The Event is Upon Us! (2 Viewers)

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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
It is wonderfull day here. Good time to just be. Just be gratefull for everything that is and send unconditional love to all. We are divine. We are one. We are unique. We are forver. Love wins, love heals, love is rising us up. Always. Everything other is only to discover by ourself the power of love. That ha ha, is so great. :)


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Last night was intense in aspect of energies, trasnsformations and decisions.
Hm. And most important. There is green light from Supreme Creator for mass shift to 5D all that can. Rest will stay on 3D/4D and there will be support for them, for example poeple as me, to be guides if anyone would like to shift too. And then I will have great oportunity, we will be last mans on earth an we will be there to see destruction of old 3D planet - or "sterilisation". 4D as astral construct will jut disappear in time into void.

There will difficult time maybe in next months. It will be very helpfull if we will help humanity by keeping frequency, keeping high light, and be peace. Peace. Consiononus of peace. I am. Every one who will be peace during that time will make difference. Kindess. Compasion. Not going into drama.

It is not apokalipse. Just some fals of old stuff and as normal - a lot of frustration and agreesion in mass society

Uff. What a story. What an epic story :)

Ach. And there be one wave that will be that FINAL wave. Not to late. Be prapered. How. Love. Joy. No fear. Light food. Water. Nature. And imagination about that what will come. World of peace. World of arts. World of culture. World of beaty. And not far later - contact with our galactic friends and establishing Gaia on Galactic network of light.

Dragons are there. They will work with unconsionus formless low energies that are in collective astral, mental and emotional planes. There will be desperation of people that are attached to them to surive. They say that some dark beeings will come to me. Uff. What a story o my life.

There is also notice that more and more talents will be revealed and some issues can be solved only in groups.

I hope I will learn to teleport my lightbody soon to meet you because I feel strong connection with you my dears.

I will star also a diary, blog. There is now so many things that I would like to share. I'm full of this. I will try to make PL/ENG version of blog. It will be about me just to inspire anyone that everything is possible and we are miracles.

He ha - and I need to learn how to live in four relalites. Ups. 3D4D5D10D. 10D because of frequneecy keeping that is needed to mass ascension. To be clear - I know only that I'm wrtting. I dont' understand antything but my Higher Self is lovely - there is so many messages every time to me. I'm just to make decision about actions and to be balancing power between my divine spirit and divine body to make it with easy and grace.

And ofcourse I will not stop to be with Gaia to inspire her that there is other why to wakup that earthuaqe, another way to transform low energy that vulcaons and storms :) I have so strong belive in humanity because I see what is in poeple in their harts. And I belive that knowledge gives chance to free will even in somebody is full of low energy.
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Relation between any of us and source is unique. Each of us here has this friend in Onest.
I can tell you why I love my divine parnter.
He/she respects my totally. And has faith in me. That everything that is to achieve in every moment is exact hard, eaxact easy, so new that everytime it is best of the best that showing me how deeply love is. This is wise guidance, this is joyfull guidance, this is free will guidance, this no judgment guidance.

And he is fun - now I understand why I never liked sanbox-game and prefer linear games beacuse. Tips are every where. For example - bugs. Everytime ad evening I see bug, fly, spider there will be strong energy and long nigth and shift. As last night. I don't have to understand that. Or maybe it is response of life because I always avoid to kill bugs, I'm moving them outside gentle. So I have friends also in them.

So that totally unexpected way of showing me our eternal partnership was so unexpected, so hard, so easy, so selfexpanding, so much refliecting my true energy, soul song mark.

Have no assumptions, none. Source really is fun and knows you. And it is so partnership relation. So fair.

Intention and trust that if intention was in resonance with heart, it will manifest for sure. In best possible way, in best possible time. For all. And each path is unique. And trully expect unexepected.

We are The Event. We are ones that was expected :) Humans that claimed their divinity and said - no, there is better why to do it. We will show you what is possible when there is so many of us here awaken :)

I heard that was expected to have about 144k people to make decision of shift. Hm. There is about one million of us now and it is still accelerating.

Air around me is full of gold, the same as in night. So soft. My guides said to me that I have to be aware of changes until a week. Hm. Today I had telepathic conneciton with my close friend soul that is on path just with me. World is changing.

And always follow your heart, your dreams, your passions. Even if they are so creazy as main.

Do you know that I was never fell truly my heart until few days now? I blocked it. Tottaly. Why? To be sure that timing will be accurate. There is nothing that was not planned in my life until yesterday. That was as creatin of me by me in RPG game Character Panel. Almost as that. Now I now that lat 44 I created everymoment of my life instant. With cooperation of Source. And as in every RPG game I created character to special quest. Very special quest. Oh my boy. It will be epic. And I will be uniqe beacause I'm really creazy but lovely :)

I know. I'm writting a lot of my self. But some times ago it was writting to define myself. To maybe validate myself. Now Im just love to say that as my example shows, there is true power within. There is true lovely friend-god-forever with every one uf os. And we are doing something that is epic and it will be great party in future. This is my dream that comes true. This is more that Heaven :) Yes. Wow.,
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Any idea of hint how to start to explore 6D ;) Now it is a lot of colours, something like rotating transparent fluid. Wow. It is happening, It is now anchored in my timeline / europe zone 9D but it is to diffucult for me to balance in such frequency, But that facts bring to me idea that I;m already in lightbody only and I just only belive that it is still old carbon in my mind, this explains a lot :)

I'm in magic world and in old in the same time. Both. I it so cool.

Michael said that there will be some nice issues to do with soul families also, not solo :)

Anyone of you have expiirence with this reality? I'm was never here abd now I'm in awake state here because my subciosius mind is layer by layter starting to be consious. There was warning on shift from Michael - you have to be grounded and free of fear because you can lost. I am grounded as rock, my dear Gaia keeps me because we are in love.

Wow. Wow. I want to meet you in some why. I have to meet you asap just to hug you. What a story. Now it is staying more and more clear and realy I feel that this is something that I know and it is something that is cocreated by me and now many moments of my imaginations in last 18 years connects as web of dots. Wow. I hope there is a manual somwhere ? Ha ha ha :)

Love you. I'm so happy that I passed this journey with you there. Wow.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Can I share a secret with you my friends? I go through dimensions of space, mind blowing spaces and so deep feelings, lot of understandings. But I'm still don't know how to be in better connection with my wife. Because all I see is me. It is so clear now. :) Thank you life that I have trust in love and I like to play with creations :) Thank you life that I trust that existence is good and for joy. And that I still don't understand what is in really happening but I don't care. I feel good. And what to play

Can you imagine? I tried to learn liquid dreams when I was about 18-20. I learned it. And when I arrived just sited to medidate and there was in moment a flash of brighit light and end. Maybe I'm still in that liquid dream? Ha. And I was cutted from any idea of practice liquid dreams - immidiettly next morning I lost interest, I lost skill. I tried few years later and then next. Nothing. Blockage.

Now I'm in dream in awake state with full presence. It was good to wait :)

There is a lot of movement, entities, lines... wow. What a suprprise. I suppose that my computer is also dreamed ;) And that I dont need this forum to be with any of you because there is no space, no time. There are only we. And our feelings, our passions. O yeah, I am in flow.

Michael said that in this space we can create what will manifest in 3D/4D. And that I'm multidimensional now. Oh my goodnes. What a ride.

So - see you. Soon :) Don't be afraid. There is only love. Only fear is fear that we allow to yourself. Only judgment is by ourselfes. Be your heart's passions. Earth is free. Now we can start to think how to arrange paradise ;)

And I'm wonder. Is that really for global timeline now or there as just many timelines and for example some people are on New Earth from longer time? Because that what is happening in my reality is so connected to what I'm doing, shifitng in me so it will be very creazy to think that world was moved for example also with my heart in last time.

I wonder if I ever will now what is my history. Who I am :) Why that all stuff is so familiar to me. And why I'm starting to lost memory about my life on ... Earth. It is now so strange to take it for serious that I was really living on Earth born in 1974. This is so fun bacause last night I installed a filter on akash to give only best from my expirence to work with in my new life.

Do you know that there was few times that I remeber that it will be nice to be a kid again but have my wisdom and loving heart as now. Trust and freedin as now. And there is. Wow.

There will be so great time now for us :) Us. People that was so creazy to belive wihout seeing.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
And why I'm starting to lost memory about my life on ... Earth. It is now so strange to take it for serious that I was really living on Earth born in 1974
Yes, as with waves crashing on the sandy floor of the beach - the foam doesn't last long. It doesn't need to. It was the energy of the moment, and now that moment has crowned. That foam just dissolves back into all that is, and another wave crash can come along.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I am grounded as rock, my dear Gaia keeps me because we are in love.
Not that I'm a bible quoter, but obviously that is pertinent to building your house on the rock foundation. And the way you mention it, it becomes clear that we love our mother, Gaia, and our mother, Gaia, loves us. What more steady rock of foundation could we find?


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Now Im just love to say that as my example shows, there is true power within
I understand that you are sharing with us your words of wonder at your own growth/expansion, as it may perchance be a fleeting image of memory arising in us if one of us also experiences that type of unfolding in the moment of now. Although it will pass, your words will also keep a resonance.
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Something like that. For example few weeks ago Kryon shown me how to interact with inmate. My polish close soul woman I few times wrote you about has almost the same path as me. She is following my expiriences but easier beacuse expirience is shared now. She has another friend, young woman healer. She was in lot of internal strugles from some about year. And from few days ago she stateted to cooperate with her talents of energy healing. Only beacuse throuh me to my friend and to her just passed that expirience how talk with innate. Thanks to that she startet to feel confirmations of her reads of healt of others.

Generally as Michael said to me there is no neet to talk about this between souls that are in touch. It is just natural sharing, If one of us expirenced something and other will have need of that - it will come faster to him, already with intuition.

And our dear Michael after todays "struggles and balancing" of different perspectives for The Even that will force something on sleepers. There was a lot of movements in me. Finaly he said to me - now you understand that you schould stop make predictions ha ha ha :) Sure. It is not wise,
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Relation between any of us and source is unique. Each of us here has this friend in Onest.
I can tell you why I love my divine parnter.
He/she respects my totally. And has faith in me. That everything that is to achieve in every moment is exact hard, eaxact easy, so new that everytime it is best of the best that showing me how deeply love is. This is wise guidance, this is joyfull guidance, this is free will guidance, this no judgment guidance.

And he is fun - now I understand why I never liked sanbox-game and prefer linear games beacuse. Tips are every where. For example - bugs. Everytime ad evening I see bug, fly, spider there will be strong energy and long nigth and shift. As last night. I don't have to understand that. Or maybe it is response of life because I always avoid to kill bugs, I'm moving them outside gentle. So I have friends also in them.

So that totally unexpected way of showing me our eternal partnership was so unexpected, so hard, so easy, so selfexpanding, so much refliecting my true energy, soul song mark.

Have no assumptions, none. Source really is fun and knows you. And it is so partnership relation. So fair.

Intention and trust that if intention was in resonance with heart, it will manifest for sure. In best possible way, in best possible time. For all. And each path is unique. And trully expect unexepected.

We are The Event. We are ones that was expected :) Humans that claimed their divinity and said - no, there is better why to do it. We will show you what is possible when there is so many of us here awaken :)

I heard that was expected to have about 144k people to make decision of shift. Hm. There is about one million of us now and it is still accelerating.

Air around me is full of gold, the same as in night. So soft. My guides said to me that I have to be aware of changes until a week. Hm. Today I had telepathic conneciton with my close friend soul that is on path just with me. World is changing.

And always follow your heart, your dreams, your passions. Even if they are so creazy as main.

Do you know that I was never fell truly my heart until few days now? I blocked it. Tottaly. Why? To be sure that timing will be accurate. There is nothing that was not planned in my life until yesterday. That was as creatin of me by me in RPG game Character Panel. Almost as that. Now I now that lat 44 I created everymoment of my life instant. With cooperation of Source. And as in every RPG game I created character to special quest. Very special quest. Oh my boy. It will be epic. And I will be uniqe beacause I'm really creazy but lovely :)

I know. I'm writting a lot of my self. But some times ago it was writting to define myself. To maybe validate myself. Now Im just love to say that as my example shows, there is true power within. There is true lovely friend-god-forever with every one uf os. And we are doing something that is epic and it will be great party in future. This is my dream that comes true. This is more that Heaven :) Yes. Wow.,
i think it was at the base it was 144.000 for the trigger, the new awakened which growth and growth in number make all possible, the stronger we become the faster the event arrives. Today was again a day of interesting subjects

such a pleasure to read your insights, i have moments i sense the whole brain together very rare moments, and i had moments when i felt how the body pumped from the interior which at that moment suprised me which is normal for new or new old things to make surface


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Any idea of hint how to start to explore 6D ;) Now it is a lot of colours, something like rotating transparent fluid. Wow. It is happening, It is now anchored in my timeline / europe zone 9D but it is to diffucult for me to balance in such frequency, But that facts bring to me idea that I;m already in lightbody only and I just only belive that it is still old carbon in my mind, this explains a lot :)

I'm in magic world and in old in the same time. Both. I it so cool.

Michael said that there will be some nice issues to do with soul families also, not solo :)

Anyone of you have expiirence with this reality? I'm was never here abd now I'm in awake state here because my subciosius mind is layer by layter starting to be consious. There was warning on shift from Michael - you have to be grounded and free of fear because you can lost. I am grounded as rock, my dear Gaia keeps me because we are in love.

Wow. Wow. I want to meet you in some why. I have to meet you asap just to hug you. What a story. Now it is staying more and more clear and realy I feel that this is something that I know and it is something that is cocreated by me and now many moments of my imaginations in last 18 years connects as web of dots. Wow. I hope there is a manual somwhere ? Ha ha ha :)

Love you. I'm so happy that I passed this journey with you there. Wow.
manual in the soul
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
We are making that together so it is also my pelasure that I can translate us from One Heart to text.

And I can wait to start new project ha ha ha :) And even I have idea what it will be ;) Thank fully this process gives not only big heart but also big mind so it is easier to connect dots ;) But that doesn't change my passion ha ha
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I've been practicing counting the seconds without a watch for working out, lighting a pilot flame, rebooting the computer, and more. About 2-3 weeks ago in November 2018 I looked at my watch and it was going twice as fast as normal. It has not happened since. It was quite odd.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Hmm, I've certainly had times when time seemed to either slow down or speed up, but never anything that I'd been able to double check on:cool:
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Here is a wee , free offering from Lucia Rene. Funnily enough, I listened to it in the small hours and I have awoken this morning with an "enough is enough" energy bout me, though I did not real*eyes what it was until I just posted Lucia's words. Yes it is time!

"The free mp3 file, Divine Feminine Game Point Prelude, below, speaks to the time between now and the December Solstice. It describes how we are being asked to reclaim, as much as we are able, our true spiritual essences—all of which are aspects of the Divine Mother’s energy spectrum—and to stand with Mother Earth, giving her our full support.

We may have been fighters in the past. We may have experienced anger and frustration with the Patriarchy. But now, we are being asked to rise above our grievances and our polarities and to simply stand. To stand in solidarity with Mother Earth and Mother Divine, a standing that resonates as: Enough is Enough."
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This is one of the most delightful posts I have read in a long time......I can almost see it myself! From The CATS

So. One of the commenters said they could SEE now that we’re on the other side of the “doorway,” and that they saw a wall of light. So, we thought we’d check, and… dot dot dot…

…YES. We see that, too. It’s about time!

We do indeed (finally) see a Wall of Light heading for us, with something else there… like this wave/wall has a pulse to it. We’re gonna hazard a guess and say that this is indeed The Event wave. (All that’s happening is technically The Event, but this may be the big one everyone’s been waiting for all these years.)


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Here is a wee , free offering from Lucia Rene. Funnily enough, I listened to it in the small hours and I have awoken this morning with an "enough is enough" energy bout me, though I did not real*eyes what it was until I just posted Lucia's words. Yes it is time!

"The free mp3 file, Divine Feminine Game Point Prelude, below, speaks to the time between now and the December Solstice. It describes how we are being asked to reclaim, as much as we are able, our true spiritual essences—all of which are aspects of the Divine Mother’s energy spectrum—and to stand with Mother Earth, giving her our full support.

We may have been fighters in the past. We may have experienced anger and frustration with the Patriarchy. But now, we are being asked to rise above our grievances and our polarities and to simply stand. To stand in solidarity with Mother Earth and Mother Divine, a standing that resonates as: Enough is Enough."
Ooh, this rings true in my bones!


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
This is one of the most delightful posts I have read in a long time......I can almost see it myself! From The CATS
I believe a good number of people read that posting from the CATS and are very curious -I'm one of them. Have you been able to find some verification from any other source my dear Pod?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Not yet Carl, but it feels right. I will post as soon as I find something. Most seers are feelers as opposed to see=ers if you get my meaning.

As soon as I read it I knew it to be true and I can see it always now, as if it's progress is locked in my inner vision!

Exciting isn't it?


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
My firends, for me is time to release a story about The Event. It was very helpful to me to have this idea in me. It was a dream for me first, then dilema and finnally a mirror about me.

And this a song that is very about my feelings, my soul song. In this now. I hope you will enoy that flow :)



Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
I believe a good number of people read that posting from the CATS and are very curious -I'm one of them. Have you been able to find some verification from any other source my dear Pod?
SOC comment
Changes in *physical reality?* Meshes with what the lovely Audrey Kitching (her twitter) says about December Solstice–the end of 3D and finally in higher dimensions for real, (and Aluna Joy Yaxkim says the end of January), but I feel at peace for the most part at last

soon,very soon :cool:
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Our dog woke me up very, very early. So, I got up with him for breakfast, etc. Went back to bed and he was walking around - not agitated or worried but more like aware of something. Then he jumped up beside me and settled down. I closed my eyes and a vision popped in along with the words - "this is your gift". Is this my gift to the world or a gift to me - don't know. Here is a picture of what I saw.

torsion field.jpg


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
That looks like the inside of a torus, maybe an energy field. Last night I was wide awake at 1am at almost 3 am I was unable to sleep so I got up and poked around the internet for a bit. At 3:30 I tried to get back to sleep then slept till 8, freaking out my wife insomuch that I never sleep past 6 and she seriously had to check if I was still breathing. lol Something was afoot last night. Even a comment on SOC echoed my experience. Hmmm


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I agree with everything Pucksterguy says (except the worried wife bit) and yes, the energy was strange.

I think it looks awesome, it looks like a bridge between two realities. Gosh I wish these Beings would be more specific. I had a blackboard flash in front of my eyes with writing on it a few days ago, but not for long enough to read it. I mean, PLEASE!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
That looks like the inside of a torus
I believe it is as you said. I finally thought of the right word for my dog's behavior - expectant. I will say that when I awoke 3 hours later, I felt great, as if I slept for 8 hours.

PS - I understand your wife's feelings - done the same.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Gosh I wish these Beings would be more specific.
:-D I know what you mean. Spoken and written language can be so cumbersome. I did an exercise about language a long time ago - write down the steps to making a peanut butter sandwich for someone who knows nothing - harder than you might think.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I agree with everything Pucksterguy says (except the worried wife bit) and yes, the energy was strange.

I think it looks awesome, it looks like a bridge between two realities. Gosh I wish these Beings would be more specific. I had a blackboard flash in front of my eyes with writing on it a few days ago, but not for long enough to read it. I mean, PLEASE!
such insomnia i hadn t had but i was on far better mood than most the time at work, so the others started to question what is wrong, they never saw shining light by the reaction


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
Our dog woke me up very, very early. So, I got up with him for breakfast, etc. Went back to bed and he was walking around - not agitated or worried but more like aware of something. Then he jumped up beside me and settled down. I closed my eyes and a vision popped in along with the words - "this is your gift". Is this my gift to the world or a gift to me - don't know. Here is a picture of what I saw.

View attachment 5982
That looks like the inside of a torus,
Yes, it looks like the inside of a horn torus :-

A horn torus is supposed to be the best representation of this universe (2d of a 3d of a 4d), it is also a good representation of the energy setup of planets and stars.

The energy coming into the earth at the moment is very , urrh, very!
I've never, in all my years of healing felt it like this before, it's been especially heavy for me since last Friday, extremely uncomfortable over the weekend.
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