At the end of the day, it's all good!

This is all just a "soul adventure", so there truly is no "right or wrong". There are only "new" choices and experiences to create and/or explore.
If we truly are immortal souls (as I believe), then we literally have FOREVER to play this game. I think we'd be awfully bored without it, frankly.
As far as pre-birth agreements (soul contracts as some call them), it's still good. If things don't get done in this life experience, I'm sure I'll have another to get it done. This is actually an interesting topic I've been thinking about. A few years back, I read something that essentially said soul contracts were part of the whole "reincarnation trap" and that they should be nullified. I thought that was a good idea at the time and "disavowed" them. I just found a similar link for those who may be interested in researching/considering this info themselves:
A few years later, after much more research though, I wasn't so sure that was the right thing to do. Was I letting other selves and my soul family down? Was I letting myself down? Had I now completely screwed things up from a soul level standpoint? Was I now doomed to have to reincarnate again--and redo all my soul contracts again in order to try and finally get it right one more time?
That's when it occurred to me that maybe it was actually a part of this life's journey (or "mission") to CONSCIOUSLY CUT THOSE STRINGS and "fly free". Perhaps it's part of my "final exam" to fully free myself from all these attachments so I can really begin CHOOSING, CREATING, AND EXPLORING in earnest.
So now I have CONSCIOUSLY, in human form, freed myself and CHOSEN TO SERVE THE ONLY THE HIGHEST EXPERIENCE FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL. As far as "soul contracts" or "karma" goes, my understanding is that FORGIVENESS is the key that unlocks us from that wheel. Dolores Cannon's work expressed this many, many times and it makes perfect sense. Once we are spiritually mature enough to see past all the dramas, we begin to understand that everything is all just a part of this spiritual game we're all playing. If we can honestly FORGIVE "others" AND OURSELVES we can begin to move BEYOND the limitations that have bound us for so long. In fact, WHAT IF OUR SOUL CONTRACTS WERE INTENDED TO PUT US IN JUST SUCH A POSITION--so we could learn to forgive and set ourselves free?
THIS is exactly where I'm at now. I feel I've made exactly the right decision for me. I feel I'm doing EXACTLY the right things I need to do and that I'm doing them for exactly the right reasons. I may not consciously know what I'm doing every moment of the day, but I've never felt more "in tune" with who I truly am--and I deeply trust that when I experience my return to "the other side", I'll actually be amazed at how much I accomplished in this life!