Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (11 Viewers)

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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Thenkmyou all for your input, lots of lovely thoughts to chew on.

Thinking about the loss of identity that Bert mentioned, for me it was losing anything that identified me with this crumbling system. Once that’s out of the way as long as we are love and light we can help build the new from the ashes. I think identities will happen naturally. it will be interesting to see how any ruling bodies will be set up, as long as love is in motion I’ll be happy.

The black clad people were not going in the same direction as me ,Pod, they were crossing in front of me.
Its unclear but I think I’d just crossed a busy road, which gives me the impression I’d reached the other side . I definitely feel they were leaving and didn’t want to be identified.

Melt, I think you’re right that it is personal on one level but I feel it’s also for all of us.

I did once have a bag similar to that one and I was never a hippie but I liked long skirts some of the hippie stuff , this was when I was older though, during the nineties.
The religious side I feel was the cabal, although they were in my town it was the first time I had seen them or ever been near them.

So much of what you say resonates deeply, you seem to have picked up my thoughts and feelings well..


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I phoned Junie and she told me that the people dressed in black were walking on a road that intersected the road she on, so they were going in a completely different direction! This road is where the chaos was, there was traffic on that road too. The people were walking away from their church.

There is an interesting correlation here with very recent events in the UK.

The Head of the Anglican church, Justin Welby aka Archbishop of Canterbury, has publicly stated that "Jesus would get a vaccine . "The Archbishop, asked in the interview whether vaccination was a moral issue, agreed. “It’s not about me and my rights to choose. It’s about how I love my neighbour.” he said!

Justin Welby is also a member of the World Economic Forum I wonder how Jesus would feel about that?

The church in the UK has done NOTHING to support the people. The people will be walking away and as a large majority of their congregations are elderly, they will dying off.
Apologies Poddy old darling, I think one of my comments may have inadvertently made you look in the wrong, comes down to me not taking enough time to read.

Love and Hugs.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I’ve come up with a theory that we live in a 26, 000 year timeloop. This came about through something I received in bed one morning.
I agree. And twice in this "loop" we have a period of darkness of several thousands years. The exact amount I'm not sure of. This dark time, Kali Yuga, is when darkness reigns. And the cycle repeats over and over and over.

I do believe this Kali Yuga, age of darkness, is ending soon. I think the process starts now but will not be complete until about 2324.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I do believe this Kali Yuga, age of darkness, is ending soon. I think the process starts now but will not be complete until about 2324.

I think that time is coming to an end, it is a prison.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
in a sense it is a 3d prison time as time is not like we know it for higher dimensional beeings so it is written over and over again

it could be that time is coming to an end on earth for the moment or forever, it could only be answered best by those out of 3d earth life

so pod yes and yes
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Aug 15, 2016
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Alain, yes and yes.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
For those interested in understanding the Indian cycle of time (Yugas) here is a very good article posted on Graham Hancock's website (but not written by Graham):

Fig 3: Yuga Cycle Timeline.

This Yuga Cycle timeline takes the beginning of the Golden Age to 12676 BC, more than 14,500 years before present, when the Great Bear was in the “Shravana” nakshatra (the Great Bear will advance by 3 nakshtras in every Yuga because of the 300 year transitional period). This agrees very well with the Indian tradition, since the Mahabharata mentions that in the ancient tradition the Shravana nakshatra was given the first place in the Nakshatra cycle. The timeline also indicates that the ascending Kali Yuga, which is the current epoch in which we are living, will end in 2025 CE. The full manifestation of the next Yuga – the ascending Dwapara – will take place in 2325 CE, after a transitional period of 300 years.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
i read somewhere with thoe yuga cyles that go far longer than the known universe which proves it is till young at this reality of the omniverse if that is written correctly
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - December 25

The Legend of the Festivus Skunk
By - Linda and Donovan (my dog)
Christmas Stinks.
The End

My Take
I'll get back to you on that - lol.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Just got settled in bed Christmas night when these words came clearly to me. ‘ . I refuse to navigate down the rapids of social despair.’

Jeez I get some strange stuff.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Very wise words Junie old Fruit.

During the Christmas break the Daily Mail published on it's front page a headline;

'Covid jab teams ‘could go door-to-door to homes of unvaccinated'

turned out to be fear mongering because if one gave critical thought to to the issue like "Who will d this? Not nurses and doctors, they cannot manage the hospitals. Not the army because that would be volatile then clearly this was a non issue.

Just the sort of headline that would have someone navigate the rapids of despair. In fact, there have been no changes to restrictions in England.

It is not going to get any easier for now so we need to be really aware of what we share.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - December 29

In meditation today, the entire focus was on building small communities of housing for people in need. The plans were clearly outlined - homes grouped together - around 20-30 houses for singles, couples, and families. They surrounded a community garden and park with playground. A few general guidelines were in place based on those used in two very successful local groups. Also, I heard - not Los Angeles - it is lost - look to smaller cities. The plans were very detailed with utilities, roads, etc.

My Take
At first, I dismissed the vision as my wandering mind - that is until I heard "you have the whole plan". What I saw was a design that allowed for a community to develop. Parents could sit on their front porches and watch the children play. A garden was literally across the street, so it would be easy for people to use. I've worked on proposed residential developments, so the concepts are known to me. However, this one was designed for people and not for ease of development.

So, if anyone reads this and is thinking they want to do something to give back, then I have your plan.
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The magic has always been within you.
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Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
Linda ., yesterday (29th) I was taking my morning walk along the road by our home. Our house is the only one on our side of the road for about 1/2 mile. The area to the north of the road is not developed as there is a flood plane and a few years back during one of the big rains we had the people operating the dam upstream of the west fork of the San Jacinto river let out too much water and flooded several homes (we bought the one we are in now afterwards - it had flooded some and we knew this). Anyway, a realtor was having a big sign put up which I came across during my walk that was hawking 33 acres for sale with river frontage. The thought that popped into my head when I first saw the sign was 'Pleaidian Acres'. Hmmm. We'll see how this all unfolds.....


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
when I first saw the sign was 'Pleaidian Acres'. Hmmm. We'll see how this all unfolds.....
I can draw out some ideas.....

What I was shown was similar to those little duplex complexes from the 30s and 40s. One point that Clif made was about the size of a group - too large (like our classic subdivisions) and people do not make working relationships. Also, river frontage is a good place for a pecan trees and a park with homes farther away. Good possibilities - yea!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
This is probably also how we will build things at the next level, I'm guessing.
Think so - the socialist trend that our city council is trying to enforce is for very dense development without yards and lots of street parking. Children need a place to ride bikes and families a place to walk their dogs - you know, a community. There is a name for these newer types of developments happening in areas surrounding the city - live, work, play.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - January 1, 2022

Watching/listening to a program about Eric Clapton. After hearing him describing his music, I wondered what it is like from his perspective. I know how I feel when listening, but what is it like from the creation side? Then I phased out and saw his world through torus energies. There were some jagged edges and others where energy was deflected, which I took to represent times when he was not pleased with the music. However, the times when it was going well, I saw a beautiful almost dancing torus of wondrous colors and elegant movement. I also saw the interaction with others - a gentle sharing and blending.

My Take
I've only seen the torus in its typical form; however, this was a glimpse of it in the creative process, both individually and as a collaboration. The times when it was not working well was very educational because it seemed destructive not only to itself but to others around. I'm aware of the great difficulties in his life, so it is not a surprise. The other thing is that it can return to its glorious state. I like the vision of us as dancing and colorful energies.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - January 3, 2022

For the past few days, I've noticed a young buck peacefully traveling around with the moms and little ones. Once the boys start growing antlers, they leave the females and young ones.

My Take
This is the third observation of something different with our deer heard. First, the bachelors' club (young bucks) traveled around all spring and summer quite near our home, sometimes even grazing along the fence line. Second, I observed two large bucks moving around together this fall as they were looking for love. Now, this third event of a young buck accepted by the ladies. All in all, it seems like a more peaceable arrangement in our little herd. Harbinger???


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - January 4, 2022

Two Dreams and a Message
First dream - I was visiting a friend and we were figuring out what we might wear to a big party. A person I knew (from work in this life) who was not particularly nice called her. She put him on speaker phone so I could hear, as she was aware I knew him. He was trying to run down some information that had been updated. I signaled that I had it, but she waved me off. She told him she did not know. After hanging up, she said it was his problem to work out and not for me to offer the solution.

Second dream - I was outdoors and noticed a large fleet of ships flying slow and low overheard. The odd thing about them was that they appeared a bit like those buildings with hanging gardens. It occurred to me that they might be cleaning the air since they were so low. I pointed them out to the people around me, and all the children and some adults looked up and thought it was cool. Other adults seemed uninterested, which stunned me. (See picture below.)

Message - As I was awaking, I got one of those computer screen messages. I was struggling to see it all before I became fully conscious. It was a pop-up screen with a message about a new program that had been downloaded on my computer. The name was something like - where your money is now.

My Take
First dream is pretty clear - people need to figure things out on their own. It was interesting that this person was in the dream because he was one of the ones who presented a lot of my work as his own. Yet, I still had that reflex response of helping out - even though he needed to figure this out on his own. This one applies all over my life right now. The party preparation is a nice element - something to celebrate??

Second dream also has a fairly clear message - who is ready to see and who is not. Does the greenery indicate new life - new ideas - or cleaner air? Also, of note - no one was freaking out about the ships. The interesting thing about this dream is that it is almost identical to one I and a friend had several years ago. In that dream I was at a specific place with many people and pointed out the ships. A few weeks later, I was invited to join a group at a new restaurant and found myself at the place in the dream. I looked up and saw many identical clouds floating by in formation. I quietly waved and figured the time was not quite right.

Message - maybe a direct message about our financial situation changing and moving away from the central banks. (I made the decision long ago to move my money into a conservative state bank that does not engage in any of the questionable practices of the national or international banks.) However, it might reference my ability to earn some kind of renumeration through other endeavors.

hanging gardens.png
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The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
The idea of ships has been on my mind quite a lot lately. FWIW my perspective is that there will soon be a mass revealing of the ships for all to see clearly and distinctly. Many thousands will decloak for clear viewing. It will be global and unmistakable. There is some messaging from them as well but not landings with any F2F communications. All remote. Yet a massive game changer.

The purpose is for humanity to full accept that they are not alone. F2F meeting will come but not for a couple of years. Humanity needs to learn more of galactic history and our role in it before we are ready for F2F meetings. That will start once the reveal is done and before F2F meetings occur generally. There may be some limited F2F meetings with select individuals who are assisting with the transformation prior to a more global rollout.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Humanity needs to learn more of galactic history and our role in it before we are ready for F2F meetings
This makes a lot of sense. First we have to get over the Hollywood sci-fi programing. It will be a mind-bender when people learn that some of these visitors actually have the same ancestors as we do.

A few months ago, there was a big discussion in our local Next Door group about strange sightings in the sky. Eventually some figured they must be the starlink satellites, but the thing that impressed me was how open every person was to them being ET crafts. Many people recounted their experiences with seeing other space crafts. It was an upbeat and positive conversation.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Message - As I was awaking, I got one of those computer screen messages. I was struggling to see it all before I became fully conscious. It was a pop-up screen with a message about a new program that had been downloaded on my computer. The name was something like - where your money is now.
I'm not a big follower of NESARA or GESARA because some people have presented these programs as money for all or that we'll all be millionaires. At the same time, I do believe there may be changes in our banking systems - something that takes away manipulation and theft. Whatever this particular message means is unknown to me.

Sometimes I watch Tarot by Janine and today came across the one clarifying why Trump cancelled the January 6th message - something happened to set back the monetary plan. Oh, really..... Perhaps I'll pay a bit attention to this topic.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
AsI woke up this morning remembering a dream, which is unusual, I rarely recall them.

I was walking in the street and found I was carrying my handbag upside down, it was a flat crochet one with a closing flap.
The flap was open and the bag empty, I looked behind me to see my phone lying on the pavement some way back, as I was walking to it it disappeared, there was no sign of my purse containing cash and card and other private stuff. There was no sign of anything that had been in my bag.

i carried on walking and met a very large group of people I recognised as a congregation of some new church in town i think, I wasn’t sure about them, had only heard of them, all of them were dressed in black from head to toe and their faces were completely covered in what look,like black cloth.
They seemed completely oblivious to me, almost to the point of rudeness, only way to explain it.
There wasn’t much else to the dream other than, a lot of traffic and other bits I’ve forgotten but I know was a bit chaotic.

My interpretation…….Loss of identity. A woman’s hand bag carries so much, her cash, cards, other important info. It carries her life in a way.
The black clad people with their faces completely obscured by black cloth ignoring me we’re trying to hide their identity, and appeared to be leaving their church en mass.
I’m seeing this as the fall of the dark ones, running, hiding their faces, while those of the light lose all that has identified them as slaves of the cabal.

I would love to hear any interpretation from anyone else has.
Rereading this, the only thing I'd add is that an empty purse is available to be filled. I've had the anticipation of having a purse which I was choosing things to put in and I liked it a lot.
I'd wonder what you wanted to put in there?
I like those kinds of bags.
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 15, 2021
FYI, there are no "Starlink Satellites." Those are Pleiadian ships trying to wake people up, the Starlink thing (and SpaceX in general) a cover story. SpaceX is a actually totally fake, a money pit for dirty money, moneylaundering.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - January 7

Just walked into the house and heard music - like the crescendo in a movie when people know something is changing - checked all possible sources and nothing was on - not my phone either

My Take
Eyes and ears open
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Tuesday - January 4, 2022

Two Dreams and a Message
First dream - I was visiting a friend and we were figuring out what we might wear to a big party. A person I knew (from work in this life) who was not particularly nice called her. She put him on speaker phone so I could hear, as she was aware I knew him. He was trying to run down some information that had been updated. I signaled that I had it, but she waved me off. She told him she did not know. After hanging up, she said it was his problem to work out and not for me to offer the solution.

Second dream - I was outdoors and noticed a large fleet of ships flying slow and low overheard. The odd thing about them was that they appeared a bit like those buildings with hanging gardens. It occurred to me that they might be cleaning the air since they were so low. I pointed them out to the people around me, and all the children and some adults looked up and thought it was cool. Other adults seemed uninterested, which stunned me. (See picture below.)

Message - As I was awaking, I got one of those computer screen messages. I was struggling to see it all before I became fully conscious. It was a pop-up screen with a message about a new program that had been downloaded on my computer. The name was something like - where your money is now.

My Take
First dream is pretty clear - people need to figure things out on their own. It was interesting that this person was in the dream because he was one of the ones who presented a lot of my work as his own. Yet, I still had that reflex response of helping out - even though he needed to figure this out on his own. This one applies all over my life right now. The party preparation is a nice element - something to celebrate??

Second dream also has a fairly clear message - who is ready to see and who is not. Does the greenery indicate new life - new ideas - or cleaner air? Also, of note - no one was freaking out about the ships. The interesting thing about this dream is that it is almost identical to one I and a friend had several years ago. In that dream I was at a specific place with many people and pointed out the ships. A few weeks later, I was invited to join a group at a new restaurant and found myself at the place in the dream. I looked up and saw many identical clouds floating by in formation. I quietly waved and figured the time was not quite right.

Message - maybe a direct message about our financial situation changing and moving away from the central banks. (I made the decision long ago to move my money into a conservative state bank that does not engage in any of the questionable practices of the national or international banks.) However, it might reference my ability to earn some kind of renumeration through other endeavors.

View attachment 12981
The obvious reference to me was Hanging Gardens, and if you look up the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, you find that they weren't all green drapery (as we have in hanging baskets) but the name Hanging coming from the original Greek description could mean overhanging, and the structure was on a sturdy, square-shaped foundation, with tiers built one on top of another, with spaces between the supporting pillars where the deep roots of trees could grow and expand. The variety of plants in the gardens was varied, and fixed in place. The Median Queen of the Assyrian King who designed and built the gardens missed her homeland (basically, mountainous Persia, and the Medians revered gardens). The gardens were also known as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis. She was a powerful early Queen Regent of the 8th C B.C.

Bearing this background in mind, I think the dream has something to do with renewal, and also humankind's creative innovation and ability to change situations by creative thought. Another thing is, that the actual Hanging Gardens in Babylon (if that is in fact where they were, as the remnants have never been found) used an innovative technque of irrigation known as Archimedes Screw (to get water piped up from the Euphrates to water the gardens). The ancients, especially Greeks, had many innovative ideas to control their environment and Greek ideas were widespread. Flourishing gardens suggest health of the environment, as you said, possibly cleaning the air, or in the dream, the means to invigorate the current situation).

Also (of course, not documented) Semiramis is early enough to have been descended from Annunaki rulers who earlier had supreme power in that part of the world. The dream could quite easily have been pointing to a fleet of ships, not necessarily physically endowed with gardens, but relating back to those off-world types that had visited before. Linda, you obviously are psychically sensitive to such things as cloud ships, so it makes perfect sense that a dream could reveal more attributes about these.

Then you have the aspect of people with open or closed minds. The person with the closed mind in the current age will have no knowledge of any of this human history that has been so impactful of our current state of affairs.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Completely on another track, I came across this innovative idea about food production and supply: from Greensky (organic veggie pods).
I don't think the dream references those, but it could be precognition of a future where these types of things become ubiquitous.
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