Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (32 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - November 1

Halloween last night, and the neighbors get together to make a fun stroll for the younger children. The parents usually dress up, and I do, too. This year, the idea of steam punk popped into my head, and I bought a steam punk bowler hat and used what I had to complete the look. It was a happy evening, and I know some magic was afoot. I love my neighbors and adore the children and want only the best for them. They always are on my mind and in my heart.

Woke up to this dream of me working in my former profession of commercial real estate and finance. I got a call on Friday to do a report on a large manufacturing facility. I inspected the facility and talked to the tenants. It was some kind of medical manufacturing (pills??), and the people running it were crazy - like people who've not been in contact with the outside world. I spent the weekend finishing the report and came to work on Monday with the rough draft. The boss said that the report had been cancelled and was ordered to push the tenants into a decision to use their option to buy or not. We all laughed and shrugged because we still got the fee.

My Take
Moving around this morning, I'm aware that something has shifted - don't know what, but I feel more settled and calm in my path, as well as more distant from the 3D aspects of this world. Of course, I don't exactly know what that is, but it is going to be Ok.

I enjoyed dressing up - to me steam punk means very smart people who design and build fantastic machines and use them on adventures. I told a couple of people that it is close to the real me, which surprised them. Two delivery people came by, and I walked over to give them a piece of candy - they were so surprised and very happy, as I handed them their favorite candy. I took notice of the exchange - surprise at being noticed, surprise at a lady dressed up as I was, and delight in a nice piece of chocolate.

The dream was interesting. While I've not been part of that world for a long time, I was very good at what I did and liked some aspects, such as meeting new people and learning about different work (ever been in a manufacturing facility with smelting pits?). There were times that some reports were cancelled before completion for one reason or another - occasionally it was to push a tenant or company with a bank loan into a decision, but we never knew that unless the report was cancelled at the last minute (still got paid). The property in the dream was some kind of medical manufacturing plant - perhaps pills. As tenants, they had less liability, but the dream suggests that they were being forced into taking ownership and becoming more visible or leaving the plant and their work. So, wondering if this is going to play out with the upcoming rollout of vaccines for young children - or maybe something else. It bears watching.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Fascinating Lady Linda....

Of course here in bonny Scotland, we have COP26 happening in all it's hypocrisy. Brandon with 85 car motorcade! The electric cars purchased for the occasion being recharged by diesel generators (I kid you not)

Consequently, the media in this country is looking for ways to engage the public and there was a very interesting article in Daily Mail this morning.......Look LInda:



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
From your article, Pod. Wow!
[QUOTEA 2014 study, for example, found that waster water from drug plants in Patancheru, India, was releasing 44 kilograms of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin into the water table every day — enough to treat around 44,000 patients ][/QUOTE]
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
There is that Lila. Mind blowing isn't it?

The other issue for me is the excess lipids that are wrapped around the spike protein. That will be excreted into the water table too. What affect is that going to have on the environment. Especially if there are excess nanoparticles peed into the water too.

I distill all my water now.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
There is that Lila. Mind blowing isn't it?

The other issue for me is the excess lipids that are wrapped around the spike protein. That will be excreted into the water table too. What affect is that going to have on the environment. Especially if there are excess nanoparticles peed into the water too.

I distill all my water now.
So many things we'd rather not think about.... and so vital!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Recently I’ve been seeing a large screen much like a tv screen only massive, representing our life and none of it was real, we were players in a movie.
The screen flickered, figures broke up, lines appeared. The screen flickered and flashed until it went blank and then a crack appeared and the whole thing shattered.

This morning between sleep and awake I saw this screen again and heard the words ‘ You will lose communication.’ Then immediately I saw/felt/heard, ‘ There are those with the knowledge who are able to put it together again, fix the wiring so to speak, to enable you to contact loved ones and friends’’

I took that to mean that we might not have everything we have now in the way of internet and so forth, but we will have enough for our immediate needs.. It was a good feeling , like just the very beginnings of rising from the ashes.

Yesterday and today I’ve also been seeing a large piece of white woven material representing the fabric of society, running through it was back thread representing deep state. The black thread wove up and down, crossways, in every direction, twisting round and round in places, depicting a stranglehold..
I could see that pulling the black thread out was impossible without unravelling the whole white fabric, meaning the whole fabric of society had to be unravelled/pulled down, ready to be rewoven .

So tv or fabric, both are depicting complete destruction, only then can the new begin.

Linda mentioned feeling a shift, it’s interesting that while relaxing this afternoon I felt different, as if I had come to the end of something, I guess you could call it a shift, It was a great feeling , better than I’ve felt for a while.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I felt different, as if I had come to the end of something,
Very much the same for me - no flashes or booms - just a quiet knowing.

Your description of the cloth is perfect. There comes a point when you can only start over, and we are here.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Oh Junie I love your "fabric of life" says it all so beautifully. Total polarity. I will go along with your shift girlie!

I have been in seclusion since last week when I was rude to the Provost in the council chambers and realised I was so bloody angry with the people I know who all follow the government that I needed to take a step back.

So for a week I have grieved losses......feeling very emotionally fragile to the degree I could not pull two tomatoes of a vine of five in the supermarket because I did not want to break up a tomato family.

This afternoon, with the sun finally shining I headed out on my bike and had a lovely couple of hours, but still I am weeping. However, the anger has almost gone.

I was told Sunday that I had two more days, so I think tomorrow is my shift day.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Oh Junie I love your "fabric of life" says it all so beautifully. Total polarity. I will go along with your shift girlie!

I have been in seclusion since last week when I was rude to the Provost in the council chambers and realised I was so bloody angry with the people I know who all follow the government that I needed to take a step back.

So for a week I have grieved losses......feeling very emotionally fragile to the degree I could not pull two tomatoes of a vine of five in the supermarket because I did not want to break up a tomato family.

This afternoon, with the sun finally shining I headed out on my bike and had a lovely couple of hours, but still I am weeping. However, the anger has almost gone.

I was told Sunday that I had two more days, so I think tomorrow is my shift day.
You crack me up darling, who else but you would be rude to the Provost. I can just imagine their faces.
what you do, tell him he was full of


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Everyone involved with the RHS award for the Peoples Project met up for a photoshoot in the council chambers. Normally we would be in the park but dreadful weather so the provost arranged with our "leader" Mark to use official chambers.

I arrived bang on time 11.30am, soaked from thigh down from riding bike in the rain. We all congregated, everyone masked except me. We were positioned by the photographer and still we waited and waited.

Then a figure was seen running past the open door with a garment bag on her back. I heard someone say "Is that a garment bag? Have we got to wait for her to change now?" (or words to that effect) I did not understand it at all.

Minutes later our lady provost walks in all lippy perfect, dry as a bone and positions herself centre of the group. I was furious! I turned to look at her and said "I don't recall seeing you do any weeding" There were some sniggers.

Furious, I left as soon as the photos were complete.

But when I got home our leader had complained about me on Whatsapp without mentioning names and said it was disgusting that the provost was so disrespected in her own chambers after opening them just for us and he would not tolerate that behaviour again.

So I emailed him and told him that the chambers belong to the people of Dumfries, not the provost and that the chambers should be open anyway. And so it went on....

I have realised that I need to stay away from these people who love authoritarianism so much and will no doubt, be getting ready for their boosters. I just cannot be around "normies" any more. It all seems so fake. I am OK in the park with the plants because nature is authentic.

Sorry it is so long but it needs to be explained in full context.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Nature is such a balm!


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
The dream of happily working with people is a common one for me. The way it differs from my life now is that there is a need for groups of people to join together that is not present right now. Even though there is a need, there is no anxiety or hurry - all we require in terms of supplies and abilities is available.
My dreams have also had this element. We work in groups because we want to, because the other people we work with are happy, not toxic. No worries, it will all come together.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I felt that something in October has shifted. It's like a ball is rolling downhill for the better good, and nothing can stop it. There will be small bumps along the way for the ball of light, but it cannot be stopped, merely bumped.

Everything will be ok. And it is so. <3
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - November 3

While sharing ideas with a friend, I had a sense of sitting on a surfboard and waiting for a wave. A little later, I had a vision of many, many people doing the same all around the world.

My Take
There is a powerful wave coming and powerful people are in position all over ready to ride it.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
On day four of my emotional cleansing, I experienced within myself, a very powerful energy. Strong, huge, utterly without fear or anxiety, bold and wise, it was also able to stop fear in others. It was not emotional.

This energy stayed somewhat on the periphery of my conscious, allowing me to meet it and get to know it but not fully embracing me.

It stayed for about two hours before the weeping began again. But I knew that this process of clearing was to enable this energy to become.

I also knew that when this happened for me it would happen for many others too.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Wednesday - November 3

While sharing ideas with a friend, I had a sense of sitting on a surfboard and waiting for a wave. A little later, I had a vision of many, many people doing the same all around the world.

My Take
There is a powerful wave coming and powerful people are in position all over ready to ride it.
I've heard about this from several sources. Some sources say it will be a burst of energy from the sun which will lift our vibrations rather suddenly, this is why we have to prepare for it. If we go too high too fast it could kills us by overloading our nervous system. That is, it will kill many negatively oriented beings, beings that will no longer be allowed here on earth anyway.

Another interpretation is a burst of energy from the sun to "cleanse the earth". While some believe this will kill all life on earth, I don't buy it. It will certainly kill the lower-vibe people (service to self mostly) but not the other who are ready for a higher-vibrational earth. I think the "cleanse the earth" was misinterpreted and I interpret it to mean "cleanse the earth of negative beings". My only source is my own intuition, which has been right before.

The word "Apocalypse" actually means "revealing" or "unveiling". Once we learn the truth this can cause great world changes. But IMO Apocalypse only means "change for the better via an unveiling."

I've also heard that after "the change", or the ascension, we will have to clean up the earth. That means only good people will be on earth, they will have to clean it up, but they will have outside help, and clean power to do so.

The Ocean Cleanup Project is already doing so. Click for Youtube channel. They claim to make and sell sunglasses out of the recycled plastic they remove from the ocean. I think another project is actually using the plastic removed from the oceans, to power their ships removing plastic from the oceans. What a nice recursive idea! As long as there is plastic in the ocean they will have fuel to clean the plastic from the ocean!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I've heard about this from several sources. Some sources say it will be a burst of energy from the sun which will lift our vibrations rather suddenly, this is why we have to prepare for it. If we go too high too fast it could kills us by overloading our nervous system. That is, it will kill many negatively oriented beings, beings that will no longer be allowed here on earth anyway.

Another interpretation is a burst of energy from the sun to "cleanse the earth". While some believe this will kill all life on earth, I don't buy it. It will certainly kill the lower-vibe people (service to self mostly) but not the other who are ready for a higher-vibrational earth. I think the "cleanse the earth" was misinterpreted and I interpret it to mean "cleanse the earth of negative beings". My only source is my own intuition, which has been right before.

The word "Apocalypse" actually means "revealing" or "unveiling". Once we learn the truth this can cause great world changes. But IMO Apocalypse only means "change for the better via an unveiling."

I've also heard that after "the change", or the ascension, we will have to clean up the earth. That means only good people will be on earth, they will have to clean it up, but they will have outside help, and clean power to do so.

The Ocean Cleanup Project is already doing so. Click for Youtube channel. They claim to make and sell sunglasses out of the recycled plastic they remove from the ocean. I think another project is actually using the plastic removed from the oceans, to power their ships removing plastic from the oceans. What a nice recursive idea! As long as there is plastic in the ocean they will have fuel to clean the plastic from the ocean!
I hope the Ocean Cleanup Project can also pick up the nurdles. Nurdles are lentil-sized plastic pellets - many were spilled from a ship in 2017. They say 2.25 billion nurdles were released into the ocean in that one mishap.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - November 5

Visions - lots of them
I was trying to read the news and kept winking out - closed my computer and got many visions

  • cats and dogs walking together in one direction (at least 3 of these)
  • white rabbit and glitching back cat (just like Matrix)
  • brown bear walking up steps of government type building - some people flee in terror and others are happy, one man kisses the top of the bear's head
  • people guarded by military, exit door sealed shut, military creates another door
  • scenes of homes stocked with necessities
  • asked about phone call - "It's a go for the second" and saw a line from me to the border (with Mexico) at El Paso

My Take
cats and dogs - maybe people who fought like cats and dogs get together - the walking was with a purpose, as people do going to some event

white rabbit and glitching black cat - just like in the Matrix movie - follow the white rabbit to find your way into the truth, glitching shows a disturbance in the matrix

brown bear - most likely California because it is the symbol on the state flag - maybe people regain their spirit and take back their state

people and military - as I follow the idea of devolution and a military presence operating behind the scenes, this one makes sense to me. The obvious and established door is sealed but the soldier had the ability to create another door through which the people could pass to freedom

well-stocked homes - while I've never gotten a sense of an end-of-the world scenario, I have gone through shortages and being unable to leave the house / rolling electrical blackouts / no potable water. Recent events tell me to be prudent.

phone call - this one is forefront on my mind because, well, you have to admit that it was VERY odd. The border situation in Texas is very serious with many bad actors taking advantage. I asked a friend to RV the situation because it is of great concern to me (I'm 200 miles away). They identified a major point of interest near El Paso.

There may be more that I've forgotten right now. It was intense enough that I had to eat some chocolate.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
brown bear - most likely California because it is the symbol on the state flag - maybe people regain their spirit and take back their state
Another friend suggested it might be Russia, which is possible because we know that they are holding a lot if info from politics to UFOs.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - November 9

Morning Dream
Came to work on my group of tasks - fixing situations - but this time I could see that there were not that many to complete. The number of things I needed to fix seemed endless before, but this time I could see that I might actually finish them all today. Boy-o-boy, was I happy - more than I could recall in some time. Also, I was aware of being much stronger - even pressing on my arms and admiring my muscles.

My Take
My fixing work was about changing the direction of a situation or guiding people to a different outcome. They were not huge events - little things here and there but with long-reaching consequences - much like tipping points, which have been the mainstay of the lives I recall.

Is the "fix the old" phase almost over? Have I done all that is needed or that I can do in this particular plane of energy / version of earth? Other possibilities are that my time is done, or that we've run out of options. However, the other dreams/visions and my happiness in this dream do not support the last two prospects.

Once again, I go back to that phone call - something was set I'm motion on the second. Now, I'll be first to poo-poo all the posts about stuff happening behind the scenes because I think many are made to lull people into a state of inactivity. This time, though, I got my own direct message from a real person. So, maybe ... well, I'm not even going to say it .....


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Friday - November 5

Visions - lots of them
I was trying to read the news and kept winking out - closed my computer and got many visions

  • cats and dogs walking together in one direction (at least 3 of these)
  • white rabbit and glitching back cat (just like Matrix)
  • brown bear walking up steps of government type building - some people flee in terror and others are happy, one man kisses the top of the bear's head
  • people guarded by military, exit door sealed shut, military creates another door
  • scenes of homes stocked with necessities
  • asked about phone call - "It's a go for the second" and saw a line from me to the border (with Mexico) at El Paso

My Take
cats and dogs - maybe people who fought like cats and dogs get together - the walking was with a purpose, as people do going to some event

white rabbit and glitching black cat - just like in the Matrix movie - follow the white rabbit to find your way into the truth, glitching shows a disturbance in the matrix

brown bear - most likely California because it is the symbol on the state flag - maybe people regain their spirit and take back their state

people and military - as I follow the idea of devolution and a military presence operating behind the scenes, this one makes sense to me. The obvious and established door is sealed but the soldier had the ability to create another door through which the people could pass to freedom

well-stocked homes - while I've never gotten a sense of an end-of-the world scenario, I have gone through shortages and being unable to leave the house / rolling electrical blackouts / no potable water. Recent events tell me to be prudent.

phone call - this one is forefront on my mind because, well, you have to admit that it was VERY odd. The border situation in Texas is very serious with many bad actors taking advantage. I asked a friend to RV the situation because it is of great concern to me (I'm 200 miles away). They identified a major point of interest near El Paso.

There may be more that I've forgotten right now. It was intense enough that I had to eat some chocolate.
Thank goodness for chocolate!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - November 12

Morning Dream
Friends from a previous neighborhood called me for help with the local library branch. (City owns and operates main library downtown and branch libraries around the city.) When I got there, I was surprised to find the building in poor condition, as well as limited staff. My friends said that people from the neighborhood were doing building maintenance and helping with staffing because they city was unresponsive. I began by searching for all the legal agreements, rules, etc. that define the city's responsibilities for branch libraries. To my utter astonishment, I discovered the city sold this and other buildings to a foreign-based company. There was a lease from the foreign entity to the city that totally favored the owner. When I asked the city employee about the maintenance, she just walked out. At that point, I suggested to my friends that they pack up the books and take them to their homes to preserve them. Then I woke up because someone wanted his breakfast. :)

My Take
This dream was upsetting to me, and I awoke with the sense that we have no other moves but to start over. The systems with which we live are totally corrupted and not fixable. While there were enough good people to stand up and take matters into their own hands to save the books, we all had a knot in our stomachs about the level of corruption that was now staring us in the face. Yet, it did not slow us down. The people recognized the value of the books/knowledge.

I have zero regard or faith in the current or previous mayors and would not be totally surprised that they would do something so nefarious. Also, I'm aware that foreign interests have been acquiring many properties, if not infrastructure in the USA. However, there is a difference between knowing something theoretically and having it in your lap. As I was contemplating my feelings and sense of this dream, a memory popped into my head. A long time ago when I lived in another house, we mainly used the side door from the carport to the kitchen. I would put my purse on the counter near the door and did not latch the screen door because I thought I lived in a safe area. My purse went missing, and I realized that someone had been scoping out the house, opened the door, and grabbed my purse. In other words, if you are not aware, then things can be stolen from you.

So, we came to grips with the betrayal of our local government, the need to salvage what was important, and worked together to start over. It was having a group of like-minded people who were willing to make their own decisions and act on them that got us through.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - November 15

Waking Dream
From the sideline, I observed a few people behind a screen putting on fancy robes and tall hats with masks. The people had an imposing look because because the garb gave them a taller and more commanding appearance. All were the same color - dark red, which I found creepy and not beautiful. I had a gagging sensation. Then the hidden people walked into the streets in front of a group of regular people with an intent to scare or intimidate the regular people. A clear, cool wind blew through and took the robes, hats, and masks with it, and the hidden people ran away before the group of regular people could see who they were. This process went on for several cycles until the hidden people could hide no more. The dream ended before I saw what happened to the hidden people.

My Take
Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals the Great and Powerful Oz is just a small man.

I've heard from several friends who are having the same experiences as am I - feelings of heaviness, anxiety, and turmoil that come from outside of me. The whole planet is in the midst of new and growing awareness. All kinds of activities are being revealed, and there are two types of reactions - regular people are irritated and angry with the lies, and the ones who've been peddling the falsehoods are doubling down because that is all they have left. There is an end to this asinine play.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Great dream Lady Linda.

I went away to my friend's house and the first night we watched a movie on the TV. When it was over, I went up to bed, yawning profusely. "What time is it?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.

"8.15" came the reply with laughter. I felt it was about 10pm but nevertheless, I had to go to sleep.

It has been a little lighter today, I think there may have been a shift and a project I had been working on which died seems to have come to life again!

The dark red colour is root chakra energy, very slow frequency. Have we been collectively clearing that from human consciousness so that we can manifest something brighter?
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Makes sense - how much around us is gauged to keep us distracted - never thinking or asking questions - just in the slowest possible level of awareness. The other day, I was complimented for thinking - it was a sincere compliment.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - November 17

Waking Dream
There was a big website with population and health data that could be searched by parameters. The most popular search term was item per 1,000 population of an area. Example - heart attacks per 1,000 people in the UK over a defined period of time, which was compared with that of other countries or regions. The data was solid and correct, and many people were using it.

My Take
The dream could have been affected by recent stories about popular gaggle search terms and large numbers of athletes dropping dead. However, it may well reflect my penchant for analysis, which comes to me naturally and by trade. When you just look at data (good data) then the story appears. I've always been good at this, and was known for using it well in my work life.

The news stories are beginning to stack up to the point they are hard to ignore. I can see that a plain and simple data analysis could show surprising trends. While we've seen many charts and graphs for all kinds of data over the past 12 months, they were complicated and impossible to correlate with each other. This was a central source for the data - sort of like using Wikipedia. This source was important because regular people could use it quietly.

Another aspect of this dream is that it may be an indication that more people are looking at data because it is in front of them via local population or news. Either way, it showed a shift in the thinking of regular people.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Very interesting dream Lady Linda!

There are news stories appearing in main stream media in the UK about the high number of excess deaths which are not Covid related.

e.g. this appeared today in Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail.

Bizarrely, last night for the first time in a month I felt happiness within me!

"Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths
Call for ‘urgent inquiry’ as 9,300 more people than usual die in the past four months from non-coronavirus causes.

Data from the UK Health Security Agency show there have been thousands more deaths than the five-year average in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions and diabetes since the summer.

The number of deaths in private homes is also 40.9 per cent above the five-year average, with 964 excess deaths recorded in the most recent week, which runs up to November 5."


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
news stories appearing in main stream media
I believe when these kinds of stories make it into the awareness of groups of regular people, it will be startling. I've thought about what it would take around me, and I think sports would be a common denominator. Other segments of the population don't have the same reach because we are so spread out.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I can see that a plain and simple data analysis could show surprising trends.
I'd love to see Malcolm Gladwell, author of "The Tipping Point" tackle this one.
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