Relation between any of us and source is unique. Each of us here has this friend in Onest.
I can tell you why I love my divine parnter.
He/she respects my totally. And has faith in me. That everything that is to achieve in every moment is exact hard, eaxact easy, so new that everytime it is best of the best that showing me how deeply love is. This is wise guidance, this is joyfull guidance, this is free will guidance, this no judgment guidance.
And he is fun - now I understand why I never liked sanbox-game and prefer linear games beacuse. Tips are every where. For example - bugs. Everytime ad evening I see bug, fly, spider there will be strong energy and long nigth and shift. As last night. I don't have to understand that. Or maybe it is response of life because I always avoid to kill bugs, I'm moving them outside gentle. So I have friends also in them.
So that totally unexpected way of showing me our eternal partnership was so unexpected, so hard, so easy, so selfexpanding, so much refliecting my true energy, soul song mark.
Have no assumptions, none. Source really is fun and knows you. And it is so partnership relation. So fair.
Intention and trust that if intention was in resonance with heart, it will manifest for sure. In best possible way, in best possible time. For all. And each path is unique. And trully expect unexepected.
We are The Event. We are ones that was expected

Humans that claimed their divinity and said - no, there is better why to do it. We will show you what is possible when there is so many of us here awaken
I heard that was expected to have about 144k people to make decision of shift. Hm. There is about one million of us now and it is still accelerating.
Air around me is full of gold, the same as in night. So soft. My guides said to me that I have to be aware of changes until a week. Hm. Today I had telepathic conneciton with my close friend soul that is on path just with me. World is changing.
And always follow your heart, your dreams, your passions. Even if they are so creazy as main.
Do you know that I was never fell truly my heart until few days now? I blocked it. Tottaly. Why? To be sure that timing will be accurate. There is nothing that was not planned in my life until yesterday. That was as creatin of me by me in RPG game Character Panel. Almost as that. Now I now that lat 44 I created everymoment of my life instant. With cooperation of Source. And as in every RPG game I created character to special quest. Very special quest. Oh my boy. It will be epic. And I will be uniqe beacause I'm really creazy but lovely
I know. I'm writting a lot of my self. But some times ago it was writting to define myself. To maybe validate myself. Now Im just love to say that as my example shows, there is true power within. There is true lovely friend-god-forever with every one uf os. And we are doing something that is epic and it will be great party in future. This is my dream that comes true. This is more that Heaven

Yes. Wow.,