of the "after" dreams. If the chains and structures we experience now were removed, how would we work together? How could we get what we need in a fulfilling way? It was so easy for people to come together and find each other. It also reminds me of the dream about the guy selling clothes, as well as Cloud City QHHT session - what you needed was available.
I’ve often imagined how it might be the old world system gone and each of us bringing our skills to the table will be wonderful, my kind of world
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - October 11

Back from the grocery store where some normal things still were missing from last week. However, this time I noticed that other products were spread across the shelves to disguise the fact that something was missing. This is a big store that is part of an excellent local company with their own products and supply chain. Even when people go loco, or we have a hurricane, the shelves are restocked fairly quickly.

As I continued to walk around, I sensed this knowing settle around me - best I can explain is that it was a hard line - something has been decided, or a path has been chosen. In other words, it is going to happen. At the same time, it did not feel catastrophic, but it is not going to be easy, either. We are about to live through the effects of the collapse of the food chain supply. The stores will not be empty but more like when I was a child - not so many choices and fruits and veggies in season.

My Take
There is enough news showing us that things are not going well. All those cargo ships are sitting off the major ports. Some planes stopped flying this weekend. We are seeing little things locally. We've become so accustomed to large and specialized variety in our foods. Plus, we can get all kinds of fruits and vegetables from all over the world. I love my special millet-chia, gluten-free, organic bread, but the supply has been iffy for several weeks. Now, I don't sense I need to make up a bunch of hardtack, but I might want to learn to make my own gluten-free bread. Another thing several of us (locally) did was to list the farms and farmer's markets around our city.

The feeling I had about this situation still is with me. No need to freak-out but do what you can. The Universe will come through with the rest, as I've seen in my "after" dreams.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Sometimes I think that the best part about these dreams of a future full of hope is that these scenarios are so easy to imagine. We've probably each of us encountered some tidbit of them at one time or another. It's wonderful to see the tidbits strung together, with folks doing the kinds of things we do when we are living well.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Pod: someone I know once dreamed my head exploded in their own dream. I guess we have an idiom for that one in English O.o:D

Linda I am not the only one really loving your 'after' dream series. They would really make a set, placed together in a booklet.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Heard from a friend who has more contact with normies. They are noticing the difference, too - limited or missing supplies and prices that seem to rise daily. Also, small shop owners are in a bind. Shipments that used to cost $5,000 are now $20,000, and they cannot afford it.

At my other grocery store picking up a few more things, and looking for my bread, but they did not have it, either. I sighed and went on to the produce section where I found not one but two items that I love but that they rarely have - watercress and romanesco. I felt as though it was a reminder that happy surprises still happen.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - October 16

Event One
A child I'd not seen in a while came over for a visit. When he lived nearby, we were best friends. A few minutes after he arrived, he picked up a notepad and said he wanted to draw a picture. (I'm not posting here, as it is an open forum, and I don't have his permission.) When he showed it to me, I asked who the people were, and he said - the happy lady (largest image), the happy people (drawn as flowers), the happy earth, the happy sun, moon, clouds, and trees. All had smiles.

My Take
My friend, June, keyed in on it immediately - he is seeing the future. Also, we each had a pretty good idea who the happy lady was. So take heart - we all have a happy life.

Event Two
For whatever reason, I just had to have a steampunk hat for Halloween. (I always dress up a bit to hand out candy.) I mean, I just had to get one, which fortunately was reasonably priced on Etsy and made by someone in town.

My Take
I was wondering about this because the idea came out of the blue, and it was so STRONG. As I looked up more info about steampunk, I learned it is fairly recent, although it has beginnings with Jules Verne and The Time Machine. Looking at some TV programs that reference it, I discovered they were ones that I loved. The basic idea is that people use an alternative energy and apply it in solutions to the problem of the moment. Does this sound like our lives now and in the near future? You bet. Systems will have to crash to root out the jackasses, and we will rebuild. It will not be simple, but we have the brains, abilities, and materials to do so. Then tying in with the drawing from earlier in the day - we all are very happy. To be honest here - I'm happier than I've been in awhile.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - October 22

Had an appointment yesterday that ran late because the person before me was late. End result, I was later going home. Driving on the highway, and we all pull over for two firetrucks going fast. In the turn lane for my road, and I see a fire battalion commander truck, EMS, and 3 motorcycle cops go blazing through. Several of us were in that turn lane and when the light changed, we all slowly drove along the road (narrow, two-lane, winding, seven low-water crossings). Then I could see it - one car crumpled and another being pulled out of the creek. (One teenager sent to hospital in poor condition, but others ok.) Traffic was shunted onto another road that wound through a neighborhood. It gave me some time to think about timing - but for the delay, I might have been there.

My Take
This is not the first time something has occurred to keep me out of harm's way, and each time I feel gratitude. This time I'm feeling something else very strongly - a falling away of "old" - old memories coming up and drifting away - old pains rising and dispersing. Got on FB and see that some friends are being targeted and threatened with removal for inconsequential things. Some said to have a back-up, but my sense is to let it go. As I was looking out the kitchen window and thinking about this post, a white bird flew by. (We don't have white birds here.) Was it another reminder from the dove of peace that we are in this world but not of it.

Tom Waits in his song, Come On Up to the House, says it well.

The world is not my home
I'm just a passin thru
Come on up to the house

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
In a recent podcast, Clif High said that an event will happen very shortly (maybe next week) that will mean "The end of history"

Today I was trying to recall something that happened a couple of years ago but try as I might I could not remember details. Not bothered.

Timing has for me played a very important part lately. Very aware of how magical it is.....and how a few seconds later means I see exactly the person I need to see.

Good post as always. Thought provoking!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
In a recent podcast, Clif High said that an event will happen very shortly (maybe next week) that will mean "The end of history"

Today I was trying to recall something that happened a couple of years ago but try as I might I could not remember details. Not bothered.

Timing has for me played a very important part lately. Very aware of how magical it is.....and how a few seconds later means I see exactly the person I need to see.

Good post as always. Thought provoking!
Pod, we all know that someone who can levitate (in astral, at least) while sitting in lotus and just doing their thing, not trying, is going to be in alignment with all the fractals moving in the desired pattern. Old bones and new wisdom moving together to make time conform, rather than being harangued and beaten about by time making us all dance to its tune.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
May I share some of my recent psychic stuff here in this thread, Linda?

I asked to see something more of my gold dragon, which I have only ever seen once in a pristine vision. I got an eye, and a gold/lime green eyelash, winking at me. (Do you know that fabric called shot silk, where the warp is one colour, and the weft another? When you move the fabric you get glimpses of both colours interwoven. The gold was predominant, but with a light lime green, like aged bronze, in with the gold.)

A few days prior to my illness, I got a vision in that hypnagogic time and space (between waking and sleeping). I had a beautiful indigo background on my inner plane (whereas normally I might see reddish or swirling colours). And then one object started moving slowly about on that background. It was the astrological sign for Scorpio, and it was 3D and made into a neon light. (Obviously, neon light, means - watch over here). Well, on 20th October, I must have had a transit in my sixth house (health) for that is also the day Libra moves over for Scorpio, and it was also the date of the Aries full moon. I am not an astrologer, but I have learned some of this from Janne and others. I do know what the astrological symbols for the constellations look like. In other words, I had a precog vision of what would come up for me in a couple of days.

Then, after I had been pretty pumped up with IV antibiotics (big pharma hammer on head type of stuff) I had a quick vision (know the difference between vision and dream).... At first I didn't recognize it, and then I did. In black and white, so the past (colour, for the future). It looked like a tree with many black fronds or looked like black ribbons waving quite rapidly in a stiff breeze. Then through the middle of that, emerged a large black and white face of a mantid being (put it this way, not exactly a mantid, but could have been an ant. There are some who say the dominators are ant beings - check George Kavassilas). Shortly after that, emerged the head and shoulders of a humanoid being (female, stark white hair, head thrown back, beautiful face). I feel this to have been Lyran or Pleiadian. Within a few minutes of the vision, I recognized I had seen the Akashic records (sometimes seen as a woven tapestry with many silken cords, knots and all interwoven with some highlights). On the base of the Akashic, I had seen 2 epochs of the past, the earlier one, the Lyran, then the dominating one, the Mantid. Now we are moving out of that epoch of control and domination, into our new epoch (? space yet to be seen ?). I know the Lyran was the earlier epoch, because going through the Akashic, you see the most recent first, then peels off into an older part. if I could have kept going, I wonder what else I would have seen?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
May I share some of my recent psychic stuff here in this thread
What a lovely journey to to read first thing on waking. Primes me for a magical day! Thank you Melt! Funny about dragons isn't it? I have one called Oliver, been around since 1998.

I recall walking through a park in London, Alexandra Park actually. As I walked the footpath at dusk, a group of young, drunken men came towards me. It was clear they were bent on mischief and I felt quite threatened. I called in Oliver to walk beside me and as I did so, the young men veered off to the side and walked on the grass, well away from me. Once they had passed, they went back on the path.

I have never seen Oliver except for his eye once. But I have felt him.

So you have been ill. I see you touched on it only by way of explanation but your vision was fascinating. It lends a whole new meaning to the phrase "All the world is a stage and a man plays many parts"

Are you recovering Melt?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have been stocking up on food.....mainly organic which I buy through a UK online company!

They always have freebies so I wait until they offer a freebie I like and order. At the beginning of the week, I ordered several items and topped it off with a 3.18 kilo of organic Zambian honey. Created by wild bees in the forests of Zambia, well away from civilization, I could hardly wait for it.

My order was delivered yesterday (5 days early) and I immediately opened the honey, took a teaspoon and gently lifted a small amount for my tea.

The taste is heavenly. I felt the honey energy work it's way right through my body and infiltrate every cell completely through the day. I experienced such feelings of bliss and acceptance of life.

The honey feels sacred. I think it is pure nature as intended and my body recognised that.

When did I last eat anything that was not created in a sea of electromagnetic energy?

My freebie was 2 kilos of organic Quinoa and they sent me 5 kilos.

Then last night I won the price of ticket on the National lottery. (I have started playing again when the mood takes me as I want to take the Gov. to court)

Ever onwards people!



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - October 25

Morning Dreams
It was a series of three dreams about the same idea. I, along with other people, were creating avatars that would function as forwarding notices. We were making images of ourselves doing something fun and happy that were markers to our new addresses. One person kept coming around trying to figure it out but could not - wanted me to explain it, but I could not. Either you innately knew how or did not. That one person was the zuckhead. In the first dream, he was trying collect info indirectly, and I was concerned with his presence in my life. In the next two dreams, he was more direct about getting info and seemed more frustrated than aggressive.

My Take
There are some who are aware that they do not possess that something special or extra that many of us have. For us, it is as easy as riding a bike, but for others - just not going to happen. Yet, it also may be an alert to not engage with these types - perhaps taking care with what goes on FB, or even getting off of it altogether.

The new addresses were not to other homes, but seemed more like to another plane/dimension - however you might describe it. It seemed as though the avatars were more like markers showing the way.

Or, are we waking up to the understanding that we've figured out a way to exist at the 3D level of this planet but our true selves exist in a larger plane?

Regardless - I woke up happy.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Monday - October 25

Morning Dreams
It was a series of three dreams about the same idea. I, along with other people, were creating avatars that would function as forwarding notices. We were making images of ourselves doing something fun and happy that were markers to our new addresses. One person kept coming around trying to figure it out but could not - wanted me to explain it, but I could not. Either you innately knew how or did not. That one person was the zuckhead. In the first dream, he was trying collect info indirectly, and I was concerned with his presence in my life. In the next two dreams, he was more direct about getting info and seemed more frustrated than aggressive.

My Take
There are some who are aware that they do not possess that something special or extra that many of us have. For us, it is as easy as riding a bike, but for others - just not going to happen. Yet, it also may be an alert to not engage with these types - perhaps taking care with what goes on FB, or even getting off of it altogether.

The new addresses were not to other homes, but seemed more like to another plane/dimension - however you might describe it. It seemed as though the avatars were more like markers showing the way.

Or, are we waking up to the understanding that we've figured out a way to exist at the 3D level of this planet but our true selves exist in a larger plane?

Regardless - I woke up happy.
Covert info gathering has gone on for centuries - but now it's coalesced into this one figurehead - Zuckhead! NSA whistleblower could have just said: Zuckhead!

I am going to need to have a discussion with my employer - just in this past week the government has mandated certain jobs.....
I will not hold back from telling them that the job is only one minute aspect of my multi-dimensional life. That I have been consciously aware of movement towards spiritual awareness since the age of 3 or 4. That my body is my own jurisdiction - never mind the fact that it is frail, vulnerable, and runs to fat and disease. That I have been at their job for less than a year, but I have partially and increasingly known of my spiritual job for 58 years plus..... It's exactly what you describe in the dream. Turn these facts around as much as you like, some people are just not going to get it. They will not see the facets of the diamond, some of which have recently been cut and milled and polished so they shine - in the past it was a rough-cut diamond - the average person who was not particularly looking could have blinked and missed it.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yay Melt. You go girl!

More to add to this but need to attend to chores first!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have had this on my wall throughout the last year and when I fall into doubt I look at it and remind myself. Is there a chance you can record this conversation with your employers? I would love to listen to it and I am sure that many people would learn from it. Keep us informed Melt.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - October 26

Dream - Had a "must sleep now" event. I've got a general sense of the dream, but as I was awaking, the ending was very clear.

The dream was about working together with a group of people to build something. I was happy being with the people and doing whatever it was we were doing. We were outdoors, and it was something with our hands. I came across a book of old posters like those from the 70s when I first moved here. I was turning through, admiring them, when I noticed the back side of the posters had hidden images. At a glance, it looked like an abstract line drawing, but when I focused in, I saw images of people at places like a farmers' market or country fair. As I continued to look at the images, they came to life - people were moving around. I was enjoying it very much and continued to wake up.

Then - an Event

The phone rang (landline, no caller ID), I answered "Hello" and heard "Can you hear me? My bluetooth is not working. It's go on the 2nd". Call ended. I could see the person making the call - a stressed man in a panel truck (not pick-up or work truck, perhaps military), bending over papers, and calling names on the list.

My Take

The dream of happily working with people is a common one for me. The way it differs from my life now is that there is a need for groups of people to join together that is not present right now. Even though there is a need, there is no anxiety or hurry - all we require in terms of supplies and abilities is available.

Finding the book of posters with hidden images on the back seems like a hark back to a simpler time when more was possible, as opposed to the regimentation I experience now (soooo many rules). Perhaps the images on the back were seeded during those earlier years. I believe that putting my attention on them brought them into being. This is not an uncommon concept, and one for which I need a reminder with the latest round of fear-porn about the border (Texas/Mexico) situation popping off.

The phone call is interesting on two fronts - the timing and my connection to the caller. Now, I know sometimes a "cigar is just a cigar" but the two aspects raise my attention a bit.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
There isn't a "WOW!" rating but I have chosen the nearest I think.

I just watched Tucker Carlson on the whole issue with the border there. We are not getting any coverage on this at all in the UK and I only got Tucker through the David Icke site. Tucker's programmes are often removed from youtube before I get a chance to see them.

Linda the situation sounds horrific. And all these people coming in without any vaccines or ordinary passports. 1.4 million Tucker said.

I wonder what will happen on the second then. That is interesting and important enough for you to be told. Phone calls in a dream are exactly what they seem. A message!

You are amazing.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
That is interesting Linda. A message through from NZ says that ~



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Phone calls in a dream are exactly what they seem. A message!
The call came in as I was waking up - an actual call on the landline. The timing and my ability to see the guy leads me to think it might be about something.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - October 28

Morning Dream
What I woke up with was a screen image and a phrase. It is like watching TV or a computer screen. The whole screen was cloudy glass that shattered into thousands of pieces. Then they came back as a few large, clear/bluish pieces that locked together - sort of bolted together in a very strong way. A message appeared over the image - 4400.

My Take
The shattering glass makes sense to me - we are living in a world of fake images and information - nothing is as it appears. When people have to figure it out all at once, their world will shatter. Coming back strong and clear also makes sense because in all the "after" dreams, people are working together and doing just fine.

Now 4400 could be a reference to the sci-fy series of the same name from the early 2000s. I'm aware of the series but did not watch it much. Looking up a synopsis, I had a "holy cow" moment. People from the future collected people over 50 years and returned them together to do something to avert a catastrophe. The collected people had no memory of the interim time and did not age.

The pilot begins with a ball of light sailing towards Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades, but hasn't aged a day. These are the stories of the 4400 abductees after they are returned to Earth. The show follows two NSA agents who are trying to figure out what happened and why. Some of those returned have been affected in mysterious ways with certain abilities, both good and bad.

It occurs to me that each of us has arrived at this point in time to help this planet and the people.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
So mysterious!
Numbers w lots of 444s+/- 000s make me think of a friendly situation, like compassionate beings waving at me via synchronicity.
I haven't seen the show. Now it intrigues me. It sounds like this would fit quite well.
Thanks again for sharing. Love the idea of it.

Addition: I'm also enamored of the idea of that ball of light sailing toward Earth, esp as it morphs into such a beautiful image rather than one of the many doom-and-gloom scenarios that a light-ball coming our way could mean, eg meteor, comet, spaceship full of nasty beings. It seems that those scenarios get all the attention. I'd much rather focus on a scenario like this one.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thursday - October 28

Morning Dream
What I woke up with was a screen image and a phrase. It is like watching TV or a computer screen. The whole screen was cloudy glass that shattered into thousands of pieces. Then they came back as a few large, clear/bluish pieces that locked together - sort of bolted together in a very strong way. A message appeared over the image - 4400.

My Take
The shattering glass makes sense to me - we are living in a world of fake images and information - nothing is as it appears. When people have to figure it out all at once, their world will shatter. Coming back strong and clear also makes sense because in all the "after" dreams, people are working together and doing just fine.

Now 4400 could be a reference to the sci-fy series of the same name from the early 2000s. I'm aware of the series but did not watch it much. Looking up a synopsis, I had a "holy cow" moment. People from the future collected people over 50 years and returned them together to do something to avert a catastrophe. The collected people had no memory of the interim time and did not age.

The pilot begins with a ball of light sailing towards Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades, but hasn't aged a day. These are the stories of the 4400 abductees after they are returned to Earth. The show follows two NSA agents who are trying to figure out what happened and why. Some of those returned have been affected in mysterious ways with certain abilities, both good and bad.

It occurs to me that each of us has arrived at this point in time to help this planet and the people.
Synchronistically, within the last 24 hours the Meta (FB) has been announced, and also there has been an Earth-facing CME X-1 class! They say about to hit on 30th/31st October, but those who know, know the effects are not felt on a linear timeline, but are already here affecting us, spherical time-wise.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Watched a few episodes of the 4400 series and saw that the people were brought back to function as tipping points - to change the trajectory of a situation, which then had ripple effects. This is a concept that has been of interest to me for years - how one small action can change the course of attitudes and actions. We see it more now in videos that go viral. One of the more famous examples is about Hush Puppy shoes, which are casual, soft-soled shoes that came into popularity in the 1950s but went out of style for the younger population in the 70s - until Jimmy Buffet and his song, Come Monday, with the line - "I got my Hush Puppies on; I guess I never was meant for glitter rock-n-roll". Then sales took off.

Reading the comments from Lila and Hailstones Melt, I sensed the same idea of synchronisticity and flow of ideas and feelings - which brings me around to Clif's Wei Woo video. He speaks about the flow of ideas, actions, events that are more common in indigenous and Asian populations. Some believe the current western population is incapable of this way of being, but he disagrees with that observation. I agree with him and thought of ranchers and farmers who can look at the sky and know what weather is coming, for example. Our discussions here and in other threads also show this flow. So, I see the reforming of the screen in my dream as an indication that there are enough people scattered here and there who, in their daily lives, flow with the energies and create tipping points all around.

BTW - I do not recommend the series because in true Hollywood style, an intriguing idea is taken along a violent and angry path.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Ripple effects; my life + dreams are full of them! Seems like I do a thing in a dream and so often it ripples outward. What's most notable to me is that this is so very especially true when we do things in a group, with intention within something I might call 'sacred space'... in this way it is almost predictable that it will start a ripple effect, though the effects can be unpredictable :ROFL:
Such is life.
And synchronicity fits in there somehow too, though I'm not sure I know how to quite describe that part yet.

BTW - I do not recommend the series because in true Hollywood style, an intriguing idea is taken along a violent and angry path.
Thanks for that too.

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