The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
Thanks Alain. Can someone explain this to a newbie?

  1. I see the frequency on the left Y axis. But what are the numbers at the bottom (X axis)? They don't really look like military times that begin at 0 and end at 23:59.
  2. What would an older chart look like compared to this one, to show differences in the Schumann frequency?
  3. What exactly is the Schumann frequency? What does it indicate? (From a scientific and metaphysical stand point.)
  4. Is the Schumann frequency related to sun spots or sun activity?
The basic Schumann frequency is the speed of light divided by (2 x PI x the radius of the earth), modified slightly because the real Earth–ionosphere waveguide is not a perfect electromagnetic resonant cavity.

300,000 km/second div (2x355/113x6371km)=7.49Hz becomes 7.83Hz because of atmospheric and earth geography distortions.

So, a planet half the size of the earth would have a base frequency around 15.6Hz and double the size about 3.9Hz.
Mars, with an atmosphere, would be about 14.7Hz.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Observations from my outpost....

Last minute trip to the grocery store this morning. (Tomorrow is a big holiday in the US - Thanksgiving.) I saw many happy people, and some saying something nice to strangers. Drivers were yielding to pedestrians and other drivers. I found all of this particularly interesting because we are entering into the stress hours before families arrive to eat. There were some who were so closed off in their world that they were oblivious to anything around them, but they were in the minority.

In a parking lot of a big retail center yesterday. I was walking to my car when a young woman asked for my advice / help because she discovered a car with an open hatchback. She stayed with the car, and I went into the most likely store and walked around calling out for someone driving a MiniCooper because the hatchback was open (no store intercom). I finally found her, and she was amazed and grateful that 2 people would do so much to help. The young woman and I had the same motivation - we just could not walk away and do nothing - she just needed a little boost to do so.

I like seeing and sharing good news, and I also think it is important to give acknowledgment to people. It feels as though we are claiming ground.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
i start to realise what persons i should avoid contact, from time to time that persons was around me i sensed unease and as this person can only creatate division by egoism the clue is solved

and the good pink red sunsets start again as december comes near


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
It’s been held up for one reason or another, slowly changing to longer and longer, now, could be 100years.

And so it will go on.
For some, perhaps...for that is THEIR choice or path. I've decided that my experience will be much, MUCH faster...and indeed, that's exactly what I'm seeing unfold before my very eyes. :)

We have simply forgotton what wonderful beings we are, but memory is returning.
Absolutely! And it's WONDERFUL to see. :) <3
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
In a sense - to put it in very pragmatic simplified terms - you are saying that what society has taught you is that "seeing is believing," whereas it is actually BELIEVING IS SEEING!

That is how it works.
:-D EXACTLY!!!! Interestingly enough, I've just mentioned or posted that exact thing to a few other folks in the last few days. They keep saying "I'll believe it when I see it." And I keep replying, "maybe you've got it backwards...and you'll SEE IT WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT!" <3


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
so true! i am done here in this game,there are so many different games and dimensions why play only one
I'm not too interested in "reincarnation" at this point. Frankly, I'm feeling as if I'm BEYOND the whole "death" thing. Who says I can't continue living here for as long as I want to, choosing the path I wish to experience and enjoying every step of the journey? :) I think we've all been sold a false bill of goods where we're told the physical body gets old, craps out and dies. That's what we've all been told, so naturally that's exactly what we believe--and experience as a result of that belief. But who says we can't TRANSCEND that while in the physical? I'll suggest that we can toss out all that old programming, choose to experience a state of "mind over matter" and experience a whole new way of being--where we can remain youthful and healthy as long as we wish to, then gracefully shift into another state of being when we're done with that experience.

hehe yes, but when one reach one level of awareness,this stuff simply won`t work any more,because there everything just IS (no more duality
and this pozitive/negative games) and then you see that all truly heart desires are completely manifested,so you donˇt need anymore all this
duality mind games
Even if everything just IS, we still get to choose what our next experience will be. :) Personally, I think that's THE FUN PART...when we suddenly become conscious of our own power and can CONSCIOUSLY CREATE whatever we wish to experience. Until then, we let OTHERS create for us. Of course, we can also take a bit of a rest and just "be". ALL such choices are perfectly valid and equally wonderful from the Soul's point of view.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
:-D EXACTLY!!!! Interestingly enough, I've just mentioned or posted that exact thing to a few other folks in the last few days. They keep saying "I'll believe it when I see it." And I keep replying, "maybe you've got it backwards...and you'll SEE IT WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT!" <3
Could this be simple positive thinking again? Or am I being too simplistic ?
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
nice talk stargazer, i read somewhere our bodys such as build can last up to 300 years in actual earth, in new earth so 5th dimension it can surely be longer, life and conciousness is eternal we choose as you said
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
  • I see the frequency on the left Y axis. But what are the numbers at the bottom (X axis)? They don't really look like military times that begin at 0 and end at 23:59.

  • What would an older chart look like compared to this one, to show differences in the Schumann frequency?

  • What exactly is the Schumann frequency? What does it indicate? (From a scientific and metaphysical stand point.)

  • Is the Schumann frequency related to sun spots or sun activity?
I believe the times are GMT.

The older charts were mostly blue and green with a few reds thrown in. The white is unusually high--and we've been seeing LOTS and LOTS of it (HUGE patches that almost seem "off the charts" over the past year or so in particular).

If you consider that EVERYTHING is energy and everything has its certain frequency (think of frequency as simply a speed of vibration), then everything we experience as physical beings is just energy in motion (think of the swirling components of an atom, for example). This rate of motion has been very consistent for as long as it was first discovered (in the 1950's by a scientist named Schumann. Since ALL things are energetically connected, our consciousness (or awareness) is also connected and/or affected by this freqeuncy (and vice-versa). Shortly before the 9-11 event in 2001, I think it was Harvard University that was doing some studies and started monitoring this frequency with sensors in several places around the world. They discovered that the readings suddenly JUMPED to an extremely high level during the 9-11 experience, apparently showing how human consciousness directly affected the readings.

In the last few years (and increasingly so), this frequency has experienced some major increases. Many (including me) believe that it is actually our own human consciousness (spiritual awakening) that is driving this increase. Others believe that it is from energies coming in from The Central Sun, our own sun, or other "outside" sources. In either case, however, I see this as something that is occurring because we are either ready for it, asking for it, or actually creating it ourselves (as we awaken more and more).

Because all things are energetic and affect one another, yes, the sun and sunspot activity DOES affect these readings. I'm not sure to what extent, however. I'm more versed on the metaphysical aspects than the scientific.

Hope that helps!
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Could this be simple positive thinking again? Or am I being too simplistic ?
Well, of course it is! :) But belief, OR KNOWING, is something even stronger. I actually feel that positive thinking is just THE START of the journey. With strong intent, the positive thinking leads to belief. Strong belief leads to KNOWING. Then the knowing starts to actually MANIFEST the physical experience at hand. I feel as if I'm somewhere in the "strong belief" stage at the moment, but as I experience more and more things that are in line with that belief, my sense of knowing is becoming stronger and stronger.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I feel as if I'm somewhere in the "strong belief" stage at the moment, but as I experience more and more things that are in line with that belief, my sense of knowing is becoming stronger and stronger.
This describes very well what I meant in an earlier post about "claiming ground". Every time I observe, experience, and name an event, it becomes more rooted not just in myself, but everywhere around me.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Well, of course it is! :) But belief, OR KNOWING, is something even stronger. I actually feel that positive thinking is just THE START of the journey. With strong intent, the positive thinking leads to belief. Strong belief leads to KNOWING. Then the knowing starts to actually MANIFEST the physical experience at hand. I feel as if I'm somewhere in the "strong belief" stage at the moment, but as I experience more and more things that are in line with that belief, my sense of knowing is becoming stronger and stronger.
Positive thinking pussy...Grrrrr!! :))



Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Strong belief leads to KNOWING. Then the knowing starts to actually MANIFEST the physical experience at hand
this is new age formula like the Secret and simillar stuff it good for the first stages of awakening but doesnt work.
your belief could be unconscious ? then manifestation doesnt work:cool:,your knowing,beliving,... doesnt matter .
You must first go beyond the mind find realy heart desire,then manifestation is easy because your mind is clean and have pure thoughts.
This process is automatic,so you JUST BE,and everything will fall into the right place


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Well, of course it is! :) But belief, OR KNOWING, is something even stronger. I actually feel that positive thinking is just THE START of the journey. With strong intent, the positive thinking leads to belief. Strong belief leads to KNOWING. Then the knowing starts to actually MANIFEST the physical experience at hand. I feel as if I'm somewhere in the "strong belief" stage at the moment, but as I experience more and more things that are in line with that belief, my sense of knowing is becoming stronger and stronger.
I used to be in the strong belief camp, because that is a major influence on Pisces people. But now, there is just seeing (and seeing is another word for "innate knowing").


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
:-D EXACTLY!!!! Interestingly enough, I've just mentioned or posted that exact thing to a few other folks in the last few days. They keep saying "I'll believe it when I see it." And I keep replying, "maybe you've got it backwards...and you'll SEE IT WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT!" <3
SG, you are dealing there with 5-sense perceptive people. So they have to see to believe. I've written on here before how I used my eyes to perceive every car number plate that went past. That was a period of honing my sensitivity to synchronicity. I also watch a daily quiz show, in which there are 3 segments: 2 of the segments are verbally presented in a set time, and you must know the answer because you can't stand around dithering deciding between possible answers. So, that is remembered knowledge. Knowledge that has been acquired and stored and can be accessed by the mind to produce the answer. In the other segment, the questions are presented in a written format, with a multiple choice (of 3) answer. This is the part where I hone my intuition. Although I have a good remembered knowledge to draw from, the subject matter of the questions varies so much it would be impossible to know it all. So I practice (try) to listen to my still, quiet voice, other than my mind's voice, in the couple of seconds before the answer must be given, and then I "know" the answer. This can be hit and miss because it takes practice. Every time I miss, I realise that my voice was active (so silently), but I chose to ignore and choose the other possible response. But the times when I get it right, it is not a question of belief. I know.

I don't know if anyone else pits themselves against themselves, on this learning journey. But listening to your intuition is like any skill - try, try, and try again. The training period probably takes a life time. But if you stick with it, results do start to happen. Of course, I may be naturally psychic, which helps, but it is still a skill everyone can learn. You need to be able to distinguish between the egoic voice, and the still, quiet voice of intuition. It feels like a prompt, it is very still. It is not strident, nor is it directing. It just states what is, and if you listen, you will be right every time.

By the way, with that quiz game, when training your intuition, it is not about winning. So if you get it wrong, it doesn't matter. It's just a nod to yourself to listen better next time. Once winning and losing comes into it, intuition goes out the window.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
"And the date 12/21/2012 went through this curtain. It was like they had to get the date to separate from the people, that the curtain went up and it had to happen and they had a hard time shaking loose the dates from the people.

(S) what do you mean ‘shaking loose the dates from the people’? (M) They had them stuck in their minds. Instead of looking at what are we doing today to get us ready, they were focused on the dates. We had to really shake them loose from the dates, not to look at the dates but just to prepare themselves and just let it unfold...Make the date no longer the focus, you are looking through the stage into another dimension and that is how you are to treat the dates. It is still there but it does not become your focus."

Thanks for the links, kids!

This is a HUGE confirmation for me. I've come to see these continual dates as intentional "speed bumps". While some people may certainly interpret certain dates in their own way because of their own filters, I feel MANY (like the 2012 one) were purposely blown out of proportion by Deep State to frustrate, discourage, and dissuade people from the "ascension path". That way, once the date has passed, they can point out that nothing happened. But "nothing happening" is a complete lie. There's ALWAYS something happening. The Dark keeps touting those dates, building them up and trying to focus energy on them so they'll slow us down or even deter us completely.

On other social media platforms I keep seeing comments from people who say, "I'll believe it when I see it." My mantra is, "I'll see it when I believe it." :)

What's a speed bump, anyway? A pile of material placed in your way to slow you down. Ever been on the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland? It's a bumpy but REALLY, REALLY FUN RIDE! That's one of the reasons I bought a 4x4. No bump's gonna stop me or slow me down. :) If you're not up to a few bumps, better bail out now. Otherwise, buckle up, comes another speed bump. I'm "puttin' the hammer down"!

You can call me buttercups any day of the week.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Hello my Hearts. For me it was long journey but one phase of my life here is over. I found my self as peace, as love, as divinity, as light and infinity and mystery to be discovered forever. Can you imagine that the most diffucult issue for me was self-esteem and fear? I have 44 years - few years ago I told to my self - boy, you have to find "this" before 45... and then go and create something new, fresh, with your spiritual family. Now, I know that this "thought" was inspiration from my spirit.

Now I'm truly ready to be at service to all. Now I know what is love, what is peace, what is joy. This is magnificant to discover the incredible power every human has inside. That space, that dimensions.

We are truly The Event for this world, we - The Event lovers :) Ha ha. Yeah.

What I found last days that process of unfoliding internal truth, that shifts in awareness, that movements into unknown or unwanted or behind assumptions about my self was most exciting. Not one big "flash" but that soft, aware expansion to fill with love darkness in me that was hidden. And from this base going into new space of me.

So, for me - new chapter of life.

And I'm happy that I done it with your support.

Peace & Love

At service to all.

CM, I feel that I learn from you, every time you post. I know your presence must be expansive now, because I can feel it through the written word.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
eh nothing just happen:cool:
Yes, Lotos. An accident is an event where everything was lined up in perfect order to make it come to manifestation, but it felt like an accident after the fact, because the person/people living it did not align themselves with all potentiality and therefore didn't see it coming.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
All you lovelies, I had a positive dream last night. It felt like I was very busy and active in the dream state job, remembering quite a lot of it lucidly (but I didn't hang on to the details or write them down). But after I had the most memorable part of the dream (vision) I woke up, went to the loo, and as quite often happens, couldn't wait to get back into bed to continue on dreaming (lucidly knowing the dreaming wasn't going to stop, just because I had to get up for a minute).

So the vision part was that I was here on 3D Earth, being very busy, as I said, and glancing back to the night sky, I saw a planet-sized Earth-like globe with 3 rings around it, quite close - a very detailed view - and it was shining like a jewel in the night sky, and emitting its own gorgeous, clean, white light all around it, like Earth was displaying her aura, and it was the brightest it had ever been. It was oriented on a pole, as planets are, and was revolving slowly, as planets do. The 3 rings appeared to be residential, or else transport mode (maybe counter-rotating and providing energy). They weren't like the rings of Saturn, whose gravitational pull has collected all the black ice and asteroid fragments to create its transmitter rings.

This Earth globe was just above the horizon, and massive (meaning practically right on top of us). My thought in the dream upon seeing it was something like: "Yes, I can clearly see it now. Cosmic Nova Gaia" (can't quite remember what I called it, if those were the exact words). She was alive, with her surface crew on board (meaning flora/fauna/people), she had light and dark patches like ocean and continents, and the bright white light was emitting from within, infusing all on her and reaching out beyond into space.

In the dream, it felt like I was just acknowledging the 5D sphere having been created and in place. I moved on with the busyness of the dream state job, and there was quite a lot of dream processing about the vision, all of which I have forgotten now.

But I was left with the general feeling she is right there with us, being her beautiful self, and we can relax because we know that.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
That is beautiful Melt. Thank you for sharing it. As I read it, I could see the new earth you were describing. Felt like you were not dreaming but living it.

Kind of ties in with this Rick Jewers update:

Rick Jewers
21 November at 01:41 ·

In 8 hours, an important Shift will begin. This Shift takes 12 hours to complete on Your linear Time. During this Shift, there will be many energetic calibrations individually. Collective Consciousness will expand further also triggering more Awakenings in the Others.
During this period, Realities will fluctuate and a state of neutrality will weed out and isolate confusion. A sequence of Events will coincide with this important Shift/Integration. You are reminded to remain in the highest discipline, not interfering and just allowing.
Some of You will be taken on Higher Consciousness trips into the near futures of these linear Timelines, to place certain Higher Energetic Design, that subsequentially, the linear timelines will attach short term.
There will be Galactic repositioning during this period, in preparation for the next phase and events.
Love and Light
Rick .


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
But who says we can't TRANSCEND that while in the physical? I'll suggest that we can toss out all that old programming, choose to experience a state of "mind over matter" and experience a whole new way of being.
Yes we can everything there is no limit ,i also belive that we will transcend this body, but is easier simply change the body( "death"), as go through transformation physical body into light body.

where we can remain youthful and healthy as long as we wish to, then gracefully shift into another state of being when we're done with that experience.
seems that you are attached to this body, if you really know yourself body doesnt matter anymore

eh it really doesn't matter,because with our mind,we can't change NO-THING.we will see what happen
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
seems that you are attached to this body, if you really know yourself body doesnt matter anymore
I don't know about so much being attached or more so some of us are loathe to starting all over again in a babies body. With the reset we rejuvinate with all our senses intact.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
That is beautiful Melt. Thank you for sharing it. As I read it, I could see the new earth you were describing. Felt like you were not dreaming but living it.

Kind of ties in with this Rick Jewers update:

Rick Jewers
21 November at 01:41 ·

In 8 hours, an important Shift will begin. This Shift takes 12 hours to complete on Your linear Time. During this Shift, there will be many energetic calibrations individually. Collective Consciousness will expand further also triggering more Awakenings in the Others.
During this period, Realities will fluctuate and a state of neutrality will weed out and isolate confusion. A sequence of Events will coincide with this important Shift/Integration. You are reminded to remain in the highest discipline, not interfering and just allowing.
Some of You will be taken on Higher Consciousness trips into the near futures of these linear Timelines, to place certain Higher Energetic Design, that subsequentially, the linear timelines will attach short term.
There will be Galactic repositioning during this period, in preparation for the next phase and events.
Love and Light
Rick .
Something changed but can t put my hand on it


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Yes we can everything there is no limit ,i also belive that we will transcend this body, but is easier simply change the body( "death"), as go through transformation physical body into light body.

seems that you are attached to this body, if you really know yourself body doesnt matter anymore

eh it really doesn't matter,because with our mind,we can't change NO-THING.we will see what happen
The physical body can ache at all possible moments some things our own errors such as yes i can lift 150kg and wasn t the case. I mostly accept my body but think further
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
I don't know about so much being attached or more so some of us are loathe to starting all over again in a babies body.
you don¨t need,you can take lightbody:D you still thinking like human !

The Light Body uses silicon as its primary building block (unlike the flesh body, which is based on carbon). CO2 is converted to SiO2 (which, as you probably guessed, is the formula of common quartz crystals). The crystal light body shimmers and sparkles to those who can see it but is invisible to those stuck in lower 3D. That is why, in the story of the rapture, people simply disappear (from the perspective of a 3D entity who stays behind). To the one who has just ascended, the world does not completely disappear, but takes on a radiance unlike anything previously experienced. It is as if a new world has been born. In actuality, both worlds existed all along, but one’s awareness was focused on the 3D/4D world. The 5D world is a place of indescribable beauty. Everything shines and vibrates. There is no birth and death, as we know them, no sickness, no aging, no worry and no fear.

Once we learn how to stop aging and remain eternally youthful, then we also learn how to create our body to be any way we like. If we get tired of it, we just change it. We dematerialize and rematerialize wherever and whenever we want (across any part of time and space). So the thought that we would get bored living forever in the same body is totally irrelevant. In higher states of consciousness, there is no such thing as boredom anyway.

sal rachele

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
you don¨t need,you can take lightbody:D you still thinking like human !
It’s not an attachment to this body for me. It’s respect and appreciation for the physical expression—and a love that seeks to transform it to something higher. I feel part of this challenging journey is to merge spirituality WITH the physical—and experience the physical in its highest, most perfect state. A perfect merging of “heaven and earth”, if you will. I figure I’ll return to a “light body” state when I’ve finished my “mission” here. And I’m not in a huge hurry to do that, either. There’s much to much beauty and expression here to still experience and create! :)
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